Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa ciprofloxacin Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.

Word pro - ndreconmanual.lwp

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OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4MANUAL RECONCILIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 NON-EMS STATEMENT RECONCILIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10ND RECONCILIATION CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 910 - Process ND Statement for IPDA EMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
929 - Drop STMT087 Records by ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
920 - ND Statement Summary List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
921 - ND Statement Reconciliation List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
911 - Reconciliation of Statement Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
912 - NDPayment Calculation Report
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 947 - Statement Balance Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
913 - Reconciled Exception List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
925 - Unbilled Transaction List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
915 - Reconcile Non-EMS ND Statement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 914 - Reconcile Non-EMS ND by Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
923 - Non-EMS ND Transaction List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
916 - Reconcile Books by Reference Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
MAINTENANCE CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
901 - Add/Update/Delete Hold Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
902 - Add/Update/Delete Statement Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
903 - Delete Record from Hold/Stmt by ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
905 - Update National Distributor Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
906 - Add/Update EMS Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
907-Update ND Deductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
945 - Ledger Balance Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
948 - Opening Balance Detail Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
924 - National Distributor Liability Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
ARCHIVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
950 - Reprint ND Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
952 - Purge Archived ND Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 930 - Backup/Restore Hold File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
931 - Backup/Restore Stmt File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 081 - Returns from EMS - ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
181 - Returns from code 814 - Affidavit Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
281 - Book Returns from EMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
271 - Book Invoice from EMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Data Processing Services' National Distributor Payable System was designed to reconcile themonthly statement, maintain outstanding requests for credit, and calculate a payment amountbased on the month's billing.
The Magazine and Book Distribution Systems automatically capture title and issue level datafrom receiving, invoicing and statement of bulk return processing. This information is stored inthe Reconciliation Hold File. As titles are received, the issues' data is captured in the hold filewith received quantity and cost. After that issue has been invoiced, the record is updated withthe date of the invoice. When a return affidavit is printed the title, issue, quantity and cost arealso captured automatically in the Hold File. The Wholesaler Unbilled File contains: Code 132 records - Title/Issue Adjustment Requests. These title/issue specific transactions
are keyed in using Code 901 or are automatically generated in the reconciliation process.
Code 134 records - Total Dollar Amount Adjustment Request. These transactions are
keyed in using code 901. This request for an adjustment requires only the total amount to be
entered. It is not title/issue specific.
Code 171 records - Title/Issue Receiving and Invoicing. The number of copies received are
automatically captured during the receiving process and the record is added to the Hold File.
When that title /issue is invoiced, the 171 received record is updated to show that it has been
Code 181 records - Title/Issue Returns Claimed. The number of copies returned to the
National Distributor are automatically captured when the affidavit is printed.
At the beginning of each month the agency will receive the National Distributors' statementsusing code 149. This code connects through STRT to the IPDA EMS computer to send youraffidavit returns to the National Distributors' mailboxes, receive allotment notices and receivestatement information. The allotment data goes to the allotment /received file for allotmentprocessing. The statement data is put into the Detail Statement Received File. The DetailStatement Received File contains: Code 032 records - Title/Issue Adjustments Credited. When the ND gives credit for a 132
credit request they send an 032 record.
Code 034 records - Dollar Amount Magazine Adjustments Credited. When the ND gives
credit for a 134 credit request they send an 034 record.
Code 234 records - Total Dollar Amount Book Adjustments Credited. When the ND gives
credit for 134 book credit request they send a 234 record.
Code 071 records - Magazine Invoice Charge. For every title that is invoiced by the ND
they send a 071 charge record.
Code 271 records - Book Invoice Charge. For every book invoiced by the ND they send a
Code 081 records - Magazine Return Credited. For every magazine return claim credited
by the ND they send a 081 record.
Code 281 records - Book Return Credited. For every book return claim credited by the ND
they send a 281 record.
