Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa ciprofloxacin Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
This Week Anglican Parish of Greymouth & Kumara 2pm Don Sinclair’s Funeral in Church 23rd & 24th July 2011 7.30pm Training Seminar with SOMA Team Trinity Lounge
7.30pm Derek’s Home Group, 59 Fox St (768 6596)
NO Trish’s Study Group this week Marge or Robin in Nelson for special BTC Board meeting NO prayer meeting at 7am during the school holidays
9.15am Guild of St Raphael in Chapel (Ngaire Fisher 768 6505) NO prayer meeting at NOON during the school holidays Theme: Healing (SOMA Team) NO pastoral care meeting at 1pm during the school holidays Readings: 6pm Saturday: 2 Kings 5:1-14; Matthew 15:21-28 AAW Afternoon Group (Trinity Lounge) 8am & 10am Sunday: Isaiah 40:27-31; Matthew 11:25-30
1.30pm Pat’s Study Group, flat 3 128 Shakespeare St (768 4068)
6pm Sunday: Isaiah 53:1-5; Luke 7:1-10 Prayer for the Day: Almighty God, you inspired your disciples to trust you and step out in faith. Enable us to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son. Give your Church grace through to strengthen the
6.30pm 10am music team practice in church
afflicted, heal the desolate, bind up the broken-hearted and bring 7.30pm Vestry Meeting Parish Centre healing, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Theme for Next Week: Hope: The Promise of Prophecy
Readings for next week: Micah 5:2-5a; John 14:1-6
Services Next Weekend 30/31 July.(Last weekend of school holidays) ESSENTIAL JESUS READINGS THIS WEEK: 21 to 25 SATURDAY : 6pm Communion (Prayer Book, Reflective) SUNDAY : Holy Communion (Quiet & reflective, no music. Finishes by 8.50am) HEALING MINISTRY—SPECIAL VISITORS
trying this particular one for the next three
Communion, (Songs, hymns, open to Holy Spirit)
We have two couples from Singapore coming
months. After that we may try another variety.
to minister in our parish from this coming
Children’s holiday program with Corraliegh’s team
If you have any particular suggestions, please
Saturday 23 July to Wednesday 27 July (2nd
Sung Evensong
let Robin know. One suggestion has already
week of the school holidays). One is the
Youth Service “The Way” at the Shed
The key requirement is that it is at least 16%
KUMARA 10am Morning Worship
alcohol, as this minimises the chance of
overseeing the healing ministry. Both couples
disease being passed on through the use of
are trained in Inner Healing and the ministry
There are a number of DVDs prepared by TVNZ of the Memorial Service on 2 December, and
VESTRY MEETING We will hold an open training seminar,
also some of the items that took place prior to the actual service. These are available FREE for
anyone who helped in any way with either the service, preparations beforehand, clean up
with ministry, on Monday night 25 July at 7.30pm. They will also be able to Just see Robin for your free copy. pray with individuals on Monday &
These have been provided FREE through the Grey District Council as an expression of their
Tuesday. Just see them this weekend
thanks for all the efforts that went into the service from so many volunteers.
or Monday night and book a time. DEEPEST SYMPATHIES WINE AT COMMUNION
Our sincere condolences to Betty Sinclair on
You may have noticed a change in the type of
the passing of her husband, Don, on Friday
wine being used at communion. This is NOT
morning. Don is also Hec Sinclair’s brother
an economy drive! Regrettably our previous
and so our sympathies to Hec and Jean in
wine that we have been using for a number of
Kumara as well. A service for Don will be held
years has been discontinued by the winery.
at Holy Trinity Church on Monday at 2pm.
There are very few fortified wines (minimum
We have been given a good photocopier for
The latest issue is now available and may be
use in the church. It is based in the Choir
picked up in the Church Foyer. It is free but
Room. If you wish to use it for church work, it
This is well worth attending if you are involved
you may wish to add a small donation in the
is free. If you want to do private copying there
in preaching or teaching the Bible in any way,
are new to reading the Bible or just want to
better understand the Bible when reading it for
Anglican initiative designed to encourage
yourself. There is no charge and car pooling
As a result of a vestry decision, paper hand
short-term mission trips within the world-wide
will be available on the Saturday. Please let
towel dispensers have been installed in the
Starting on Wednesday 3 August and for the
Anglican communion and is highly supported
Robin or Marge know if you are planning to
church toilet area and also the kitchen.
next 6 weeks following we need DESSERTS!
by our bishop. The team will be ministering in
Are you willing to donate desserts for ONE
each of our services this weekend as well as
evening in this time, enough for probably 14
This annual event is coming around again very soon! August 12th-14th. Contact
people. We still need two volunteers.
Saturday September 3rd is the date set for our
the first page for details of their ministry and
If you can, please tell Robin, and let him
Coffee, Dessert & Entertainment Evening
know if there is a particular week that suits
hosted by the Ladies Guild. At this stage we
When Robin and I picked up the team from
further registration details. This is always an
you best.
are seeking good quality items to be
the train station on Saturday, there was an
considered in the program. If you have any
immediate connection between us. That’s the
ideas please let Margaret Baillie on 768 5993
We really encourage any couples who have
know. We already have several dance items
Congratulations to Jennifer Schumacher and
been together for at least two years and up to
and may be some skits, so other forms of
The next two weeks of our Essential Jesus
50 years to attend this course, if you haven’t
readings focus on Old Testament prophecies
competing in the Star Quest World Finals.
