ATLA 32, 417–423, 2004 Twenty-first Scandinavian Cell Toxicology Workshop 417
Microinjection of Living Adherent Cells by Using a
Institute of Automation and Control, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland Summary — Testing in vitro is an alternative to animal experimentation. The capillary pressure microinjec-
tion technique is a supporting technology for efficient in vitro testing. The main benefit of the technique
is the possibility of injecting large molecules into a single living cell. The ultimate goal of the research dis-
cussed in this paper is to increase the cell survival rate in capillary pressure microinjection. A method to reli-
ably evaluate cell survival rate is therefore needed. A three-phase evaluation process is presented in this
paper. The first phase determines the success rate of the injection capillary to penetrate the cell membrane.
The second phase studies the success rate of delivering the injection substance inside the cell, while the
third phase studies cell survival after the microinjection. In addition to the three-phase evaluation process,
this paper describes the initial results of penetration and injection tests performed by using a semi-auto-
matic capillary pressure microinjection system developed by the research group. Three adherent cell lines,
namely, retinal pigment epithelial cells, MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells,
were used in the experiments. The results of the penetration tests show that the average success rate of
penetrating the cell membrane using the micromanipulator was 87%. The goal of the injection tests was
to demonstrate the successful microinjection of living cells and to study the injection success rate.
Fluorescein dextran was injected into MCF-7 cells, and preliminary results showed an injection success rate
of 49%. In the survival tests, the neuronal cells were microinjected with KCl. During long-term observation
after the microinjection, the microinjected cells first decreased their adhesion to the plate, but later
adhered to the bottom of the plate and even grew some dendrites. In the next phase of the study, more
tests will be performed in order to obtain a statistically reliable value for the survival rate.
Key words: adherent cells, capillary pressure microinjection, cell curvival rate, injection success rate, micromanipulator, penetration success rate, semi-automatic microinjection.Address for correspondence: K. Viigipuu, Institute of Automation and Control, Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 692, 33101 Tampere, Finland.
microinjection has been the introduction of com-
Living cells are increasingly used in drug discovery,
puter control in the micromanipulation and
functional genomics, toxicology and many other
microinjection processes, as well as the control and
fields. One of the reasons is the trend toward reduc-
standardisation of experimental conditions such as
ing the need for laboratory animals in experiments.
the preparation of the cells and the reproducible
Therefore, there is an increasing need for alterna-
production of injection microcapillaries (1, 2)
tive methods to animal experimentation.
The best injection rates — a successful injection
Capillary pressure microinjection (CPM) is one of
of a substance into a cell — are said to be as high as
the supporting technologies for in vitro testing. The
70–80% (3), while the average cell survival rates
main benefit of this technique is the possibility of
achieved with the CPM technique are around 50%
injecting macromolecules into a single living cell.
(4). However, as far as we know, the success rates
The technique is already used in many application
areas. Microinjection experiments are performed in
areas such as cytology, physiology, genetic engi-
The limited number of cells that can be injected
neering, molecular biology, virology, tumour biol-
in a certain time is a disadvantage of the tech-
ogy, developmental biology, pharmacology and
nique (5). Thus, there is a demand for automation
to increase the injection rate. Another aspect to be
Substances are typically injected into a cell to
considered is the mechanical damage caused to
manipulate and monitor the fundamental biochem-
the cell when penetrating the membrane. The
istry of the specific living cell. Cellular organelles,
speed must be sufficiently high to penetrate the
proteins, enzymes, antibodies, genes, metabolites,
cell successfully, without damaging the cell. The
ions, DNA and RNA, and various markers, for
velocity at which the tip of the microcapillary
enters the cell can be in the order of 700µm/s (6).
