OTC struggles with recession, but mass market offers bigger future With a population approaching 40mn, and with POLAND: market background accession to the EU expected in 2004, Poland seems to be one of the most obvious targets for
Population: 38.6mnExchange rate: US$1.00 = PZL 3.95*
OTC marketers in Central & Eastern Europe.
Exchange rate: ¤1.00 = PZL 3.52*Pharmacies: 10,000
Boosted by the opening of the mass market,
OTC distribution: pharmacy + some mass market salesOTC market size: US$576mn† (¤647mn / PZL2.3bn)
among other developments, the Polish OTC market is now larger than that of Spain – one of the Big Five markets of Western Europe. And with the 1998 economic crisis in Russia, Poland also OTC trends in Poland succeeded Russia as the largest OTC market in CEE. But things are not all well. Here, with the
Recession in the Polish economy and availability of
help of Agnieszka Buksowicz of APC Instytut, we
prescription alternatives has left the Polish OTC market
review progress and current pharma trends.
facing a period of relative stagnation. Poles buy chiefly
indispensable medicines prescribed by the doctor and so,
Polish OTC facts and figures
in times of economic uncertainty, they tend to limit the
consumption of less important OTC preparations. This
Besides Russia, Poland has the most potential for OTC in
trend is supported by data from AzyX Polska, which shows
CEE. Close to 1.4bn packs of drugs were sold in Poland
that consumption of OTCs rose by only 1.3% in volume
in 2001, with the total Rx+OTC pharma market worth
terms in 2001, whereas Rx turnover grew by 5.7% in the
US$2.4bn (¤2.7bn / PZL9.5bn) at manufacturer’s selling
same period. After dynamic expansion of the OTC sector in
prices (MSP), according to AzyX Polska. OTC sales
recent years, this growth is much below average. Sales
represented almost one-quarter of this figure
growth still reached 12.2% in value terms – primarily
(see Fig 1); vitamins, minerals & dietary supplements
the result of price rises – but it can be expected that the
constituted the single largest OTC category (see Fig 2).
foreseeable future development of the OTC sector will be
“Poland remains a commodity market – generics constitute 85% of drug sales” Fig 1 POLAND: pharmaceuticals market by sector 2001
Poland has traditionally been, and remains, a commodity
market – 85% of the drugs bought in Poland are generics. Rx retail 66%
Many Polish manufacturers supply the domestic market
with cheap products, which appeal to the substantial part
of society that exists on low income (especially older
people – the heaviest drug consumers). Around half of
the drugs available in Poland are produced by 66 Polish
Hospitals 10%
companies. Domestic medicines accounted for 69% of
turnover in unit terms in 2001. Nevertheless, it is more
Total market = US$2.4bn (PZL9.5bn / ¤2.7bn) at MSP
expensive, imported drugs which took two-thirds of the
total market by value (see Fig 3 overleaf).
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DECEMBER 2002 53 FIG 2 POLAND: OTC market by major POLAND: recent OTC launches category 2001 Marketer Category Cough & cold 19% Analgesics 19% Others 23%
Source: industry estimates; full year sales by volume
slower than Rx channels, unless the Polish economy
PZL14bn (US$3.6bn / ¤4.0bn) by 2005 – or a ¤100
recovers and thereby improves the material situation of
(US$89) per capita spend. Some observers set a figure
Polish consumers. According to AzyX Polska, the total
pharma market grew by 9.8% to PZL4.8bn (US$1.2bn /
¤1.4bn) MSP in the first seven months of 2002, which
represents a 9.3% increase over the same period in 2001. OTC advertising
But this growth can be seen as a direct effect of the
OTC advertising expenditure has been growing year
implementation of the new reimbursement list prices
on year since 1999 – rising by 50% in 2000 and then
in April – when pharmacies stocked up with bulk
by another 48% in 2001, according to Expert Monitor.
purchases at the new prices; OTCs are still facing a
In the first eight months of 2002, OTC marketers spent
PZL355mn (US$90mn / ¤101mn) on A+P, again according
to Expert Monitor; while this represents a slowdown
Despite the recent recession, pharma market prospects are
compared with previous years, it nevertheless constitutes
still considered to be promising. Indeed, analysts from the
an increase of 7% in comparison to the same period last
World Bank foresee that pharmaceuticals will achieve
year and demonstrates the growing trend towards using
average yearly growth of around 9% over the next few
years. This would mean that the total market could pass
“OTC advertising expenditure has been growing consistently, year on year” FIG 3 POLAND: domestic vs foreign drug market share by value 2001
In terms of total advertising, OTCs were the second most-
Foreign marketers 65.5%
advertised consumer goods, after beverages, in 2001. The
most popular medium to advertise OTCs is television (see
Fig 4, right), with other media serving mainly to support
huge TV ad campaigns. Vitamins & minerals plus cough &
cold preparations are the bestselling and most advertised
OTCs (Fig 5, top right), benefiting from factors such as the
Domestic marketers 34.5%
climate and the hypochondriac disposition typical of many
Poles. Two of the three most active OTC advertisers are
local firms (see box, right), while the other is GSK, which
Source: AzyX Polska, full year data at MSP
inherited a large portfolio from Polfa Poznan.