Code 910 is run for a specific National Distributor, the detail statement data is merged with theHold File data and placed in the Statement File for reconciliation purposes. This code reads theDetail Statement Received File and for every record read, it tries to find a matching record in theWholesaler Unbilled File. A record matches when the transaction code, title and issue are thesame. The matching records are placed into the Statement Reconciliation File. Every record inthe Detail Statement Received File is placed into the Statement Reconciliation File even if thereis no match. Code 920 should be run. This code summarizes the detail title/issue data and prints a summarizedstatement to verify that the transmitted detail data matches the statement. Any differences shouldbe verified with the National Distributor.
Code 921 lists the detail transactions by reference number allowing you to view the detail of thereference number that showed a discrepancy. The results of the code 910 merge process creates transactions in that Statement ReconciliationFiles that have: 1. Matching title/issue with the same quantity and/or price. These transactions are 2. Matching title/issue with the different quantity and/or price. A determination must be made as to which transaction is correct. 3. National Distributor charges with no wholesaler matching title/issue transactions (billed 4. National Distributor charges for which there are matching wholesaler records, but those records have not yet been invoiced (billed not invoiced).
5. National distributor credits with no wholesaler matching title/issue transactions (credit In the Wholesaler Unbilled File the following transactions remain: Wholesaler receiving with no National Distributor matching title/issue transaction(received not billed).
Wholesaler returns with no National Distributor matching title issue transaction (returns Code 911 allows you to inspect every transaction in the Statement Reconciliation File. You canalso request to inspect only the transactions whose quantity or cost are out of balance. If theinspection reveals that the National Distributor's data is correct, you can select their figures andthe difference is reconciled. If your figures are correct, you select 'ours' and a credit isautomatically requested. The credit request is automatically retained for each subsequent monthuntil it is either reconciled or written off.
Code 912 allows you to reconcile the statement automatically, creating adjustments out of thequantity/cost difference transactions on which you are due credit. Code 912 also calculates asuggested payment based on the month end dates that you enter.
The following steps must be taken prior to using the National Distributor ReconciliationPrograms for the first time.
Use code 350 to update the following fields in the National Distributor File. This must bedone, at minimum, 1 month in advance of receiving your first electronic statement to ensurethat you have full month’s transactions on file.
EMS Number - Enter the National Distributor's mailbox number. This information
allows the system to post the electronic statement to the correct National Distributor
EMS Status - This field indicates to the system what type of data to accumulate with
regard to the IPDA electronic mail system.
0 - Accumulate no data1 - Send affidavit data only2 - Create ND reconciliation data only3 - Send affidavit data ND create ND reconciliation The National Distributors from whom you will be receiving an electronic statement should havea 3 in this field. You have the option to accumulate data for distributors that do not transmittheir statements electronically. These distributors can be reconciled as a Non-EMS distributorand should have a 2 in this field.
Call each of the distributors that will be transmitting you an electronic statement.
Tell them that you would like to start receiving your statement electronically.
Provide them with your IPDA EMS mailbox number. This can be found in the generaloptions section of your client record file (321).
Find out what day of the month you should expect their statement to be in your mailbox. Use code 321 to update the following fields in the ‘General Options’ section of your clientrecord.
'Save BNR Records (Y/N)' - a BNR (billed, not received) record is a record that appears
on the ND's statement as billable when you have not yet received the shipment. This field
determines whether the system will save the BNR record until it has been received so that
it can be reconciled on the next statement, or drops it assuming that it will be transmitted
on another statement. If you are unsure, put a 'Y' in this field.
'Save BNI Records(Y/N)’ - a BNI (billed, not invoiced) record is a record that appears
on the ND's statement as billable when you haven't yet invoiced the shipment. This field
determines whether the system will save the BNI record until it has been invoiced so that
it can be reconciled on the next statement, or drops it assuming that it will be transmittedon another statement. If you are unsure, put a 'Y' in this field. 'Save Price Difference' - when the payment calculation report is run it creates
adjustment records out of the transactions from which you are due credit. This field gives
you the option to determine whether the adjustments are created from transactions that
have quantity differences only or from transactions that have both quantity and price
differences. Enter 'N' to save quantity differences only. Enter 'Y' to save price
differences and quantity differences.