Latest news is that after all dances qualified
Wednesday nights 7.30pm to 9.30pm in BAKING FOR CHRISTCHURCH
sermon will combine the two week’s into one
with high marks, they all received High Gold
Trinity Centre. Starts 3 August, and runs to
This was a great success and Jeanette Oliver
or Gold (Platinum being the highest) for all
14 September. Cost just $20 total.
was thrilled at the marvellous amount of cakes,
It is valuable for any couple who is not having
loaves and cookies which she delivered to Sue
MAJOR relationship issues. It is designed to
& Charles Prattley for distribution. Jeanette
make an average or good marriage better.
said it was sad to see the destruction in the
Brochures available in the church foyer.
New Brighton area. Besides phone calls of
Church has extended and invitation to join
Christina offering
thanks, we have received several lovely notes
This month’s meeting at 2pm on Tuesday in
babysitting for any couple who would like
from grateful recipients. See the notice board
Trinity Lounge and the guest speakers are
Sunday, August 28th at 2PM at the Uniting
to attend the marriage course, but is having difficulty getting child care. Contact her on Sue Prattley wrote: Ph 768 0090 What a lovely gesture having boxes of baking dropped off at our place by the Olivers last SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Saturday. We gave some to our church folk, who all live in the midst of Aranui and we kept
Parish Website: http://www.greymouthanglican.co.nz
holidays and Corraliegh and her team are
some for the food bank and then Charles and I
running a children’s holiday program during
Vicar: Rev’d Marge Tefft, 201 Tainui St, Greymouth;
had the privilege of going door to door around Ph/Fax 768 7508 Mail: PO Box 27, Greymouth 7840
the 10am service for all Oasis and Sunday
our streets in New Brighton spreading the joy. Cell phone: 021 0233 2189 email: [email protected] The people were so pleased to receive such a EQUIP MINISTRY EDUCATION gift. It was a real boost to know that people
Asst Priest: Archdeacon Robin Kingston, 201 Tainui St, Greymouth
Office Ph/Fax 768 7508; Mail: PO Box 27, Greymouth 7840 were still thinking about them months after the Cell phone: 021 0228 7926 email: [email protected]
program is coming to us on Friday Aug 5th
We have had reports of people really having
Parish Administrator: Margaret Baillie (Mon - Fri: 9.30am to 12 noon) Parish Office
(10:00am - 3.30pm) in Westport. The Topic is:
their spirits lifted by the gifts. We appreciate Ph: 768-7508 email: [email protected] the time and effort put into the baking and
Parish Health Advisor: Marjorie Newcombe, Ph & Fax 768 7299 want to thank you sincerely for enabling us to
2. The Bible as communication: hearing and
Parish Mail : PO Box 27 Greymouth 7840 Parish e-mail: [email protected] Prayer Requests to: Joyce Stanton 768-7852, Ngaire Fisher 768-6505
Wardens - Greymouth: Neil Ellery 768 -7921; Diana Fensom 768-4942
Last Week: Attendance: 132 Offertory: $3, 224.00 (Needed: $3,400 weekly)
6 p m S a t u r d a y 2 3 J u l y 2 0 1 1 8 a m & 1 0 a m S u n d a y 2 4 J u l y 2 0 1 1 Theme: Healing (SOMA Team) Theme: Healing (SOMA Team) Sentence: Jesus said: Sentence: Jesus said: “Dear woman, you really do have a lot of “If you are tired from carrying heavy faith, and you’ll be given what you want.” burdens, come to me and I will give you At that moment her daughter was healed. rest.” Prayer for the day: Prayer for the day: Almighty God, you inspired your disciples Almighty God, you inspired your disciples to trust you and step out in faith. Enable us to trust you and step out in faith. Enable us to proclaim the love and healing power of to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son. Give your Church grace through your Son. Give your Church grace through to strengthen the afflicted, heal the to strengthen the afflicted, heal the desolate, bind up the broken-hearted and desolate, bind up the broken-hearted and bring healing, through Jesus Christ our bring healing, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord. Amen. Readings: Readings: 2 Kings 5: 1-14 ( p483) Isaiah 40:27-31 (p 918) Matthew 15: 21-28 (p 1246) Matthew 11: 25-30 (p 1238) 6 p m S u n d a y 2 4 J u l y 2 0 1 1 6 p m S u n d a y 2 4 J u l y 2 0 1 1 Theme: Healing (SOMA Team) Theme: Healing (SOMA Team) Sentence: When Jesus heard this, he was Sentence: When Jesus heard this, he was so surprised that he turned and said to the so surprised that he turned and said to the crowd following him, “In all of Israel I’ve crowd following him, “In all of Israel I’ve never found anyone with this much faith!” never found anyone with this much faith!” Prayer for the day: Prayer for the day: Almighty God, you inspired your disciples Almighty God, you inspired your disciples to trust you and step out in faith. Enable us to trust you and step out in faith. Enable us to proclaim the love and healing power of to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son. Give your Church grace through your Son. Give your Church grace through to strengthen the afflicted, heal the to strengthen the afflicted, heal the desolate, bind up the broken-hearted and desolate, bind up the broken-hearted and bring healing, through Jesus Christ our bring healing, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord. Amen. Readings: Readings: Isaiah 53:1-5 (p937) Isaiah 53:1-5 (p937) Luke 7:1-10 (p 1320) Luke 7:1-10 (p 1320)
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ERC Launch Event, Berlin, 27-28 February 2007 The Role of Serendipity in Basic Research Tales of serendipity in scientific research are always intriguing. From Archimedes’ flash of inspiration while lowering himself into a bath, to Newton’s moment of clarity while sitting under an apple tree, it is clear that serendipity has played an important role in many fundamental scientific di