Sterling Fleet The newest aircraft are equipped with wing lets,
Forholdsregler i forbindelse med flyvning
which saves 4% fuel and the environment. Number Engine Cruising Max. airline Max. passengers Length, Wing Height, Max. range, cruising passen- m take-off craftedsmæssigt en meget sikker height, mlangt gers de fleste passager weight, kg
påvirkninger, som kroppen udsættes for under flyvning.
Boeing 737-800 10 CFM 56-7B26 850 5,500 12,500 34.4 12.5
Når man sidder stille i en længere periode uden at bevæge benene, kan dette medføre en – for langt
Boeing 737-700 lille 9 risiko for CFat udvikle dyb M 56-7B22 12,500 på dansk 33.6 blodprop 34.4 i benene. Boeing 737-500 6 CFM 56-3C-1 805 3,500 11,250 28.9 11.2
On the whole, flying is a very safe form of transport, and most passengers can tolerate the factors to
which the body is exposed during a flight.
Sitting still for a fairly long period of time without moving your legs may cause a risk that for most pas-
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or in English, blood clots in the legs.
Forslag til lp y forebyggelse af blodpropper i Ways of preventing deep-vein thrombosis
Da Maersk Air ønsker, at flyveturen skal være e e
Maersk Air wants flying to be a positive experience for all our
oplevelse for alle vores passagerer, anbefaler vores lægelige
1 Vær forberedt til flyveturen, mød op i god tid og undgå 1 Be well-prepared for your trip, arrive in good time and avoid On the whole, fl
med vand y safe form of tr
Undgå or
er, and mo
dreven st pas- sengers can toler
for samt ate the factors to which the b
fødder os 4 Keep moving your feet and legs frequently during the flight 2 Drink plenty of water before and
d for 9 If you have any doubts or con- a fl ight 5 .Udfør hyppige skift af siddestilling, d
undersiden af låret hele tiden ændr 3 A
Sitting still for a fairly long period of
blodet fra benene uhindret vil kunne coff e
We hope that you 6 Wearing support hose during the flight is enj recommended oy your fl ight. for 4 Keep moving your feet and M vascular ads Klok condi- 7 A junior a enior Physician and
afrejsedagen, såfremt dette tåles, og fl igh
ekommer culation. 7 A acetyl salic Steff acid) en L is recom- Ways of preventi
sygdom, ep-vei
mended on the day you travel, if you can
S tolerate enior Phyit and sician are 8 Såfremt De bruger medicin, thrombosis Sterling wants fl ying to Medical Department Flight Operations. 9 sitive e
tvivl erience for a
anbefales det ll ou
flyvning- t the 8 If not suff passengers
en. . Our medical depart- Sterling ment has compiled the following 9 If you have any doubts or concerns, consult enhag own doctor en Airport South DK-2791 Dragør lecz.zap. nr 3,2 2/8/05 3:25 PM Page 1 REUMATOLOGIA Post´py w leczeniu zapalenia naczyƒ Advances in the treatment of systemic Tabela 1. Podzia∏ uk∏adowych zapaleƒ naczyƒ ustalony na konfe- vasculitis rencji w Chapel Hill (1) SummaryIn the recent years there have been substantial developments in theunderstanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of systemic va
INSTITUT MONTE ROSA Tél. +41 21 965 45 45 Av. de Chillon 57 Fax +41 21 965 45 46 CH – 1820 Montreux [email protected] Holidays / Visits / Telephones We are always pleased to receive visits from parents and we welcome these occasions very much. Since visiting hours differ in various countries and since our professional work, which is entirely devoted to the young p