Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa flagyl metronidazol Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Ehl248 2266.2268
European Heart Journal (2006) 27, 2266–2268
Adiponectin and myocardial infarction: a paradox ora paradigm?
Hwee Teoh1, Martin H. Strauss2, Paul E. Szmitko3, and Subodh Verma1*
1 Division of Cardiac Surgery, St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2 Division of Cardiology, North York GeneralHospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and 3 Department of General Internal Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Online publish-ahead-of-print 7 September 2006
This editorial refers to ‘Adiponectin is an independent
positively associated with an increased incidence and
predictor of all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, and
risk of obesity, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, low
myocardial infarction in patients presenting with chest
HDL, high triglycerides, and ultimately the development of
pain’† by E. Cavusoglu et al., on page 2300
Cavusoglu et al.6 reported on a 2-year study that included
Once considered a disease of the affluent, obesity now pre-
325 high-risk males with cardiac-related chest pain and under-
vails in the poorer developing nations as well.1 Although it is
went coronary angiography. Elevated circulating adiponectin
widely acknowledged that obesity, together with its allied
levels at presentation were found to be independent
metabolic disorders, is closely associated with the patho-
markers of both myocardial infarction (MI) and all-cause mor-
genesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs),1,2 the precise
tality at 2 years, challenging the accumulated cellular,
molecular links between obesity and CVD remain speculat-
animal, and human epidemiological data that support adipo-
ive. It is evident that adipose tissue, traditionally viewed
nectin’s role as a protective cardiovascular molecule. Adding
as a passive energy reservoir, plays a role in homeostasis
to this paradox was the finding that the same inverse relation-
and metabolism. Adipose tissue has autocrine, paracrine,
ship previously reported with type 2 diabetes mellitus-related
and endocrine functions and synthesizes and releases a
hypertension, HbA1c levels, insulin, BMI, and triglycerides5,7
wide array of cytokine-like products collectively termed adi-
was seen despite adiponectin levels paralleling cardiovascular
pokines. Adipokines include pro- and anti-inflammatory mol-
morbidity. Only C-reactive protein (CRP),2 a recognized
ecules, complement factors, growth factors, and signalling
inflammatory factor, and adiponectin persistently and inde-
proteins2 that modulate inflammatory, metabolic, and cardio-
pendently transpired as risk factors for MI and mortality,
regardless of further statistical adjustments.
Adiponectin is an adipocyte-specific protein that circulates
A similar correlation of adiponectin levels with cardiovas-
in concentrations greater than any other hormone in the
cular mortality was also evident in patients with congestive
body. In contrast to many of the other adipokines, adiponec-
heart failure.8 In this study, patients with adiponectin levels
tin appears to offer cardiovascular and metabolic protection
in the upper two tertiles had triple the mortality risk when
via insulin sensitizing, anti-inflammatory, lipid metabolism,
compared with those patients within the lowest tertile. The
anti-atherogenesis, and anti-angiogenic effects, which, in
mortality rate was also inversely related to BMI, most prob-
part, are mediated through adiponectin receptors.3 Adipo-
ably reflecting the known association of cardiac ‘wasting’
nectin accumulates in the sub-endothelium of injured
with increased mortality, suggesting that the paradoxical
human arteries where it inhibits monocyte adhesion to endo-
increase of adiponectin levels in those with the highest mor-
thelial cells and ultimately inhibits the migration and pro-
tality may have been secondary to weight loss, a known
liferation of vascular smooth muscle that contribute to the
Animal data support adiponectin as a cardiovascular pro-
Adiponectin levels are lower in females when compared
tective molecule. In a mouse model of acute MI, adiponectin
with males, obese subjects vs. lean subjects, and type 2
null mice responded with larger infarct sizes, greater myo-
diabetics vs. non-diabetics. There is a strong negative
cardial cell apoptosis, and increased tumour necrosis
factor a expression when compared with wild-type con-
visceral fat, as well as body mass index (BMI) in both
trols.9 Rescue attempts with adiponectin delivered by ade-
humans and animals. Low levels of adiponectin are
novirus, and recombinant adiponectin infusion prior to orduring the ischaemia-reperfusion procedure, amelioratedall the associated damaging effects,9 suggesting that
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the
exogenous adiponectin protects the heart against ischaemic
Editors of the European Heart Journal or of the European Society ofCardiology.
insults. Although adiponectin levels may decline acutely inthe setting of an MI,10 this may, in part, reflect sequestering
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ1 416 782 0092; fax: þ1 416 782 0096.
of adiponectin at the site of vascular injury, a hypothesis
E-mail address: [email protected]& The European Society of Cardiology 2006. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
cardiovascular and metabolic health, including elevation
Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS)7 of 18 225 male
of adiponectin levels, are enhanced following removal of
health care providers, there are convincing clinical data
visceral, but not subcutaneous fat. Recently, the INTER-
for a positive correlation between high baseline plasma
HEART investigators determined that despite gross vari-
adiponectin and diminished MI risk over a 6-year follow-up
in subjects with no prior cardiovascular disease. This corre-
measurement is a strong indicator for MI risk globally1 and
may be more predictive of MI than BMI, but the relationship
variables, family history of MI, BMI, alcohol consumption,
of adiponectin to waist-to-hip ratio is not known.