Use code 905 to update the ‘National Distributors’ balances as of their last statement Inform the person in your agency responsible for receiving allotments that at the beginningof each month the National Distributor will be transmitting a statement to your mailbox onthe IPDA Electronic Mail System. Statements are received from your mailbox throughSTRT with the use of code 149. When the transmission is complete a listing of thestatements received will print. This list will show the National Distributor’s number/name,reference number, date, description, and code. These statements will print on a page bythemselves with the aging on top with one line below for each invoice, credit memo, etc.
All reports pertaining to the statement transmission must be forwarded to the accountspayable department as soon after receiving as possible.
When statements are received via Electronic Mail from National Distributors (code 149), thestatement prints on your Electronic Mail Status Report. This list will show one line for each invoice, credit memo, etc., with the National Distributor'snumber/name, reference number, date, description, and code. These statements will print on apage by themselves with the aging on top with one line below for each invoice, credit memo, etc.
When you are ready to match the transactions received from the National Distributor against theHold File, do the following: Code 930 - Backup Hold File - Make sure that all receiving has been stopped prior to
running this backup and that it will not start again until you have completed the
reconciliation process.
Code 931 - Backup Statement File.
Code 910 - Process ND Statement - After you select the National Distributor, this process
takes all of the transactions received via EMS and pulls only the matching transactions from
your Hold File and puts both into your Statement Reconciliation File in preparation for the
reconciliation process. Transactions from the National Distributor's statement that do not
have a match in your Hold File are put in the reconciliation as billed not received.
Code 920 - Print Summary - This will give you a report of the data in the Statement
Reconciliation File sorted by National Distributor, showing one line (summary) per
reference number. This summary line contains: National Distributor number, reference
number, date, total amount from the national distributor's statement, (credit or charge), the
reconciled amount, and the total amount from your hold file. A grand total will print at the
end of each National Distributor. This report will be used to quickly find the ND/Reference
Numbers to use during the reconciliation process (911).
Code 921 - Print Statement Detail - This allows you to print all of the transactions that
make up the statement or only the out of balance transactions. It is suggested that you print
only the out of balance transactions since the transactions that balance will be automatically
taken care of during the reconciliation process. A difference column displays any cost
and/or quantity differences between your records and the National Distributor's records. If
you have questions on these out of balances, it is helpful to use code 437 -'Bulk Inquiry A/P'
to research some of the issues in question. Make a note of your corrections on this report.
Code 911 - Reconcile Statement Data - You will be prompted to select to display all make
up the statement, or only the out of balance transactions. It is suggested that you print only
the out of balance transactions since the transactions that balance will be automatically taken
care of during the reconciliation process. A difference column displays any cost and/or
quantity differences between your records and the National Distributor's records. If you have
questions on these out of balances, it is helpful to use code 437 -'Bulk Inquiry A/P' toresearch some of the issues in question. Make a note of your corrections on this report.
Enter the ND number and the first reference number that you will reconcile from theNational Distributor's Statement. The transaction sets for the reference number selected willappear on the screen. Refer to 'special code definitions' in this manual to identify the threedigit transaction codes that appear on the screen (the National Distributor's transactionsalways begin with a 0 while your transactions always begin with a L). As the 'sets' of out ofbalance transactions are displayed, the quantity/cost differences appear and you are providedwith the following acceptance options.
O’ Our transaction - accept the transaction generated by the agency. Meaning your
quantity and/or cost is correct.
‘T’ Their transaction - accept the transaction generated by the national distributor.
Meaning the ND's quantity and/or cost is correct.
‘C’ Change - will allow you to change the issue, cost, and quantity in either the agency
or National Distributors transaction. After making a change the transaction set will
remain on the screen.
Select 'O' or 'T' to reconcile to the transaction that you changed.
