Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa ciprofloxacin Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Dc manual 10-2002.pdf
Effective as of 16 October 2000
In an increasingly combative world with a growing culture of win-at-all-costs, fanned by the millions offered as prizes and appearance fees, the temptation to cheat by using performance enhancing drugs and methods is becoming more and more the in thing. The moral issues apart, the risks to health in the short and long term are grave and often life threatening. The numerous fatalities during competition while on banned drugs are testimony to the dangers of dabbling in drugs to win. Conscious of these and endorsing the philosophies of the IOC, we, in the WTBA, have put together this Manual (thanks largely to the comprehensive compilation and meticulous editorialship by Datuk Dr. M. Jegathesan, the chairman of our Medical Commission) to demonstrate to all bowlers, officials, coaches and Doctors alike, our firm determination and commitment to keep our Sport drug free, as it has always been, since its inception. We would like to welcome and thank our two other world renowned Sports medicine and doping control specialists Dr. Eduardo de Rose (Brazil) and Dr Malcolm Read (United Kingdom) for agreeing to be our Medical Commissioners in spite of their busy schedules. To all bowlers I have this message: Be a sport. Sincerely in Bowling
….………………. Dato Dr P S Nathan President World Tenpin Bowling Association
CHAIRMAN Datuk Dr M Jegathesan (Malaysia) MEMBERS Dr Eduardo de Rose (Brazil) Dr Malcolm Read (United Kingdom) Dr Jegathesan, a pathologist by training, has been a member of the IAAF medical committee since 1985 and has been closely involved with its anti doping activities. Nationally, he heads the Medical Committee of the Olympic Council of Malaysia and is Pro-tem President of the Malaysian Association of Doping Control Officers. He was also the Chairman of the Malaysian Medical and Doping Committee of the Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur and Co-Chairman of the Malaysian Medical and Doping Committee of the Southeast Asian Games in Kuala Lumpur. Dr Eduardo De Rose is currently the President of FIMS, the International Federation of Sports Medicine, and has been a Professor of Sports Medicine in his native Brazil. He is also a member of the Medical Commission of the IOC and has extensive experience in doping control at the Olympic Games. Dr Malcolm Read, a specialist in Orthopedic and Sports Medicine has been involved with doping control activities with the squash and Hockey Federations since the mid eighties.
1. The WTBA will have an official policy and set procedures for doping control,
which will cover all its activities. This will include directives for in competition testing at its World, Regional and National Championships as well as provisions for Out of Competition testing during the intervening periods.
1. The WTBA in general will adhere to the philosophy and practices of the
International Olympic Committee with regards to its anti doping activities.
2. The WTBA will follow the procedures and methods for the collection of
samples as laid out in the Anti Doping Code of the IOC.
3. The anti doping measures of the WTBA and responsibility for them will
be vested in its Medical Commission, which will be a duly constituted committee under its Statutes.
4. The list of prohibited classes of substances and prohibited methods will be
as per the most recently published version of the IOC’s list within the context of its Anti Doping Code.
5. The sanctions to be applied on the players in the event of a positive test
during competition will be in accordance with the practices during the Olympic games. Additionally, the athlete will be suspended from competing in the sport for periods ranging from 1 month to 2 years depending on the substance found. Repeat offences could result in life time bans.
6. Athletes found positive during out of competition tests will be suspended
from further competition for periods as above.
7. All sanctions will be determined by the Medical Commission and
recommended for action to the Presidium of the WTBA.
8. All athletes will have an opportunity to be heard and make their claims
before the Medical Commission of the WTBA and if they so wish can have recourse to arbitration by the CAS (Committee for Arbitration in Sports), under the aegis of the IOC.
1. Doping Control tests will be conducted during all World championships held
under the aegis of the WTBA. Exemptions under very special circumstances may be given by the Presidium of the WTBA.
While the total number of tests to be done and the method of selection of athletes to be tested will be determined by the Medical Commission of WTBA, it is hereby made known to all concerned that the procedures will be conducted in such a manner that every participant will have an even chance of being picked to be tested.