physical activity, and a history of diabetes and hypertension
Adiponectin levels may be altered by drugs, increasing in
(RR 0.41, 95% CI 0.24–0.70, P for trend ,0.001).
response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
Furthermore, adjustments for HbA1c and CRP had little
g (PPARg) agonists thiazolidinediones (TZDs),3 as well as by
impact, although adjustments for HDL and LDL moderately
inhibitors of the renin–angiotensin system, perhaps by com-
attenuated this relationship. The diabetic sub-group of
bating insulin resistance and hypertension, respectively.13
HPFS had a similar relationship of adiponectin levels to car-
TZDs stimulate a substantial production of adiponectin,
diovascular risk, and this association was in part mediated
and considering PPARg is predominantly expressed in
by higher levels of HDL.11 The plasma adiponectin levels
adipose tissue and adipose tissue appears essential for
reported by Cavusoglu et al. were within the boundaries
TZDs to improve insulin sensitivity, this suggests a central
of the lowest two HPFS quintiles, which were defined as
role for adiponectin in the improved insulin sensitivity
the sub-populations with the worst MI odds ratio (OR). This
seen with TZDs.3 Antagonism of the cannabinoid receptor
indicates that the results may represent a statistical aberra-
type 1 with rimonabant has been associated with a 57%
tion or that there are other factors at play that have not
(P , 0.001) increase in adiponectin in obese dyslipidaemic
been formally accounted for in the multivariate adjustment.
patients. The increase in adiponectin is, in part, related to
Is there a paradigm that unifies a biologically plausible
weight loss in addition to a direct effect of rimonabant to
hypothesis to account for adiponectin as a surrogate biologi-
cal ‘marker’ for a good cardiovascular prognosis in low-risk
Although one might conclude from the study of Cavusoglu
patients, yet still be compatible with its association with a
et al. that adiponectin is a deleterious adipokine given its
poorer prognosis in high-risk patients? The answer is affirma-
relationship with increased MI and mortality, it could be
tive if adiponectin is viewed first and foremost as a vascular
argued that if adiponectin isoforms were measured, or
protective ‘mediator’. High levels of adiponectin were
serial measurements made, or waist-hip ratio was reported,
inversely proportional to adverse cardiovascular events in
the results may have differed. Regardless, the paradox is
HPFS, a low-risk population, supporting a salutory role in
perhaps best viewed from the perspective that the prepon-
mediating vascular protection. In high-risk populations,
derance of accumulated data supports a cardiovascular pro-
such as those in the study by Cavusoglu et al., the cardiovas-
tective role of adiponectin and that adiponectin levels are
cular protective role of adiponectin should hypothetically be
suppressed in chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes
no different. The higher levels of adiponectin may be in
mellitus, yet still have the ability to be up-regulated in
response to the inflammatory milieu that triggers an
response to acute cardiovascular injury.
increased expression, synthesis, and release, which is a
In the future, congeners of adiponectin, or pharma-
physiological attempt to limit further endothelial damage.
ceutical agents that augment endogenous adiponectin
Despite all the counter-regulatory mechanisms that are
levels, may ultimately play a role in the management of
mobilized in the high-risk patients, including up-regulation
obesity. However, the most logical and cost-effective
of plasma adiponectin levels, it is intuitive that the repara-
approach of dealing with this burgeoning problem is
tive processes of the body may be overwhelmed, translating
through the prevention of obesity in childhood, which is a
into higher cardiovascular morbidity.
true epidemic. Children are increasingly sedentary as phys-
Circulating adiponectin predominantly exists as three
ical activity disappears from both schools and day to day
primary oligomeric complexes—trimeric, hexameric, and
life, and as well ingest a diet of energy dense foods and bev-
high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin. Although there
erages, of questionable nutritional value. According to a
is no consensus concerning the biological significance of
recent study from the Institute of Medicine, food marketing
the various adiponectin isoforms, the ratio of HMW to
may contribute to this epidemic, as advertisers ‘intention-
total adiponectin may correlate better with clinical
ally target children too young to distinguish advertising
benefit than total adiponectin alone,, at least with respect
from truth and induce them to eat high-caloric, low-
to insulin sensitivity.12 Cavusoglu et al. did not examine
nutritional (but highly profitable) ‘junk’ foods’.15 If the
the individual adiponectin entities, nor did HPFS for that
factors leading to childhood obesity are so readily apparent,
matter either, leaving it open to speculation that the
so are the actions necessary to mitigate them.
patients with the worse OR for MI may have had thelowest percentages of the biologically active HMW adiponec-
Conflict of interest: none declared.
tin or, alternatively, a higher ratio of ‘inert’ adiponectincomplexes, despite high levels of total plasma adiponectin. Future studies may help to better define the levels of the
impact on endothelial function that includes the production
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