To do nothing - press 'enter'. The transaction will remain unreconciled.
When you have completed reconciling a National Distributor, you should print the transactionsleft in your Hold File for the past month (code 925). This will show you any returns you hadsubmitted last month and not gotten credit for (i.e. returns in transit). It will also show thetitle/issues you have billed out but have not been billed for by the National Distributor.
When statements are received via Electronic Mail from National Distributors (code 149), thestatement prints on your Electronic Mail Status Report. This list will show one line for each invoice, credit memo, etc., with the National Distributor'snumber/name, reference number, date, description, and code. These statements will print on apage by themselves with the aging on top with one line below for each invoice, credit memo, etc.
Once you are ready to match the transactions received from the National Distributor against theUnbilled File, do the following: Code 930 - Backup Hold File - Make sure that all receiving has been stopped prior to
running this backup and that it will not start again until you have completed the
reconciliation process.
Code 931 - Backup Statement File.
Code 910 - Process ND Statement - After you select the National Distributor, this process
takes all of the transactions received via EMS and pulls only the matching transactions
from your Hold File and puts both into your Statement Reconciliation File in preparation
for the reconciliation process. Transactions from the National Distributor's Statement that
do not have a match in your Hold File are put in the reconciliation as billed not received.
Code 920 - Print Summary - This will give you a report sorted by National Distributor
showing one line (summary) per reference number. The summary line contains: National
Distributor number, reference number, date, total amount from the national distributor's
statement, (credit or charge), the reconciled amount, and the total amount from your Hold
File. A grand total will print at the end of each National Distributor.
Code 921 - Print Statement Detail - This allows you to print all of the transactions that
make up the statement or only print the out of balance transactions. A difference column
displays any cost and/or quantity differences between your records and the National
Distributor's records. If you have questions on these out of balances, it is helpful to use
code 437 - Bulk Inquiry A/P to research some of the issues in question. Use this report to
select cost differences only. Review the report to find any incorrect costs that may be in
your files.
If there are costs that need to be corrected on your files, use code 911 to make changes toyour cost, select #2 to display only out of balance transactions. All cost changes made in911 will update the cost in the Bulk, Title Reference and Statement Files.
If there are any manual transactions (shortages, overages, etc.) That need to be added to theReconciliation File use code 902. Any cost changes made through code 902 will update theBulk and Title Reference File in addition to the Statement File.
If there are any deductions that need to be added to the Statement File use code 907 prior tocalculating a payment with code 912.
Code 912 reconciles the statement, creating adjustments or all differences that are in yourfavor, and calculates a suggested payment for the National Distributor. The data that isselected to be included in the payment calculation is based on the cutoff dates that youenter for invoices and returns. A report will print showing a total for each group of recordsthat make up the payment (BNR/BNI, invoiced not billed, returns in transit, payments notcredited, differences not credited, adjustments not credited, deduction amount). After thereport is generated the code will prompt 'Process This Amount (Y/N)'. If you would like toreview the payment calculation and are not ready to process the transactions, answer 'N'.
This enables you to run the report using various cutoff dates until you come up with theappropriate payment. When you have decided upon a payment amount, answer 'Y' toprocess the amount. The differences not credited that appear on the payment report are therecords that you are due credit on (the system will automatically reconcile all other items inyour favor). When the statement is accepted, these discrepancies will be carried over tonext month's statement as an adjustment (132). You must notify the National Distributor ofthese credits due. In the future, when the National Distributor gives you credit for thesediscrepancies in the form of an adjustment (032), these records will be reconciled.
Code 913 - Accept Reconciled Statements - This accepts the reconciled statement, prints
a detailed listing of the reconciled transactions and drops the transactions from the
Statement File. If all of the transactions on the statement have not been reconciled a
message will display indicating such, and you will be returned to the menu. Use code 921
to print a listing of the unreconciled transactions remaining in the Statement Reconciliation
File for the National Distributor that you are working on. Return to step 6 to reconcile
these transactions.