Simpliƒyle 11 54 DECEMBER 2002 FIG 4 POLAND: FIG 5 POLAND: adspend by major OTC OTC adspend by media 2001 category 2001 Cough & cold 27% Television 79% Magazines 17% Analgesics 18% Circulatory aids 6% Newspaper 2% Others 16%
Total OTC adspend = PZL612mn (US$155mn / ¤170mn)
Total OTC adspend = PZL612mn (US$155mn / ¤170mn)
Since the introduction of the new Medicine Act in October
For years, PGF (Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna) has been
2002, OTC producers have been given a more difficult
the largest distributor of medicines. However, Farmacol
task to attract potential customers. The new law has
has raised its position, from a 9% market share in 1999
implemented several new obstacles for public advertising
to 17% in 2001, by buying the big operator, Cefarm
(this subject is discussed in Regulatory Brief, pp70-71).
Warszawa, and thus strengthening its position in central
Poland. Furthermore, by the end of this year, Cefarm
Further consolidation of the
Szczecin will also formally join Farmacol. Meanwhile,
PGF is waiting to make a move after the upcoming
wholesale market
privatisation of Cefarm Kraków. PGF’s prestige has
The Polish distribution system consists of three links
grown recently as the company entered the WIG20 – a list
– pre-wholesale, wholesale and retail trade. There are four
of the biggest 20 companies trading on the Warsaw Stock
big players and a lot of mid-sized and small companies
Exchange. As reported in this month’s Newsbrief (p73),
(see Fig 6). Overall, there are some 400 wholesalers,
fourth-placed Prosper has also declared its ambition to
serving around 10,000 pharmacies. As a result of recent
realise a friendly merger with a major rival.
consolidation, the role of pre-wholesale has been losing
its importance. All major distributors – such as PGF,
New channels of OTC distribution
Farmacol, Orfe and Prosper – are active in this area, to
While mass market sales of some OTCs are permitted,
a greater or lesser extent, and so can also provide a link
by no means all OTCs can be sold outside pharmacies. FIG 6 POLAND: pharma distributors POLAND: leading OTC advertisers market share 2001 % share-of-voice Farmacol 17% Prosper 10% Others 37%
Total OTC adspend = PZL612mn (US$155mn / ¤170mn)
Simpliƒyle 11
DECEMBER 2002 55
Decisions to this effect are made by the Ministry of Health
product sector that is developing more rapidly than other
on an individual basis for each OTC. Sometimes the
decisions are arbitrary, as often one OTC can be sold in
supermarkets while another one with exactly the same
According to research conducted by CAL Company
ingredients cannot. A new list of OTCs permitted to be
Assistance, consumers find analgesics to be the most
sold outside pharmacies is published every year. A new list
important OTCs which they can buy outside pharmacies –
comes into effect this month: in total 3,261 OTC products
brands such as Apap (US Pharmacia), Panadol (GSK),
will be available outside pharmacies – 1,700 in herbal
Etopiryna (Polpharma) and Bayer Aspirin. Consumers
stores, 1,440 in drugstores and 121 in any shops, such as
currently spend 18% of total drug expenditure outside
supermarkets, news-stands and petrol stations.
the pharmacy and this figure will only grow in the future.
However, the OTC mass market is seen by most pharma
Accession to the EU
companies as the most dynamic and fast-moving sector
As discussed earlier, the Polish pharmaceuticals market
and a place in which to gain a foothold. At the same time,
is concerned mainly with the production of generics.
OTC is also being recognised by mass market retailers as a
However, after accession to the EU, Polish producers
will be forced to conform to rigorous EU regulations. The Polish pharmaceutical holding
Inevitably, some Polish drugs will not achieve the
In order to create a big Polish pharmaceutical company
necessary standards and will no longer be approved for
that will be able to compete with foreign firms after
sale. In particular, this will cause many older drugs to be
joining the EU, the Government has decided to create a
removed from the market and some small companies will
holding by consolidating up to four of the remaining
be forced out of business. On the positive side, industry
state-owned companies. This umbrella company would
observers expect EU entry to boost OTC sales. At present,
include Polfa Tarchomin, Polfa Warszawa, Polfa
OTCs account for 24% of total pharma sales in Poland,
Pabianice and perhaps also Jelfa – which is still more
whereas in the EU this figure reaches as much as 40%.
than 30% owned by the Treasury (this story was also
Drug price rises are also anticipated, in order to counter
reported in Newsbrief, October 2002, p25). Completion
the threat of parallel importing to other EU states – this
of the merger is planned for the beginning of 2003, and
the new entity could hit the trading floor of the Warsaw
Stock Exchange in the first quarter of 2004, raising
As throughout the world, the issue of pharmaceuticals is a
money for development and investment. According to
sensitive subject in Poland. While the new Medicine Act
the Treasury Minister, the holding will be worth ¤150-
implemented in October (see Regulatory Brief, pp71-72)
220mn (US$130mn-200mn) and will hold up to a 16%
is, on the one hand, limiting the scope for public
share of the pharmaceuticals market in Poland. Potential
advertising of OTCs, it is on the other hand liberalising
investors include several US companies, as well as the
Polish Ciech – a formerly state-owned import-export
access to new distribution channels, allowing more and
intermediary for the Polish chemicals industry, which still
more OTC drugs to be sold outside pharmacies. Overall,
owns the Polfa trademark for exports.
and despite the recent recession – which out of all
pharma categories hit OTCs to the greatest extent –
The idea is to improve the condition of the domestic
many experts foresee that OTCs will be a driving force
pharma sector and allow the state budget to save
of the Polish pharmaceuticals market in the future.
money on drug subsidies. Currently, more expensive
foreign medicines constitute 72% of reimbursement
This article was written by APC Instytut.
costs, while only 28% is accounted for by domestic
For more information about APC’s services
drugs; the treasury wants to change this proportion
for pharma companies, see details on p72.
Simpliƒyle 11 56 DECEMBER 2002
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