2. The local organizing committee will be responsible for arranging and paying for
all activities associated with such tests, including the travel, board and lodging costs of at least two of the members of the Medical Commission appointed by the President of the WTBA. Arrangements should be made to cater for about 20 - 40 tests during the period of championships.
3. The local organizing committees’ responsibilities will include the provision of
facilities and materials and the provision of an appropriate number of trained collection personnel to work under the supervision of member(s) of the Medical Commission. The Local Organizing Committee shall appoint a Medical officer in charge of doping control who will at all times liaise with the Chairman of the WTBA Medical Commission to ensure that all requirements are met and arrangements made in time. If necessary the Chairman or his representative will make a site visit to the host country and venue to finalize requirements well in time ahead of the competition. This site visit shall be at the expense of the host organization.
4. Procedures employed will be as per the Anti Doping Code of the IOC and all
samples will be sent to an IOC accredited laboratory for analysis.
5. Selection of athletes to be tested, receipt of results from the laboratory and action
following a positive test will be vested with the Chairman of the Medical Commission or his designated representative. (See also Section V)
6. A mechanism will also be set up to manage the results should it arrive after the
competition is over. (See also Section V)
1.1 All results from the designated IOC laboratory shall be sent directly to the
Chairman of the WTBA Medical Commission (or his designated representative) at the Competition City.
1.2 In the event of a positive result (A sample) the Chairman will inform the President
of WTBA who will in turn contact the team leader or other responsible official of the player concerned and invite the player and an accompanying official to attend a hearing before the Competition Doping Control Committee. This Committee will comprise of the Chairman of the Medical Commission or his designated representative, any other member of the Medical Commission if present and the Doctor in Charge of Doping Control from the Local Organizing Committee. If necessary, the remaining member(s) of the Medical Commission could also be contacted for a phone conference. On completion of this hearing, the committee will recommend to the President the appropriate action to be taken at the championships. This will include annulment of the result, withdrawal of medals and disqualification from further competition. If the player concerned was part of a team then the team too would be disqualified from that particular event. However non-implicated players from the team may compete in other events during the competition.
At the hearing the player will also be given an opportunity to request for a B
sample analysis. Should he request this, arrangements will be made for the analysis to be conducted and for the player to be present should he want to do so (at his own expense). However, the sanctions recommended will still be instituted ahead of the B sample testing but modified appropriately in the unlikely event of the result of the B sample not being consistent with the initial finding on the A sample.
Apart from action taken at the competition, the case will also be referred to the
Presidium of WTBA for further sanctions after the competition (see 1.4).
1.3 In the event that the laboratory result only becomes available after the conclusion
of the competition, it should still be relayed to the Chairman of the Medical Commission who will inform the President of WTBA who will in turn contact the National Federation of the player concerned. The said Federation will then be required to conduct a hearing with the player (and an accompanying official) concerned under the chairmanship of an appropriate medical person, preferably the chairman of the medical and Doping Committee of its NOC, and report the findings to the Chairman of the Medical Commission of the WTBA. It would also be advantageous if the latter could be present at the hearing. In either case the Chairman will then, after consultation with the other members of the Medical Commission and the Doctor in Charge of Doping Control from the Organizing Committee of the competition, make his recommendation to the President for his further action. This could result in disqualification of the player, withdrawal of his medals and revision of the official results. Should the player be a part of the team, the team too would be disqualified. The player would also be disqualified from events which he might have participated in subsequent to that from which the positive test arose.
At the hearing the player will also be given an opportunity to request for a B
sample analysis. Should he request this, arrangements will be made for the analysis to be conducted and for the player to be present should he want to do so (at his own expense). However, the sanctions recommended will still be instituted ahead of the B sample testing but modified appropriately in the unlikely event of the result of the B sample not being consistent with the initial finding on the A sample.
Post competition sanctions would also be instituted as per item 1.4. 1.4 Post competition sanctions:
(a) If the prohibited substance is ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine,
pseudoephedrine caffeine, strychnine or related substances:
Suspension from any competition for a period of one to six months.
(b) If the prohibited substance is other than in (a):
Suspension for a minimum period of two years. However based on specific exceptional circumstances to be evaluated by the Medical Commission, there may be a provision for a possible modification of the two year sanction.