This paper provides a systematic approach for
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) sup-
evaluation of the CPM technique, which includes
plemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS),
three phases for the determination of success rates
5mM glutamine, and an antibiotic-antimycotic solu-
for penetration, injection and cell survival. The
tion (AB-AM; 100 units/ml penicillin, 100g/ml
survival rate related to the technique itself is
streptomycin, 250ng/ml amphotericin B). MCF-7
needed as a reference: when a potentially harmful
cells were cultured in phenol red-free DMEM with
substance is injected into a cell, the probability
F12 (DMEM/F12), supplemented with 5% dextran-
that the cell dies due to the procedure itself must
coated, charcoal-stripped treated, FBS, plus peni-
be known and taken into account. In order to reli-
cillin-streptomycin, 10ng/ml insulin, and 1nM
ably determine cell survival rates for various
17β-oestradiol. SH-SY5Y cells were grown in 1:1
microinjections, the injection success and penetra-
minimum essential medium/Ham’s F-12 medium
tion success rates must be known. The injection
(Kaighn’s modification), supplemented with AB-
success rate is important when the effect of the
AM, 10% FBS, 2mM L-glutamine and 0.1mM non-
injected substance is considered, since the proba-
essential amino acids. For transportation and tests
bility with which the substance is delivered into
outside the incubator, the medium was replaced
the cell must be known. The penetration success
with Leibowitz L-15 medium (Sigma-Aldrich,
rate is important when the effect of the procedure
Munich, Germany; L5520), which requires no pH
itself is considered, as the probability with which
adjustment with carbon dioxide, supplemented with
the microcapillary penetrates the cell membrane
5% dextran-coated, charcoal-stripped treated, FBS,
must be known, in order to evaluate the adverse
penicillin-streptomycin, 10ng/ml insulin, 1nM 17β-
Microcapillaries (Femtotip II; Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany), with an outer diameter of 0.7µm and an
inner diameter of 0.5µm (± 0.1µm), were used.
Experiments were performed on adherent cell lines.
Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were used in
the experiments, mainly because of their availabil-
Injection substances
ity and favourable characteristics. These cells are
not too sensitive to environmental changes and
KCl and fluorescein dextran (fluorescein isothio-
mechanical effects. RPE cells were originally iso-
cyanate) were used as injection substances.
lated from fresh pig eyes obtained from a local
slaughterhouse. The cells were passaged for a max-
imum of four times before they were used for the
Semi-automatic microinjection system
tests. At this point, RPE cells still resemble their invivo counterparts and are not dedifferentiated. RPE
The system consists of a micromanipulator, a pres-
cells were grown in 92mm × 17mm Petri dishes
sure injector, a vision system, a cell incubation sys-
(Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark). A second adherent cell
tem and software. The system uses the CPM
line used was the human breast cancer cell line,
MCF-7, provided by Professor Pirkko Härkönen
(University of Turku, Finland). SH-SY5Y human
neuroblastoma cells were used to demonstrate that
the CPM method also works with a more sensitive
adherent cell line. The SH-SY5Y cells were obtained
The MANiPEN micromanipulator developed by the
from the American Type Culture Collection
research group was used for the high-precision posi-
(Rockville, MD, USA; cat no. CLR-2266). They grew
tioning of the microcapillary. Positioning tasks
as a mixture of floating and adherent cells and
include: a) locating the tip of the microcapillary in
exhibited fine cell processes (neurites). Both MCF-7
the field of view of the microscope; b) moving the tip
and SH-SY5Y cells were grown in 12-well multi-
toward the cells; and c) penetrating the cell mem-
brane. The MANiPEN micromanipulator is a joy-
stick-controlled, semi-automatic device. After the
microcapillary is positioned on a chosen cell by
using the joystick, the microinjection is triggered by
pressing a button on the joystick. The micromanip-
All cell culture media and supplements were from
ulator is fixed to a stand at such an angle that the
Gibco Invitrogen Life Sciences (Paisley, UK). The
tip of the microcapillary can be located in a well of
maintenance medium for RPE cells contained
Microinjection of cells by using a semi-automatic system 419
Pressure injector
1. Lower the microcapillary by using the joystick-
controlled micromanipulator until the tip of the
The micromanipulator is connected with a pres-
sure injector (MPPI-2; Applied Scientific
Instruments, Eugene, OR, USA). The pressure
2. Press the injection button on the joystick for
injector has one channel, and its pressure range is
microinjection. The injection pressure used for
0–700kPa. Settings for the applied pressure, such
neuronal cells was around 0–40kPa in the
as the amount and duration of the pressure pulse,
experiments described in this paper. This corre-
and the amount of balance pressure, are changed
manually by using dials. The pressure pulse is
3. Continue injecting cells in the chosen field of
Vision system
4. Move to the next field of view and repeat the
microinjection procedure, or start cell monitor-
The vision system includes an inverted optical
microscope, a charge coupled device camera, a
frame grabber and vision algorithms. The vision
system makes it possible to record the event of
microinjection, as well as long-term monitoring of
The ultimate goal of the research is to increase the
cell survival rate in CPM procedures, so a method
for evaluating cell survival rate is needed. The first
Cell incubation system
steps in the evaluation of the cell survival rate are
evaluations of penetration and injection rates. The
The system includes an incubation chamber (Chip-
following sections will propose methods for a reli-
Man Technologies, Tampere, Finland), which mim-
able evaluation of the penetration success, injection
ics the environment of the cells in vivo by
success and cell survival rates. Furthermore, initial
results for the semi-automatic CPM system devel-
oped by the group are given. In the course of the
experiments described in this paper, the site of
microinjections (nucleus/cytoplasm) has not been
the focus of interest. The injections were made in
The system consists of two computers, one to con-
the highest part of the cell, near the nuclear area.
