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PHYSIO4ALL E-News: Should We be ANTI-Inflammatories? Learn about Anti-Inflammatories!! PLUS Special Offer - displaying correctly? View it in your browser. PHYSIO4ALL E-News
Should We be Anti-Inflammatories? • What are anti-inflammatories?
When to use?
How much is too much?
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Special Offer!
What are anti-inflammatories?
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• Anti-inflammatories are better known as a group of • Common types: Voltaren, Nurofen, Aspirin, Advil, • They disrupt the chemical process that occurs during cell damage that leads to • This is useful if the area of damage is large enough for the inflammation to start to • However there is now evidence that for minor muscle tears NSAIDs may delay • There also seems to be widespread overuse and over prescription of NSAIDs When to use?
• NSAIDs can be effective for symptomatic relief but rarely treat the cause of any • NSAIDs are appropriate for joint injuries or bursal Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect y our priv acy , Outlook prev ented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
- Elite and Amateur athletes in training • Inappropriate use can delay or prevent healing, lead to severe side effects and How much is too much?
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• Follow medical advice!!! Your physiotherapist will direct you to whether it is appropriate for your condition, how • When purchasing be aware of the possible side effects • Long term use (more than 3 months) can lead to gut, kidney, liver and Speak to our physiotherapists today on advice on NSAIDs, or about any
concerns. Give us a call on 9922 2212!
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Physiotherapy North Sydney:Thoracic Rotation Exercise using SPECIAL OFFER!!

Call us on 9922 2212 and mention this

email for 10% OFF Voltaren Emulgel!! Only
until 30th June, 2013.

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Source: http://physio4all.com.au/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Should%20we%20be%20Anti-Inflammatories%20July%202013.pdf

Yehuda amichai - poems -

Classic Poetry Series Yehuda Amichai Publication Date: Publisher: A Dog After Love After you left me I let a dog smell at My chest and my belly. It will fill its nose And set out to find you. I hope it will tear the Testicles of your lover and bite off his penis Or at least Will bring me your stockings between his teeth. Yehuda Amichai A Jewish Cemetery In Germ

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Prescription Drug Coverage This section describes the Prescription Drug Plan which is offered to employees and their dependents who are enrolled in a Company-sponsored self-insured medical plan administered by Anthem Blue Cross, including the Network Access Plan (NAP) and the Comprehensive Access Plan (CAP). This Plan, administered by Medco Health Solutions, Inc., provides retail and mail-order

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