Penalties for repeat offence: life ban from all competitions.
Out of Competition Testing may be directed by the Presidium from time to time as it deems fit.
Unless specifically requested by the responsible authority, out-of-competition testing is directed solely at prohibited substances in class I.C. (Anabolic Agents), I.D. (Diuretics), I.E. (Peptide Hormones, Mimetics and Analogues), and II (Prohibited Methods).
Should a player be found to be positive from an out of competition test directed by the WTBA the following process will apply. The President of WTBA will contact the President of the National federation to conduct a hearing and submit the findings to the Chairman of the Medical Commission who will consult by telephone with other members of the Commission. It would be advantageous if the chairman could be present at the hearing. In either case the Chairman will make a recommendation to the President of WTBA for the appropriate sanctions to be taken. The player also has a right to request for an analysis of the B sample. Should this request be exercised, arrangements will be made to have the test done and the player given the option to be present at his own expense. However the sanctions will be applied pending the result of the B sample and reversed only in the unlikely event of the result of the B sample not being consistent with the initial result on the A sample.
2.1 Immediately after the completion of the event, the competitor selected for
doping control shall be handed a Doping Control Notification by a Doping Control Escort appointed by the Organizing Committee, hereafter referred to as the Escort. The Escort shall also give a Doping Control Pass which provides access to the Doping Control Station to the competitor. From then on the Escort shall be physically beside the competitor and keep the competitor under observation at all times and accompany him or her to the waiting room at the Doping Control Station designated on the Doping Control Notification. The competitor shall report with his/her accreditation card and Doping Control Pass to the Doping Control Station immediately and no later than one hour after receipt of the Doping Control Notification.
2.2 A person (a team coach, a doctor or a team-mate of the competitor’s
delegation) may accompany the competitor to the Doping Control station and may watch all procedures except urination. He or she shall be given a Doping Control Pass by the Escort in order to be able to enter the Doping Control Station. This accompanying person shall possess proper accreditation and shall be a member of the same delegation as the competitor except, in special circumstances, the athlete may choose a member of another NOC.
2.3 The Doping Control Notification shall bear the competitor’s name,
accreditation and starting numbers, if available, and the statement that an accompanying person may be present when the competitor reports for Doping Control. The competitor has to be warned, by clear written notice in the Notification, of the possible consequences should he/she fail to report for the doping control within the given time limit.
2.4 Upon presentation of the Doping Control Notification the escort shall
enter the time of notification and the competitor shall sign the form. The Doping Control Notification shall be in duplicate, one copy to be kept by the competitor and the original to be returned to the Doping Control Station by the Escort.
2.5 Upon arrival at the Doping Control station, the competitor and the
accompanying person shall show their Doping Control Passes. The competitor and the escort shall hand the Doping Control Notification to a Doping Control Officer who records the actual time of arrival on the Doping Control Notification, signs it and verifies the identity of the competitor by means of the photo, name and accreditation number on the accreditation card.
2.6 The Doping Control Officer shall keep the Doping Control Notification
returned by the Escort and return the copy to the competitor.
2.7 The actual time of arrival and the identity of the competitor shall then be
noted on the Doping Control Official Record.
2.8 Should the competitor refuse to sign the Doping Control Notification or
fail to report to the Doping Control Station within the time laid down in section 2.1, this fact shall be noted on the Doping control Official Record. In this case the Doping Control Official record shall be signed by the Doping Control officer and the representative of the WTBA Medical Commission. In addition, the Chairman of the Medical Commission shall be informed immediately by the representative of the Medical Commission. The Chairman of the Medical Commission shall then decide on the further steps to be taken.
2.9 Should the competitor report to the Doping Control Station later than one
hour after the time of notification, this fact shall be noted on the doping Control Notification and the Doping Control Official Record. The sampling procedures shall still be carried out, as described below. This fact should be made known to the chairman of the medical commission or his designated representative immediately
2.10 The competitor and the accompanying person shall remain in the Doping
Control station waiting room under the supervision of the Doping Control Officer until he or she is called into a consulting area. The competitor and any personal belongings he/she or the accompanying person bring with them (clothing, bags, etc.) may be searched for evidence of manipulation, upon entering and leaving the Doping Control Station.
