Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter antibiotika-sverige.com Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Basis of Participation
Companies participating in the Lead REACH Consortium are subject to different fees depending on the substances in which they have an interest. An element of their fees is also based on tonnage. For these purposes - and to re-confirm for which substances individual members require REACH Consortium information to fulfil their REACH obligations. Payment of pro-rata fees is a condition of entry into the Consortium. Hence we urge you to complete and return the following questionnaire as soon as possible. Please read the guidance at the end of this form before completing the table.
Please read the guidance at the end of this form before completing the table. Substance Substance 2008 annual manufactured substance for tonnage of which you have lead content intermediate eligible for within the same obligations?1 Levy Fees2 entity or group?3 (yes/no) (yes/no) Lead metal Lead oxide4 Lead tetroxide Dibasic lead phthalate Basic lead sulphate Tribasic lead sulphate Tetrabasic lead sulphate Neutral lead stearate Dibasic lead stearate Dibasic lead phosphate Polybasic lead fumarate Basic lead carbonate Basic lead sulphite Lead chloride
Please return this form to: Dr Andy Bush International Lead Association - Europe 17a Welbeck Way London W1G 9YJ Tel: +44 (0) 207 499 8422 Fax: +44 (0) 207 493 1555 Email: [email protected]Accompanying Notes
1. Substances for which you have REACH obligations You must declare all the substances for which you intend to use Pb REACH Consortium information to fulfil your REACH obligations. This includes substances you manufacture in the European Community or import into the European Community. These obligations may include, for example, the obligation to communicate information down the supply chain. There is a fixed fee of €10,000 for manufacturers and importers of lead metal and €7,500 for manufacturers and importers of lead compounds. 2. Tonnage of lead content eligible for Levy Fees This is the tonnage of lead metal (including that contained in alloys) or the lead content of lead compounds manufactured within or imported into the European Community in 2008. The levy rate for 2009 is €0.05 per metric tonne for all Consortium Members. 3. Substance manufactured from intermediate within the same entity or group Any legal entity or group of companies shall pay the Levy Fee only once for its lead or lead content of compounds. Hence if the tonnage you have declared for any substance is the result of the chemical transformation of an intermediate for which the tonnage has also been declared, either by your own company or by another company within the same Group of companies, you must identify this by ticking the relevant box in order to avoid a double charge. 4. Battery lead oxide A battery lead oxide is assumed to be a preparation under REACH (see Eurobat position paper, 2008) and hence only the quantity of lead in the lead oxide component of battery oxide should be declared. VRAL Fees VRAL fees for 2009 will be calculated based on the tonnages each company declared in its 2008 Basis of Participation form (i.e. average annual tonnages for the period 2004-2006). No additional information is required. In most cases the VRAL fee payable for 2009 will be the same as that paid in 2008. Intermediates A Levy Fee is also payable on the lead content of any complex transported isolated intermediates for which you are seeking to fulfil your REACH obligations via the Pb REACH Consortium (e.g. drosses, flue dusts). However, given some of the continuing uncertainties over which companies intend to register which intermediates, a separate Basis of Participation form will be sent out later in 2009 to collect the necessary tonnage data. This will most likely happen once the SIEFs have been created.
Se oli paha vuosi. Syksystä asti tuntui, että kaikki mahdollinen meni päin helvettiä. Meikäläisen kir-jolohifirma oli siihen asti ehtinyt pyöriä jo reilut kahdeksan vuotta. Kalan hinta ja elinkeinon kan-nattavuus oli toki vaihdellut rajustikin noiden vuosien aikana. Niinhän se oli tosin tehnyt siitä asti kun kalaa oli alettu Suomessa enemmälti kasvattaa. Tähän asti olin kuitenkin s
Newsletter February 2009 Putting Webinars to Work in Law Enforcement and Public Safety By James P. Cavanagh, Knowledge Transfer Agent The Law Enforcement And Public Safety Channel – LEAPS.TV [email protected] What is a “webinar”? Many say webinar is short for “web seminar” but that may not help much in understanding what a webinar actually is. Ignoring all the hype and claims