
Kuether Brain and Spine
Todd Kuether, MD
19250 SW 65th Avenue, Suite 260 Tualatin, OR 97062
(503) 489-8111 Phone (503) 885-8946 fax
Discharge instructions for cranial surgery
Please note: These are general guidelines and helpful suggestions for your post-operative recovery period. Everyone progresses at their own individual pace. a. Resume al previous medications unless instructed otherwise. b. Pain medications as prescribed. Take only as needed. c. Muscle relaxants as prescribed. Take only as needed. d. NO over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), or aspirin for one month; unless directed by your surgeon. e. If you are prescribed steroids or anti-seizure medications, please take as directed. f. NEVER DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF NARCOTIC PAIN a. Walking is the best exercise after surgery. b. No running, jumping, strenuous activities, sports activities. c. No lifting, pushing, pul ing, greater than 10 pounds. d. No driving. Please check with your doctor or physician assistant at your first post-operative appointment. If you have had a seizure, you cannot drive for a minimum of 6 months from your last seizure activity. e. Your energy level will be decreased for several weeks following surgery. f. Be careful to avoid sudden movements and use good body mechanics. g. If prescribed a helmet, please wear it as directed. h. If you have had seizures, no unsupervised activity in pool, hot tub, or bath tub. Discharge instructions for cranial surgery (continued)
a. Your appetite may be decreased. It may help to eat smaller, more frequent meals. b. Your surgery and narcotic pain medications may cause constipation. If you need a laxative, try 1-2 tablespoons of Metamucil per day, and/or a tablespoon of milk of magnesia in the morning, drink lots of water. Remember to eat fiber, fresh vegetables, prunes, and fresh fruit. a. Please keep the incision area clean and dry. Do not peel off scabs. b. If dressing is placed, please keep dressing on for the time period as directed on your c. Do not submerge the incision in a bathtub, hot tub, or swimming pool for 4 weeks. d. Cover the incision for showering for 2 days following surgery. e. If incision has drainage, do not wash hair for five days. f. Remove steri-strips (if placed) after the 10th post-operative day. Do not worry if they fall off g. Unless directed, no ointments (such as Neosporin) on the incision. h. You may notice some numbness and swel ing around your incision which is normal. This i. If you notice increased swelling, redness, and/or drainage from the incision, please call the j. Please notify the office if you develop a temperature >100.5 a. If you have not already set up your post-operative appointment, please call the office when you get home to schedule your appointment. Your discharge paperwork should have instructions on it when you need to fol ow-up with your doctor’s office. b. Medications are renewed only between the hours of 8:30 to 12:30 and 1:30pm-4:00pm, Monday thru Thursday, and 8:30am-12:30 on Friday. Please allow 2 business days for refill requests. c. No medications wil be renewed during the weekends or after hours. No exceptions. Plan d. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 503-489-8111.

Source: http://kuetherbrainandspine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Discharge-instructions-for-cranial-surgery-pdf1.pdf

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Norsk visearkiv 2012 Norske mellomalderballadar : Kjempa Grimborg (TSB D 61B)Redaksjon: Velle Espeland, Maren Dahle Lauten, Elin Prøysen, Astrid Nora Ressem, OlavSolberg, Ellen Nessheim WigerUtgitt med støtte frå, og. Teksten er lastet ned fra Kjempa Grimborg frir til ei farleg kongsdotter. Utanfor slottet hennar er det eitgjerde av jern, og det renn ei elv av blod. Grimborg bryt seg inn


TOM OTIENO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • Associate Dean , College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Responsible for various College activities related to the administration of the College including promotion and tenure, strategic planning, policies and procedures, and faculty development. Assists with faculty appointments, chairperson appointments and other administrat

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