2.11 No photographs, video or tape recordings may be taken inside the Doping
Control Station during the doping control procedure.
2.12 The original of the Doping Control Notification shall be appended to the
3.1 Only one competitor at a time shall be called into the consulting area.
3.2 In addition to the competitor and his/her accompanying person, only the
following persons may be present in the consulting area:
- a representative of the Medical Commission - the Doping Control Officer - the Doping Control Technical Officers(s) - an interpreter
3.3 The Doping Control Station shall contain a supply of:
a) disposable collection vessels (contained in bags) b) disposable urine control kits (contained in bags) c) disposable partial sample kits (contained in bags)
The specifications of the collection vessel, urine control kit and partial sample kit are to be determined by the Medical Commission in cooperation with the Organizing Committee.
3.4 The competitor shall select a collection vessel, visually check that it is
empty and clean, proceed to the toilet and urinate a minimum of 75 ml into the collection vessel under the observation of the Doping Control Officer who shall be of the same gender as the competitor.
Any clothing preventing the direct observation of the urination shall be
removed. The competitor shall return to the consulting area with the collection vessel containing the urine.
3.5 If the requested urine volume of 75 ml has been provided, the competitor
shall select a urine control kit, open it and place the contents on the table in front of him/her. He/she shall check that the bottles are empty and clean.
The competitor shall pour approximately two thirds of the urine from the collection vessel into bottle A and one third into bottle B. a few drops of urine shall remain in the collection vessel. Next, the competitor shall close the two bottles hermetically and check that no leakage occurs. The Doping Control Officer may, with permission of the competitor, assist with the procedures outlined in the paragraph.
All remaining urine shall be destroyed immediately after bottles A and B
3.6 The Doping Control Officer shall measure the specific gravity and pH of
the urine left in collection vessel. The urine pH should not be less than 5 and not greater than 7, and the urine should have a specific gravity of 1.010 or higher. If the sample does not meet these specifications, further samples may be required by the Medical Commission representative.
3.7 The competitor shall declare to the Doping Control Officer any medication
and nutritional supplements that he/she may have taken in the preceding three days. The Doping control Officer shall record this statement on the Doping control Official Record.
3.8 The Doping Control Officer shall check that the code numbers on the
bottles and shipping containers are identical, and record the code number of the doping Control Official Record. The competitor shall then check that the code numbers on the bottles and shipping containers are identical to the recorded on the Doping Control Official Record. The competitor shall place the bottles A and B into the respective shipping containers and close them carefully and the Doping Control Officer shall verify that these are completely closed.
3.9 The competitor shall certify, by signing the Doping Control Official
Record, that the entire procedure has been performed according to the rules above.
Any irregularities identified by the competitor or the accompanying
person shall be recorded on the Doping Control Official Record.
The Doping Control Official Record shall also be signed by the Doping
Control Officer, by the Medical Commission representative, and, if present, by the accompanying person.
The competitor shall be given a copy of the Doping Control Official
3.10 If the competitor refuses to give a sample of urine, the possible
consequences shall be pointed out to him/her by the Medical Commission representative. If the competitor still refuses, this fact shall be noted in the Doping Control Official Record. This shall be signed by the Doping Control Officer, the Medical Commission representative. The competitor and the accompanying person may, if they wish, sign the Doping control Official Record.
The Medical Commission representative shall be responsible for
communicating the refusal to the Chairman of the Medical Commission.
3.11 If the competitor has produced less than the requested urine volume of 75
ml, the competitor shall select a partial sample kit and shall pour the urine from the collection vessel into the bottle. Then the competitor shall close the bottle and check that no leakage occurs.
The competitor shall check that the code numbers on the bottle and the
partial sample container are the same. Next, the urine volume and code number shall be recorded on the Doping Control Official Record and the competitor shall confirm this by signing the Doping Control Official Record. Finally, the competitor shall insert the bottle into the partial sample container and close it completely, the Doping Control Officer shall verify that this is hermetically closed. The Doping Control Officer may, with the agreement of the competitor, assist with the procedures outlined in this paragraph.
