Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa inderal receptfritt Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
C. V. of Reza Taheri Tehrani personal
Date of Birth Feb. 28. 1973 Place of Birth Abadan, Iran Marital status Married, 1 children Sex Male Address:Negin 8.1, Khordad, Chamran, Leleh SQ, Isfahan 8149966711, Iran TEL: 00989133051488 Email:[email protected] or [email protected]Degree Received
2010- Continued. PhD student in plant physiology, University of Isfahan, iran.
Research area: Decreasing of nitrate and phosphate in wastewater and evaluation of biodiesel production by Dunaliella salina cultivation.
2001-2003, M.Sc in Plant physiology, University of Isfahan, Iran, Average 17.61 out of 20. MSc. Thesis: I defended my thesis "The study of ethinyl estradiol effect on growth and regeneration
of Medicago sativa " in 2003 with 19.79 out of 20 in University of Isfahan, Iran.
1991–1995, B.Sc in Botany, University of Isfahan, Iran, Average 15.23 out of 20. Professional Position
2005-2006, University of Isfahan, Iran, Teaching assistance in plant physiology Lab.
2004, University of Isfahan, Iran, Teaching assistance in mycology Lab.
1998–1999, University of Isfahan, Iran, Teaching assistance in cell biology Lab.
2003, University of Isfahan, Iran, Teaching assistance in phycology Lab. Publications in ISI level journal A. Almodares, R.Taheri, and F. Eraghizadeh. 2011. The effects of ethephon on biomass and
carbohydrate content of two sweet sorghum cultivars. International Journal of plant production(5)3, 221-226
A. Almodares, R.Taheri, and S. Adeli. 2008. Stalk yield and carbohydrate composition of sweet
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars and lines at different growth stages. Malaysian applied biology 37(1): 31-36.
A. Almodares, R. Taheri. M. Adeli. 2008. Evaluation of some sorghum Sorghum bicolor(L.) Moench
cultivars and lines asa sweet, dual purpose, and grain types. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 46 (1-2): 50–51.
A. Almodares, R. Taheri. I.M. Chung., M. Fathi. 2007. The effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on
growth parameters and carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum cultivars. Journal of environmental biology 29(3/4)08
A. Almodares, M.R. Hadi, M. Ranjbar and R. Taheri. 2007. The Effects of Nitrogen treatments, culyivars
and harves stages on stalk yield and sugar content in sweet sorghum. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 6(2) 423-426.
A. Almodares, R. Taheri and S. Adeli. 2006. Inter-relationship between growth analysis and carbohydrate
contents of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines. Journal of Environmental Biology. 28(3), 527-531
A. Almodares, R. Taheri. and M. Fathi. 2006. Effect of Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on growth
indexes and yield components. Of sweet sorghum. Pakistanian Biological science. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(12)
Publications in local journals
Taheri. R, A.almodares and A.R. Kaboli, 2005. Effect of steroid compound on growth of sweet sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor. (L.) Moench). Journal of Science. Al-Zahra University, Iran
Hadi. K. R., R. Taheri. 2005. Physiological effects of salinity stress on the seed germination of Seidlitzia rosmarinus . Jahado sazandegi, Iran . Pazhohesh 78
Taheri. R and A. A. Ehsanpour, 2004. Somatic embryogenesis from callus culture of Medicago sativa using ethinyl estradiol, Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Research.
Book publication
A. Almodares, J.Enteshari, R.Taheri. 2011. Biofule and its resources. ( Persian Language) G.R.Balali, R.Taheri, G.Malverdi. 2009. Biotechnology ant its application in agriculture. (Persian Language)
A. ALmodares, R. Taheri, V. Safavi. 2008. Sorghum: botany, agronomy and Biotechnology. (Persian Language). Presentations in local scientific conferences
Hadi. M. R., G. R Balali and R. Taheri, 2008. the first national conference on potato. Ardabil, Iran.
Hadi. M. R., R. Taheri. 2004. endosymbiosis in chloroplast. Biological Evolution Conference.
Hadi. K. R., R. Taheri and K. Norbakhsh. 2004. Hippocratic oath for biotechnologist. International Taheri. R and A. A. Ehsanpour. 2003. The study of ethinyl estradiol effect on growth and regeneration
of Medicago sativa. 11th Iranian National Conference of Biology.
Taheri. R and A. Almodares. 2002. Plant Growth in Space Station. 2nd Iranian Student Conference of
Biology and Biotechnology. Tonekabon, Iran.
Taheri. R and M. Shariati. 2001. Transport of Polyoles in higher plants. 1st Iranian Student Conference of
Biology and Biotechnology. Isfahan, Iran
Experiences and Research projects
2009, University of Isfahan, Workshop, biotechnology and plant tissue culture, as instructor.
2008, University of Isfahan, Research project, Evaluation methods for accumulation of Fe and Zn to
increase the nutrient value of potato (Solanum tuberosum), as research assistant.
2008, University of Isfahan, Research project, Adaptation and establishment of sweet potato in Iran, as
2008, University of Isfahan, Workshop, biotechnology and plant tissue culture, as instructor.
2006, University of Isfahan, Research project, Bioethanol production from sweet sorghum, as research Awards Received
2010. PhD scholarship, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
2005. PhD scholarship. Konkuk University, south Korea
Academic year 2003, Ranked as second top among graduate students of plant physiology in Isfahan University.
Member of board committee in " National Society of Young Biologist" Isfahan, Iran
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA Suplemento Especial - Número 1 - 2º Semestre 2006 Characterization of Chromobacterium violaceum isolated from Adriana Almeida Antunes.1,2, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Brito Silva 1,2, Carlos Alberto Alves da Silva2,3, ABSTRACT Chromobacterium violaceum is a facultative anaerobic, motile, gram-negative bacillus, inhabitant of soil and water, and the
Since there are too many papers, only those of which I am the first author are described and which are English papers. (No.) (Journals) (Volumes):(Pages-Pages), (Year) Immune deficiency states and immune imbalance in systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 12:289-300, 1979 Immunological behaviour following rubella infection. Effect of glucocor