When you have completed reconciling a National Distributor, you should print thetransactions left in your Hold File for the past month (code ). This will show you anyreturns you had submitted last month and not gotten credit for (i.e. returns in transit). Itwill also show titles you have billed out but have not been billed for by the NationalDistributor.
Code 925 - Print the Hold File for the publisher you are going to reconcile and sort by
transaction date to review the data in file.
Code 930 - Back Up Hold File - If there is old data on 925 report, run 930 again and
restore file using a drop date to get rid of old records. After the restore, run 930 to back up
file again so that the file is backed up without the old records in it. Make sure that no one
will be doing any receiving for the publisher that you are going to reconcile, until after you
have completed the reconciliation.
Code 931 - Back Up the Statement Reconciliation File.
Code 915 - Reconcile a Publisher - Choose the sort options that best match the publisher's
statement. This is usually by transaction date and then by retail.
Code 921 - Print the Statement Reconciliation. The reconciled amount is what you have
chosen to pay the publisher.
If you feel you have made a mistake and need to start over from the beginning, use code 930to restore the Hold File using 12/31 of the previous year as a drop date. This ensures thatyou will not drop any current records by mistake. Then use code 931 to restore theStatement Reconciliation File. Keep in mind that you can only restore the Hold File (930) ifno receiving has been done.
910 - Process ND Statement for IPDA EMS
This code takes all of the titles/issues that have been transmitted from the National Distributor's
statement and matches them with the titles/issues in the Agency Hold File. All matches are then
transferred to the Statement Reconciliation File. All transactions from the National Distributor
are put in the Statement File regardless of whether there is a match in the Hold File.
When this code is keyed in, it will display one line per National Distributor. You can do oneNational Distributor at a time or all of them. However, all of the ND's must be processedthrough code 910 prior to receiving the following month's statements. This code should not berun while receiving is taking place.
929 - Drop STMT087 Records by ND
This code allows you to drop ND statement records that have been received with Code 149 -
Receive IPDA Mail but not updated by running Code 910 - Process IPDA statements. Enter the
ND number for the data to be dropped.
920 - ND Statement Summary List
This will give you a summary list of the data that was placed in the Statement Reconciliation File
as a result of running code 910. This list is sorted by National Distributor showing one line per
reference number. This summary line contains: National Distributor number, reference number,
date, total amount from the National Distributor's statement, (credit or charge), the reconciled
amount, and the total amount from your hold file. A grand total will print at the end of each
National Distributor. This report can be used to provide you with the reference numbers to
reconcile from the National Distributor's Statement. It can also be used to provide you with the
total reconciled amount after the manual reconciliation process has been completed.
921 - ND Statement Reconciliation List
This code allows you to list the detail transactions that were placed in the Statement
Reconciliation File as a result of running code 910 to process the National Distributors'
Statements. Among many other uses, this listing can be used to print out of balance transactions
in preparation for reconciling a statement, to print unreconciled transactions after the
reconciliation process to review any missed transactions, and to obtain a list of BNI and/or BNR
Occasionally the National Distributor will send adjustment transactions to issue credit forshortages, price corrections, etc. These transactions will have a 2 digit alpha code next to theNational Distributor's cost. Look in this manual under special code definitions for a descriptionof the special code.
Out of Balance Only (C/Q/Y/N)
- Print only the transactions where your cost is different from the ND's cost.
Q - Prints only the transactions where your quantity is different from the ND's quantity.
Y - Prints all out of balance conditions whether it is due to cost or quantity difference.
N - Do not print out of balance transactions. BNI - billed not invoiced, will print next to the
transactions that the ND has billed you for, you have received, but you have not yet invoiced (as
of the day code 910 was run).
BNR - Billed Not Received - will print next to the transactions that the ND has billed you for,
but you have not received (as of the day code 910 was run).
To print only your BNI's, select option #9 - BNI/BNR and key BNI in 'from data' and 'to data'.
