Microsoft word - deadfast_greenhouse smoke generator
William Sinclair Horticulture Limited DEADFAST GREENHOUSE SMOKE GENERATOR Identification of Substance and Supplier
Product Name: Deadfast Greenhouse Smoke Generator. Product Description: HSE 9446 Applications: Insecticidal Smoke Generator Supplier:
Description EINECS NO. CAS NO. CONTENTS SYMBOL RISK(R NO.) Permethrin 258-067-9 52645-53-1 13.25%w/w Xn 22 Potassium Chlorate 223-289-7 3811-04-9 10.30% O, Xn 9, 20/22 The full text for all R-phrases are shown in section 16.
Harmful if swallowed. Ignites readily, burns without flaming, giving dense white harmful smoke. 4 First Aid Measures
General: No recommendation given, but first aid may still be required in case of accidental exposure, inhalation or ingestion of this chemical. If in doubt get medical attention PROMPTLY! Inhalation: Remove victim immediately from source of exposure. Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Obtain medical attention as a precaution. Keep the affected person warm and at rest. Ingestion: Rinse mouth thoroughly. Contact physician. Show container, label or this safety sheet to doctor. Eye Contact: Important! Immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart. Obtain immediate medical attention.
Skin Contact: Get medical attention if irritation persists after washing. 5 Fire Fighting Measures
Use large volumes of water as a spray or fog. Avoid use of water jet. Contain run-off water with, for example, temporary earth barriers.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: If risk of water pollution occurs, notify appropriate authorities.
Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. Dike and collect extinguishing water.
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Do not breathe fumes.
Accidental Release Measure
Ensure suitable personal protection during removal of spillages. This means wearing eye protection, chemically resistant gloves, boots and coveralls.
Environmental Precautions: Prevent the material from entering drains sewers or watercourses. If
contamination of resources occurs contact appropriate authorities (Fire Service)
Spill clean up Methods: Do not let washing down water contaminate ponds or waterways. 7 Handling Usage Precautions: Read the label before use. Usage Description: Do not breathe spray / mist. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands before meals and after work. When using, do not eat or drink or smoke.
Storage Precautions: Keep separate from food, feedstuffs, fertilizers and other sensitive material. Keep out of reach of children. Keep containers tightly closed. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Store in original containers in a secure, dry area designated for pesticides. Storage Criteria: Keep in pesticide store- product is an insecticide of low toxicity. Physically and chemically stable for at least 2 years when stored in the original, unopened containers at ambient temperatures. 9 Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Ingredient comments: When using this product, refer to the label for details. Should it be
necessary to enter the treated area whilst smoke remains in the atmosphere, respiratory protective equipment and eye protection must be used (see HSE Guidance booklet(HS)G53’Respiratory Protective Equipment- A Practical guide for users’)
Protective Equipment: Chemically Resistant Gloves Eye protection 10 Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance:
Slightly soluble in water. FLASH POINT (OC): will not flash
Auto Ignition Temperature (OC): >130 OC 11 Stability and Reactivity Stability:
Combustible or thermal decomposition will evolve harmful and irritant vapours.
Page 2 of 4 12 Toxicological Information
Toxicological Information: Oral LD50 (rat) 1479 mg/kg Permethrin
Oral LD50 (rat) 1260 mg/kg Potassium Chlorate
Inhalation: Smoke may cause upper airway irritation. Ingestion: Burning in mouth, vomiting, nausea, tremors, and convulsions may
Skin: Sensations of transient skin irritation may occur. Eyes:
13 Ecological Information
LC50 96 HRS FISH (mg/kg): 0.3 mg/l Environmental Hazards: Toxic to fish. Toxic to bees; Un-burned composition is non-selectively
Degradability: Not readily bio-degradable. 14 Disposal Considerations
Disposal Methods: Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used containers. Dispose of product and empty containers according to the Code Of Practise For The Safe Use Of Pesticides On Farms And Holdings’ available from HSE Books. Empty containers must be disposed of in accordance with the local and national legislation. 15 Transport Information
General: This product is not classified as hazardous for transport purposes. 16 Regulatory Information Label for supply:
May cause sensitisation by skin contact
May cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
Safety Phrases: . S- 13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. S- 2 Keep out of reach of children. S- 23A Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour spray. S- 46 If swallowed seek medical advise immediately and show
S- 56 Dispose of this material and its container to hazardous or special waste collection point.
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17 Other Information
User notes: This product is covered by the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. It has therefore been labelled in accordance with these regulations.
This safety data sheet provides health and safety information. The product is to be used in a way consistent with best horticultural practice as stated on packaging. Individuals handling this product should be informed under COSHH of the recommended safety precautions and should have access to this information. The product information in this data sheet is to the best of our knowledge correct at the date of publication. Wil iam Sinclair Horticulture Limited disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on this information.
Explosive when mixed with combustible material.
May cause sensitisation by skin contact
May cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
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