The competitor shall return to the waiting room with the partial sample
container until he/she is able to deliver urine again. When the competitor is ready to deliver a further urine sample, he/she shall return to the consulting area with the partial sample container, which shall be handed to the Doping Control Officer who shall check that the partial sample container is intact and that the code number corresponds to that entered in the Doping Control Official Record.
The competitor shall then select a new collection vessel and enter the toilet
where he/she shall urinate. The competitor shall return to Consulting Area, open the partial sample container and pour the content into the collection vessel. If the combined urine volumes are less than 75 m., he/she shall select a new partial sample container and proceed according to the procedure outlined in this paragraph.
When the combined volumes total at least 75 m., the urine sample shall be
processed in accordance with the procedure outlined in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.9 above.
3.12 The original of the Doping Control Official Record and the annexed
Doping Control Notifications shall be placed in an envelope and the copy shall be placed in a separate envelope. After recording on the outside of the envelopes the code numbers of the Doping Control Official Records contained therein and the code number of the transport container seals, the two envelopes shall be closed. The envelopes containing the original and the copies shall be kept in safe custody by the chairman of t e medical commission or his designated representative.
3.13 At the end of each doping control, the shipping containers containing the
A and the B samples shall be placed in the respective A and B transport containers. Also, the corresponding laboratory copies for urine samples of the Doping Control Official Record shall be placed in a separate envelope which shall be placed in the transport container containing the A samples. Each transport container shall then be sealed with a numbered seal
4. TRANSPORT AND RECEIPT OF THE SAMPLES 4.1 The Doping Control Transport Form shall be completed and given
together with the sealed transport containers to the Doping Control Courier, hereafter referred to as the Courier, who is in charge of transportation of samples collected at each venue to the Doping Control Laboratory. The records on this form shall include the signature and accreditation number of the Courier, the seal numbers of the transport containers, the venue from which the transport containers have come and the departure time of the Courier. The Doping Control Transport Form shall be signed by the Doping Control Officer. The original of the transport form shall be kept by the chairman of the Medical Commission or his designated representative. The courier shall take a copy of the Doping Control Transport Form to be countersigned by the Head of Laboratory or staff member designated by him.
The courier shall take the sealed transport containers to the doping control
laboratory without undue delay. At the laboratory, the identity of the courier and seals will be checked by the Head of Laboratory or staff member designated by him, and recorded in the allotted space on the copy
of the Doping Control Transport Form. Upon delivery of the transport
containers, the Head of Laboratory or staff member designated by him shall record the arrival time of the transport containers, check that the transport containers and their seals are intact, record these facts on the copy of the doping Control Transport Form, and keep the copy of the Doping Control Transport Form.
After unsealing and opening the A transport container at the laboratory,
the shipping containers therein shall be examined and the code numbers recorded.
The transport container containing the B samples shall be kept sealed at
the laboratory and be opened only with the authorization of the Chairman of the WTBA Medical Commission or his designated representative.
If the analytical laboratory is in another city the transport of samples shall
be done in a manner that the chain of custody is not broken
The Chairman of the Medical Commission or his designated
representative shall, in consultation with the Doctor in charge of Doping Control for the Local Organizing Committee, decide on which of the IOC accredited Laboratories the specimens should be sent.
5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS 5.1 The analysis of a sample shall be performed as soon as possible after its
arrival at the Doping Control Laboratory.
5.2 The analysis of a sample shall be carried out in accordance with the
methods, which have been approved by the IOC Medical Commission.
6. DELEGATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES The Chairman of the Medical Commission may delegate his responsibilities to
such person or persons as he may designate, at his discretion, from time to time.
7. GLOSSARY DOPING CONTROL LABORATORY: Relevant IOC accredited laboratory. DOPING CONTROL NOTIFICATION: A form used for keeping a record of the
notification procedure. The Doping Control Notification consists of one original and one copy. The original is given to the Chairman of the WTBA Medical Commission. The copy is given to the competitor.
