Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa ciprofloxacin Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Microsoft word - neelgund
CURRICULUM VITAE 01. Personal Information
Dr. Shivayogeeswar E. NeelagundM.Sc., Ph.D., PGDCA
Department of PG Studies and Research in Biochemistry, Jnana Sahyadri, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta - 577 451, Shivamogga, Karnataka, INDIA.
02. Contact Number and E-mail: 09448234456, [email protected] 02. Educational Qualification
Topic: Studies on purification and Specialization: Biochemistry 03. A. Teaching Experience
01 Assistant professor Kuvempu university
B. Academic Programs Taught: M.Sc., C. Courses Taught 1. Biochemistry 2. Analysis of forensic samples. 04. Publications
04.1: Research Papers
1. Vinay G.U., eelagund S.E., and Krishnappa M. (2011) Ganoderma lucidum: A
Source for Novel Bioactive Lectin. Protein and Peptide letters. 18 (12) in press.
eelgund S.E. (2011). Optimization and Production of
Neomycin from Different Agro Industrial Wastes in Solid State Fermentation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, 3(2): 104-111.
3. Mohammed M. Abdu Al-ZaZaee, eelgund S.E., and Rajeshwara A.N. (2011).
Immobilization of Halophilic α-Amylase from Bacillus Cereus MS6 Bacteria and its Characterization. International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 1(4):361-374eelgund S.E. (2011). Production and Optimisation of
Tetracycline by various strains of streptomyces under solid state Fermentation using Pineapple peel as a novel substrate, Recent Research in Science and Technology, 3(2): 01-08.
eelgund S.E. and Hinchigeri S.B. (2011). Biochemical Characterization of
Antiviral Protein from Silk Worm Fecal Matter, Bombyx Mori (L) Recent Research in Science and Technology, 3(2): 47-53.
eelgund S.E., Gurumurthy D.M and
Rajeshwara A.N. (2011). Identification, Characterization of Novel Halophilic Bacillus Cereus Ms6: a Source for Extra Cellular A-Amylase, Advances in Environmental Biology, 5(5): 992-999.
7. Nerli R.B., Metgud T., Bindu S., Guntaka A., Patil S., eelgund S.E., and
Hiremath M.B. (2011). Solitary urethrocutaneous fistula managed by patio repair, Journal of Pediatric Urology, 7: 166-169.
8. Nerli R. B., eelgund S.E., Ajay Guntaka, Shivagouda Patil, Siddayya C.
Hiremath, Sujata M. Jali, Ritesh Vernekar, Murigendr B. Hiremath (2011). Staged buccal mucosa urethroplasty in reoperative hypospadias Indian Journal of Urology, 27(2):194-197.
9. Guru Murthy D.M. and eelgund S.E. (2010) Geobacillus species Iso 5, a novel
amylase-producing thermophile from thermal springs in Konkan region of southeran India. Journal of earth science, 21:319-322.
10. Nerli R.B., Bindu S, Guntaka A.K., Patil S.M., eelgund S E, Hiremath M.B.
(2010). Maternal Risk Factors Associated With Hypospadias. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2(8): 30-34.
11. Raghavendra R., eelgund S.E., Gouthamchandra Kuluvar, Veerakyathappa
Bhanuprakash, and Yogisharadhya Revanaiah. (2010). Protective effect of partially purified 35 kDa protein from silk worm (Bombyx mori. L) Fecal matter on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity and in vitro anti-viral properties. Pharmaceutical Biology, 48(12):1–6.
12. R. B. Nerli, eelgund S.E. and M.B Hiremath. (2010). Pesticide use in India:
etiology of hypospadias. KLESH Lifeline, 18:15-21.
13. Raghavendra R and eelgund S.E. (2009). Partial purification and biochemical
characterization of antimicrobial and analgesic novel bioactive protein (Substances) from Silkworm (Bombyx mori Linn.) fecal matter. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 3(1):74-78.
14. Prashanth, M.S., eelagund S.E. (2008). Impact of Cypermethrin on enzyme
activities in the freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton), Caspian journal of Environmental Science, 6:91-95.
15. Prashanth. M. S and eelagund S.E. (2008) “Behavioural surveillance of Indian
major carp cirrhinus marigala (Hamilton) exposed to free cyanide” International journal of applied environmental sciences, 3(1):31-36.
16. eelagund S.E., S S Ingalahalli, C J Savanurmath, and S B Hinchigeri. (2007).
“Purification and characterization of antiviral protein from silkworm fecal matter” Caspian journal of Environmental Science, 5 (2): 77-85.
17. Prashanth. M. S and eelagund S.E., (2007). Free cyanide induced biochemical
changes in nitrogen metabolism of the Indian major carp Cirrhinus mrigala. Journal of basic clinical physiology and pharmacology 18(4): 40-58.
04.2: Research Paper published in the Proceedings of the seminar/ Conferences/ Symposium
1. Guru Murthy D.M. and eelgund S.E. (2010) Geobacillus species Iso 5, a novel
amylase-producing thermophile from thermal springs in Konkan region of southeran India. International conference of geobiology (p.319-322) Key laboratory of Geobiology and Environmental Geology of Ministry of Education, CUG Wuhan, China. Springer. 05. Research Guidance 05.1: Ph. D
1. Purification and Biochemical Characterization of
Antimicrobial / Antiviral Substances [Protein] From
Silkworm [Bombyx mori] Fecal Matter.
2. Production and characterization of antibiotics in Solid Basavaraj
State fermentation using Agro industrial waste.
3. Isolation and purification of novel bioactive protein /
Lectin from Ganoderma species of Western Ghat regions in Shivamogga and Chikkamagalur districts.
characterization of α and β Amylase and Lipases from Mohammed Halo- Alkalophilic bacteria
5. Biochemical studies on Bacterial Thermozymes from
novel sp: An Industrial and Astrobiological
6. Association between hypospadias and selected
maternal, pregnancy, and birth characteristics: Case –
7. Biochemical studies on genotoxicity and gonadotoxic Revankar
effect among the users of hormonal contraceptives
06. Research Projects
(Bombyx mori): A novel source of Antibacterial and analgesic Protein.”
chlorophyll pigment associated with antiviral protein Purified from Silkworm fecal matter against NPV, in vitro.
07. Conferences, Seminars, Training Programmes, Refresher courses, etc., Organized
08. Conferences, Seminars, etc Attended and Papers Presented
from thermal springs in Konkan region of Southern India.
Dec 2008 bioactive protein from Silkworm
from thermal springs in Konkan region of Southern India.
9. Administrative Experience
1. Chairman in charge Kuvempu University
2. Chairman in charge Kuvempu University 29-5-08 to 27-07-
10. Memberships of University Bodies/other organizations
Indian institute of science Society of Biological Life member Bangalore
Une pratique d'Interruption Médicamenteuse de Grossesse en médecine générale Michel Cadart Quelques mots concernant ma pratique de médecin généraliste se rapportant à l'IVG Médecin au MFPF d'Avignon, j'ai dès la loi de 2001 été intéressé par la possibilité d'organiser des IVG dans le cadre de ma pratique. J'ai attendu 2004 pour l'envisager réellement. Cela semble long, ma