Regeringen vill ge pengar till läkemedelsbolag för att skynda på utvecklingen av antibiotika som står emot motståndskraftiga bakterier köpa flagyl metronidazol Svenska materialet kan bli alternativ till antibiotika. for the dental patient: oral health during pregnancy

F O R T H E D E N T A L P A T I E N T . . .
Oral health during
delayed until after your baby is born, your den-tist may need to obtain a radiograph as part of pregnancy
your dental treatment. To minimize your expo-sure and that of the fetus to x-rays, your dentistwill cover your abdomen with a protective apron and place a thyroid collar over your throat. Talk with your dentist or physician about any concerns you may have about your treatment. Good daily care is key to your oral health. To You have so much to think about during help prevent caries (tooth decay) and gum disease,
pregnancy, but don’t overlook your oral brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day with fluo- health, which can be affected by the hor- ride toothpaste to remove plaque. Be sure to clean develop gingivitis during pregnancy. Gingivitis is an infection of the gingivae (gums) that can cause swelling and tenderness. Your gums also may bleed a little when you brush or floss. Left untreated, gingivitis can affect the supporting tissues that hold your teeth in place. Your den- tist may recommend more frequent cleanings to Acceptance, your assurance that they have met Sometimes lumps appear along the gum line ADA criteria for safety and effectiveness. and between teeth. These swellings are harm-less, but they bleed easily and are characterized by a red, raw-looking mulberrylike surface.
Frequent snacking may increase your risk of Although these growths are called “pregnancy developing tooth decay, which is caused by tumors,” they are not cancerous. They usually plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms con- go away on their own after pregnancy, but they stantly on teeth. The bacteria convert sugar and can be removed under a local anesthetic if they starch that remain in the mouth after eating to acid that attacks tooth enamel. The longer thesugars remain in your mouth, the longer the DENTAL CARE
acids attack. After repeated attacks, tooth decay You should continue to see your dentist during pregnancy for oral examinations and profes-sional teeth cleaning. Tell your dentist that you ORAL HEALTH AND OVERALL HEALTH
are pregnant and about any changes you have Your oral health is an important part of your overall health, and untreated dental disease can Also, be sure to let your dentist know about be harmful to you and your baby. Be sure to any medications or supplements you are taking.
include your oral health in your daily self-care Your dentist may need to use or prescribe med- routine and keep your dentist informed of any ication as part of your treatment. Some medica- changes in your oral health during pregnancy. ■ tions are considered safe for limited use duringpregnancy and some should not be used at all.
Prepared by the American Dental Association (ADA) Division of Science. Copyright 2011 American Dental Association. Unlike For example, if you develop an infection, your other portions of JADA, the print version of this page may be clipped dentist might prescribe penicillin or amoxicillin.
and photocopied as a handout for patients without reprint permis-sion from the ADA Publishing Division. Any other use, copying or distribution of this material, whether in printed or electronic form treated with tetracycline because it can stain and including the copying and posting of this material on a Web site, the fetus’ developing teeth. Once they erupt, the is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of the ADA Pub-lishing Division.
teeth may look gray or brown permanently as aresult of these stains. Your dentist or physician “For the Dental Patient” provides general information on dental can talk with you about medications that are treatments to dental patients. It is designed to prompt discussionbetween dentist and patient about treatment options and does not substitute for the dentist’s professional assessment based on the Although radiography (x-rays) often can be individual patient’s needs and desires.
Copyright 2011 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.


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