DOPING CONTROL OFFICIAL RECORD: A form used for keeping a record of
the sample taking procedure. The Doping Control Official Record consists of one original and three copies. The original and one copy are given to the Chairman of the WTBA Medical Commission. The competitor keeps one copy and one copy is sent to the laboratory with the urine sample.
DOPING CONTROL OFFICER: Doping Control medical Officer and Doping
notification and sample taking procedures. The Doping Control Technical Officers take instructions from the Doping Control Medical Officer.
ESCORT: A person responsible for delivering the Doping Control Notification to
the selected competitor. This person will also accompany the competitor and watch him or her continuously until they reach the Doping Control Station. The Escorts take instructions from the Doping Control Medical Officer.
COURIER: Officer in charge of transportation of samples collected at each venue
and taken to the Doping Control Laboratory.
Chairman of the Medical Commission. His responsibility is to supervise the sample taking procedure and ensure that it is carried out according to the Medical Commission’s regulations.
PARTIAL SAMPLE KIT: A plastic bag containing one urine bottle with cap and one
black shipping container. The partial sample kit is used for temporary storage of the urine sample when the total urine volume produced by the competitor is less than the requested quantity of 75 ml.
TRANSPORT CONTAINER: A bag into which the shipping containers can be
placed for transportation to the laboratory. It is sealed with a plastic seal.
URINE CONTROL KIT: The Urine Control Kit should be one that is approved
by the WTBA medical Commission and should consist of urine bottles marked A and B and shipping containers which are similarly differentiated and are used for shipping and storing the urine bottles with a system that ensures that they cannot be tampered with.
DOPING CONTROL STATION: Area of restricted access (waiting room and
CONSULTING AREA: A large room divided into several booths. DISPOSABLE MATERIAL: This should be checked prior to the Games for
contamination and substances, which might interfere with the analysis.
VII. APPENDIX II PROHIBITED CLASSES OF SUBSTANCES AND PROHIBITED METHODS As per OLYMPIC MOVEMENT ANTI-DOPING CODE APPENDIX A As of 1ST April 2000 I. PROHIBITED CLASSES OF SUBSTANCES A. Stimulants Prohibited substances in class (A) include the following examples: amineptine, amiphenazole, amphetamines, bromantan, caffeine*, carphedon, cocaine, ephedrines**, fencamfamin, mesocarb, pentetrazol, pipradrol, salbutamol***, salmeterol***, terbutaline***, … and related substances. * For caffeine the definition of a positive is a concentration in urine greater than
12 micrograms per milliliter. ** For cathine, the definition of a positive is a concentration in urine greater than 5 micrograms per milliliter. For ephedrine and methylephedrine, the definition of a positive is a concentration in urine greater than 10 micrograms per milliliter. For phenylpropanolamine and pseudoephedrine, the definition of a positive is a concentration in urine greater than 25 micrograms per milliliter. *** Permitted by inhaler only to prevent and/or treat asthma and exercise-induced asthma. Written notification of asthma and/or exercise-induced asthma by a respiratory or team physician is necessary to the relevant medical authority. NOTE: All imidazole preparations are acceptable for topical use.
Vasoconstrictors may be administered with local anaesthetic agents. Topical preparations (e.g. nasal, ophthalmological, rectal) of adrenaline and phenylephrine are permitted.
B. Narcotics Prohibited substances in class (B) include the following examples: buprenorphine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), methadone, morphine, pentazocine, pethidine, … and related substances. NOTE: codeine, dextromethorphan, dextropropoxyphene, dihydrocodeine,
diphenoxylate, ethylmorphine, pholcodine, propoxyphene and tramadol are permitted.
C. Anabolic agents Prohibited substances in class (C) include the following examples: 1. Anabolic androgenic steroids a. clostebol, fluoxymesterone, metandienone, metenolone, nandrolone, 19-norandrostenediol, 19-norandrostenedione, oxandrolone, stanozolol, … and related substances. b. androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dihydrotestosterone, testosterone*, … and related substances.
Evidence obtained from metabolic profiles and/or isotopic ratio measurements may be used to draw definitive conclusions.
