Relationship to Patient (eg Mom, Stepmom, Guardian, Other):
Marital Status: ( ) Married ( ) Single ( ) Separated ( ) Divorced ( ) Widowed
Spouse’s Name:
Spouse’s Relationship to Patient: ( ) Mom ( ) Dad ( ) Stepmom ( ) Stepdad ( ) Other If Other, please explain:
Number of brothers/sisters and their age:
(Please complete and give your insurance card to the receptionist.)
Person responsible for bill:
Is this patient covered by insurance? Yes No Primary Dental Insurance: Secondary Dental Insurance (if applicable): IN CASE OF EMERGENCY
Name of local friend or relative (not living at same address):
Patient Medical History Now, or in the past, has the patient had?
Please explain any “yes” answers: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Please list any medications being taken and reason, and also any significant past use of medications: Be sure to inform us if there is any current or past use of bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonates are a type of medication that can significantly
impact orthodontic treatment. Some of the brand names are Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Skelid, Didronel, Aredia, and Zometa.
Dental History
Now, or in the past, has patient had? “Extra” or missing teeth?
Please explain any “yes” answers:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is antibiotic premedication needed for dental visits?
Please careful y try to remember any significant dental history or any past traumatic events to face, chin, or teeth and describe:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any family history of jaw imbalances, jaw surgery, or other unusual dental problems: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Habits Now, or in the past, has patient had?
Describe oral hygiene habits (brush/floss how many times/day): _______________________________________________________________ Women Only Are you pregnant?
Do you anticipate becoming pregnant? yes
For Girls Only For Boys Only
If yes, date: __________________________________
If yes, date: __________________________________
Have you seen an orthodontist previously?
If yes, please explain:_______________________________________
If yes, explain type and date taken:____________________________
Anything else significant that you feel we should know? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I authorize Mountain View Orthodontics, LLC or my insurance company to release
information to check my benefits and I understand, where appropriate, credit bureau reports may be obtained. I give consent to examination by the doctor and staff of Mountain View Orthodontics, LLC.
Etude bibliographique sur la Renouée du Japon: Ecologie, Biologie et modalités de gestion SOMMAIRE INTRODUCTION Les espèces invasives De la nécessité de combattre l’expansion de la renouée du Japon ! Organisation I/ HISTORIQUE, BIOGEOGRAPHIE ET NOTES SYNTHETIQUES SUR LA BIOLOGIE ET L'ECOLOGIE DE LA RENOUEE DU JAPON 1) Introduction 2) Origine de la renouée du Jap
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