trol the micromanipulator, and one to control the
Penetration tests Microinjection procedure
For the successful microinjection of living cells, pre-
cise penetration of the cell membrane is needed.
To start a microinjection procedure, the cell
The cell membrane has elastic properties and could
medium is changed to Leibowitz L-15, as the cells
deform under the microcapillary, preventing pene-
are open to the air during the experiment. It is
tration. In this study, penetration tests were per-
preferable to choose an area where the cells are well
formed to evaluate the success rate of penetration.
spread, as this makes it easier to inject a single cell
The visual validation of membrane penetration is
at a time. In cases where special dyes are not used,
challenging, due to limited resolution of an optical
the microinjection area should be marked to facili-
microscope and the high speed of the penetration
tate finding the same area for subsequent analysis
movement. Therefore, the penetration rate was
determined by injecting an excessive amount of
During the experiment, the magnification is
substance into a cell with a high pressure pulse,
changed several times. It is recommended to first
resulting in an eruption of the cell membrane. The
focus on cells with the lowest magnification, for
eruption was easily visualised by using the vision
example, 40× the magnification. The microcapil-
lary can be centred roughly in the field of view by
The tests were performed on both RPE (Figure 1)
using the naked eye. When the tip is in the centre of
and neuronal cells by using the semi-automatic
the field of view, the magnification can be
microinjection system. The amount of pressure
increased. For the microinjection of adherent cells,
applied was gradually increased until a visible erup-
tion of the membrane occurred. Pressure values of
7–9)To summarise, the suggested microinjection pro-
280–365kPa were used in the experiments. A total
of 55 cells were penetrated, of which 48 were suc-
Figure 1: Illustration of the penetration test
A retinal pigmented epithelial cell is shown a) before and b) after penetration. Scale bar = 20µm.
cessfully penetrated. This resulted in an average
of 49%. The primary reason for the relatively low
success rate of 87% and proved that the tip of the
injection rate was clogging of the capillary.
microcapillary efficiently penetrated the cell mem-
Automatic detection of a clogged microcapillary is
brane when the MANiPEN micromanipulator was
therefore one of the main issues for future study. Survival tests Injection tests
The goals of the survival tests were to prove that
Another important parameter in microinjection is
the CPM method itself does not harm the cells,
successful delivery of the injection substance into
and to study the survival rate of the microinjected
the chosen single cell. The main challenges here are
the injection of a correct amount of the injection
The survival tests were performed on neuronal
substance, the detection of the contact between the
cells by using the semi-automatic microinjection
cell and the microcapillary, and the tendency of the
system. The amount and the injected substance
microcapillary to clog. The goals of the injection
itself have to be harmless to the cell, so minute
tests were to demonstrate successful injections of
amounts of KCl (with an injection pressure of
living cells and to study injection success rate. The
40kPa) were microinjected. KCl is considered a
injection tests were performed with MCF-7 cells by
safe substance, due to the fact that it is found
using the semi-automatic microinjection system.
inside the cell itself, and does not change the
The amount of pressure applied was gradually low-
potential of the cell (as, for instance, NaCl would
ered to find its proper value. For cells which are
do, i.e. resulting in an eruption of the cell). To
20µm in diameter, the injected volume should be in
encourage cell survival, temperature and pH
the range of several hundreds of femtolitres. It is
were maintained by the incubation system. The
difficult to recognise the injection event without a
temperature was set at 37°C, and the pH at 7.4.