* The presence of testosterone (T) to epitestostrone (E) ratio greater than
six (6) to one (1) in the urine of a competitor constitutes an offence unless there is evidence that this ratio is due to a physiological or pathological condition, e.g. low epitestosterone excretion, androgen producing tumour, enzyme deficiencies.
In the case of T/E greater than 6, it is mandatory that the relevant medical
authority conducts an investigation before the sample is declared positive. A full report will be written and will include a review of previous tests, subsequent tests and any results of endocrine investigations. In the event that previous tests are not available, the athlete should be tested unannounced at least once per month for three months. The results of these investigations should be included in the report. Failure to co-operate in the investigations will result in declaring the sample positive.
bambuterol, clenbuterol, fenoterol, formoterol, reproterol, salbutamol*, salmeterol*, terbutaline*, … and related substances.
* Authorized by inhalation as described in Article (I.A.).
For salbutamol the definition of a positive under the anabolic agent category is a concentration in urine greater than 1000 nanograms per millilitre.
D. Diuretics Prohibited substances in class (D) include the following examples: acetazolamide, bumetanide, chlortalidone, etacrynic acid, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, mannitol*, mersalyl, spironolactone, triamterene, … and related substances. * Prohibited by intravenous injection.
E. Peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues Prohibited substances in class (E) include the following examples and their analogues and mimetics: 1. Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) prohibited in males only; 2. Pituitary and synthetic gonadotrophins (LH) prohibited in males only; 3. Corticotrophins (ACTH, tetracosactide); 4. Growth hormone (hGH); 5. Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1);
and all the respective releasing factors and their analogues;
6. Erythropoietin (EPO); 7. Insulin; Permitted only to treat athletes with certified insulin-dependent diabetes. Written certification of insulin-dependent diabetes must be obtained from an endocrinologist or team physician. The presence of an abnormal concentration of an endogenous hormone in class (E) or its diagnostic marker(s) in the urine of a competitor constitutes an offence unless it has been proven to be due to a physiological or pathological condition. II. PROHIBITED METHODS The following procedures are prohibited: 1. Blood doping; 2. Administering artificial oxygen carriers or plasma expanders; 3. pharmacological, chemical and physical manipulation. III. CLASSES OF PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES A. Alcohol
Where the rules of a responsible authority so provide, tests will be conducted for ethanol.
B. Cannabinoids Where the rules of a responsible authority so provide, tests will be
conducted for cannabinoids (e.g. Marijuana, Hashish). At the Olympic Games, tests will be conducted for cannabinoids. A concentration in urine of 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (carboxy-THC) greater than 15 nanograms per millilitre constitutes doping.
C. Local anaesthetics Injectable local anaesthetics are permitted under the following conditions:
a. bupivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, procaine, and related
substances, can be used but not cocaine. Vasoconstrictor agents may be used in conjunction with local anaesthetics;
b. only local or intra-articular injections may be administered; c. only when medically justified.
Where the rules of a responsible authority so provide, notification of administration may be necessary.
D. Glucocorticosteroids
The systemic use of glucocorticosteroids is prohibited when administered orally, rectally, or by intravenous or intramuscular injection.
E. Beta-blockers
Prohibited substances in class (E) include the following examples:
acebutolol, alprenolol, atenolol, labetalol, metoprolol, nadolol, oxprenolol, propranolol, sotalol, … and related substances.
Where the rules of a responsible authority so provided, tests will be conducted for beta-blockers.
caffeine > 12 micrograms/millilitre carboxy-THC > 15 nanograms/millilitre cathine > 5 micrograms/millilitre ephedrine > 10 micrograms/millilitre epitestosterone > 200 nanograms/millilitre methylephedrine > 10 micrograms/millilitre morphine > 1 microgram/millilitre 19-norandrosterone > 2 nanograms/millilitre in males 19-norandrosterone > 5 nanograms/millilitre in females phenylpropanolamine > 25 micrograms/millilitre pseudoephedrine > 25 micrograms/millilitre salbutamol (as stimulant) > 100 nanograms/millilitre (as anabolic agent) > 1000 nanograms/millilitre T/E ratio > 6
LIST OF EXAMPLES OF PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES CAUTION: This is not an exhaustive list of prohibited substances. Many
substances that do not appear on this list are considered prohibited under the term “and related substances”.
Athletes must ensure that any medicine, supplement, over-the-counter preparation or any other substance they use does not contain any Prohibited Substance.
amineptine, amfepramone, amiphenazole, amphetamine, bambuterol, bromantan, caffeine, carphedon, cathine, cocaine, cropropamide, crotethamide, ephedrine, etamivan, etilamphetamine, etilefrine, mefenorex, mephentermine, mesocarb, methamphetamine, methoxyphenamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine, methylephedrine, methylphenidate, nikethamide, norfenfluramine, parahydroxyamphetamine, pemoline, pentetrazol, phendimetrazine, phentermine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pholedrine, pipradrol, prolintane, prophylhexedrine, pseudoephedrine, reproterol, salbutamol, salmeterol, selegiline, strychnine, terbutaline, NARCOTICS: buprenorphine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), hydrocodone, methadone, morphine, pentazocine, pethidine, ANABOLIC AGENTS: androstenediol, androstenedione, bambuterol, boldenone, clenbuterol, clostebol, danazol, dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dihydrotestosterone, drostanalone, fenoterol, fluoxymesterone, formebolone, formoterol, gestrinone, mesterolone, metandienone, metenolone, methandriol, methyltestosterone, mibolerone, nandrolone, 19- norandrostenediol, 19-norandrostenedione, norethandrolone, oxandrolone, oxymesterone, oxymetholone, reproterol, salbutamol, salmeterol, stanozolol, terbutaline, testosterone, trenbolone,
DIURETICS acetazolamide, bendroflumethiazide, bumetanide, canrenone, chlortalidone, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide, mannitol (by intravenous injection), mersalyl, spironolactone, triamterene,
MASKING AGENTS bromantan, diuretics (see above), epitestosterone, probenecid, PEPTIDE HORMONES, MIMETICS AND ANALOGUES ACTH, erythropoietin (EPO), hCG*, hGH, insulin, LH*, clomiphene*, cyclofenil*, tamoxifen*, * prohibited in males only
Name of meeting: Event: Finishing Position: Date of Competition: Time of Notification: Please note that you are required to report to the Doping Control Station no later than: Failure to report may result in disqualification. You may be accompanied by a person of your choice (e.g. Team Official, Coach, Doctor). At this test, a urine sample will be taken under supervision. You are therefore requested not to pass urine until you arrive at the Doping Control Station. I acknowledge receipt of this doping control notice and agree to attend not later than the time stated. Player’s name (print): Player’s number: Player’s signature Date: Steward’s signature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time of arrival at doping control station………………….…………
identity verified by doping control officer : signed : …….………….
Name of Meeting: Name of Athlete: Venue: Nationality: Event: Competitor’s Number Time of Notification Time Urine Sampling Procedure Completed: Number - Bottle (A): Number - Bottle (B): Number Seal (A): Number Seal (B): PH: Total Amount of Urine (ml) Male/Female Specific gravity: Drugs Declared to Have Been Used: Signed - Doping Control Official: Designation: I declare that I am satisfied with the sample collection procedure. Signed - Player: Signed - Accompanying Official: Remarks:
BÜRO FÜR ARBEITS- UND SOZIALPOLITISCHE STUDIEN BASS AG KONSUMSTRASSE 20 . CH-3007 BERN . TEL +41 (0)31 380 60 80 . FAX +41 (0)31 398 33 63 Expos tenu lors de la 4e Journ e nationale des offices de conciliation au sens de la loi sur l’ galit Evaluation portant sur la loi fédérale sur l’égalité Il y a deux ans d j , je vous avais pr sent les pre-miers r sultats de notre sondage
Magnesium is an essential mineral with multiple uses in the body. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body - it can be found in human bones, teeth and red blood cells. More than 70 % of the population is deficient in Functions of magnesium Many of magnesium’s functions are due to its interactions with calcium. These functions include: Muscle relaxation - calci