special dye. Therefore, in the injection tests, fluo-
The injected cells were followed by the vision sys-
rescein dextran was microinjected into MCF-7 cells
tem for several hours after the injection. The
(Figure 2). In addition to the inverted microscope, a
most visible effect, which proved the survival of
microscope with a fluorescence option was used to
the neuronal cell, happened during the first 6
hours (Figure 3). Microinjected cells changed
A total of 82 cells were injected, of which 40 were
their shapes to become spherical, adhered back
successfully injected, giving an average success rate
to the bottom of the well, and even grew some
Microinjection of cells by using a semi-automatic system 421
Figure 2: Illustration of the injection test
A human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) is shown a) before and b) 15 minutes after fluorescein dextranmicroinjection. Scale bar = 20µm.
dendrites. In future study, more tests will be per-
clogging of the microcapillary and the lack of a reli-
formed to determine statistically reliable sur-
able detection method for the contact between the
cell and the capillary. A higher survival rate could
be gained by having automatic detection of the cap-
illary clogging and contact between the capillary
and the cell, and this will be one of the major issues
Because of the elastic property of the cell mem-
In general, clogging of the microcapillary is one of
brane, penetrating the membrane without damag-
the main problems connected with the CPM tech-
ing the cell can be challenging (8, 10). When
nique. A clogged microcapillary reduces the flow
penetration occurs, the membrane must snap
through the tip, or blocks the flow of an injection
back over the tip of the microcapillary. With a suf-
substance. The result is either a loss of repro-
ficiently high acceleration, penetration will occur.
ducibility or an unsuccessful injection. The micro-
However, too high an acceleration tends to cause
capillary becomes clogged, for example, by particles
the tip to vibrate, which can damage the mem-
flowing in the cell culture medium or by a part of
brane. In particular, after-vibrations must be
the cell membrane. In the experiments described in
eliminated or minimised (11). The results of the
this paper, the best results for unclogging the
penetration tests performed in this study showed
microcapillary were obtained by applying a high
that the average success rate of penetrating the
pressure or by raising the microcapillary rapidly out
cell membrane was 87%. This high penetration
rate proves that the microinjection system pro-
The goal of the survival tests was to evaluate
vided a correct penetration speed and that the
the overall success of the microinjection. A crite-
elasticity of the cell membrane did not raise prob-
rion for a living cell in good condition is that it
lems. However, the damage caused by mechanical
continues its active life after the microinjection. If
penetration was not studied in the penetration
the cell changes its morphology in 5–10 minutes,
tests. Evaluation of cell survival rate could also be
it is considered, if not dead, at least to be suffer-
used for improving the membrane penetration
ing significantly as a result of the microinjection.
On the other hand, as seen in the survival tests,
Although the penetration success rate is high, at
cell recovery might take several hours. Therefore,
87%, the fluorescein dextran injections showed a
the vision system should be able to provide infor-
relatively low microinjection success rate of 49%.
mation about the cell culture for several hours
The primary reasons for a low success rate are the
Figure 3: Illustration of the survival test
A human neuroblastoma cell (SH-SY5Y) is shown a) before and b) 6 hours after KCl microinjection. Scale bar = 20µm.
A cell inevitably responds to the microinjection
partners have expertise in different areas. While
event. Even when the microinjection has been suc-
the Medical School at the University of Tampere
cessful, there might be changes in shape or adhe-
focused on the cell cultures and the Technical
sion. Therefore, in microinjection experiments
Research Centre of Finland on the machine vision
where the injection substance itself is expected to
and incubation systems, the tasks of the Tampere
have an influence on the cell, both the injection sub-
University of Technology included the improve-
stance and microinjection can affect the cell’s
ment of the injection methods and the development
behaviour. In this case, it is especially important to
of a pen-shaped micromanipulator, MANiPEN.
have a proper visualisation tool, which provides
This paper proposes a three-phase evaluation
process for capillary pressure microinjection sys-
tems, and evaluated a semi-automatic system devel-
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Epidemiology • Most common cause of death in middle-aged women in western world. • 1 in 8 women in the UK. • Incidence - 120 per 100,000 women. Aetiology • Increasing age - by 55 yrs 85% of all lumps are malignant. • Family history risk: • 1 in 4 with a premenopausal first-degree relative. • 1 in 7 if postmenopausal. • BRCA1 (AD, Ch17) - 50-80% risk• BRCA2 (AD, Ch13) - 5