To print only your BNR's, key BNR in 'from data' and 'to data'. To print both BNI and BNR, keyBNI in 'from data' and BNR in 'to data'.
** reference number is an alpha-numeric field - you must enter this exactly as it appears.
Reconciled / Unreconciled Transactions
To print only the reconciled transactions, Select Reconciled (Y/N), key 'Y' in 'from data' and 'to
data'. For unreconciled, key 'N' in 'from data' and 'to data'.
911 - Reconciliation of Statement Data
This code allows you to perform the reconciliation of invoice/memo data. Reconciliation is the
process whereby, if there is a cost or quantity difference between what your records indicate
should be paid and what the ND's records indicate should be paid, you resolve the difference. The
records will be grouped by title/issue and will be displayed on the screen showing copies, cost,
extension and differences when they occur.
To begin reconciling, enter the type of transactions to display, the National Distributor numberand the first reference number from the Statement Summary Listing (Code 920).
Displays all of the transactions on file.
Displays all of the out of balance transactions Displays only the unreconciled out of balancetransactions Enter number of partial name to lookup.
Enter reference number from the StatementSummary listing.
O -Our Transaction
Accept the transaction generated by the agency. Meaning your quantity and/or cost is correct.
T -Their transaction
Accept the transaction generated by the National Distributor. Meaning the ND's quantity and/or
cost is correct. If there is a difference in cost and you select 'T' to accept the National
Distributor’s cost, the Bulk File (code 400) will be updated with their cost.
C -Change*
Allows you to change the issue, cost, and/or quantity in either the agency or national distributor
transaction. After making a change the transaction set will remain on the screen. Select 'O' or 'T'
to reconcile the transaction that you changed.
To do nothing - press 'enter'.
* Sometimes an issue is received that has an incorrect issue number on the cover. Occasionallythe National Distributor will advise the wholesaler to distribute the issue under the incorrectnumber, however they bill you using the correct issue number. This change feature allows you tochange the issue number to the correct number for reconciliation purposes.
BNI - (billed not invoiced) will display next to the transactions that the ND has billed you for,
you have received, but you have not yet invoiced (as of the day code 910 was run).
BNR - (billed not received) will display next to the transactions that the ND has billed you for,
but you have not received (as of the day 910 was run).
912 - NDPayment Calculation Report
This code allows you to automatically reconcile transactions by date. You will enter a return
cutoff date and an invoice cutoff date for a Publisher. The system will retrieve all of the
transactions for the current statement that have a transaction date less than the date entered and
will print a report that shows a suggested payment amount. You have the option to print the
report in summary or detail. If you select detail, the differences not credited, adjustments not
credited, and deductions columns will contain the detailed transactions that make up the total.
You also have the option to print the detailed transactions that make up the billed not invoiced
and returns in transit amounts. If you select summary each column will contain only a total
After the report is generated the code will prompt, 'Process This Amount (Y/N). If you wouldlike to review the payment calculation and are not ready to process the transactions, answer N.
This enables you to run the report using various cutoff dates until you come up with theappropriate payment. When you have decided upon a payment amount, answer y to process theamount. At this point the statement will be reconciled and a payment will automatically beadded to the Payment File in the amount of the accepted total. You will be prompted to enter thereference number, description and date of the check you will be writing. If you arrive at anegative suggested payment amount, it will not be added to the payment file when the payment isaccepted. The system calculates the suggested payment as follows: Statement ending balance Billed not received/billed not invoicedReturns in transit Payment not creditedDifferences not creditedAdjustments not creditedDeduction amount Suggested payment Statement ending balance - This ending balance is transmitted in with the IPDA electronic
statement. This is the balance that the ND claims as being due from the wholesaler as of the last
statement submitted.
Billed not invoiced - This field contains the records that the National Distributor has billed, but
you have not yet invoiced (BNI); records that the National Distributor has billed, but you have
not yet received (BNR); and records that you have been billed for and have invoiced, but whose
invoice date is greater that the invoice cutoff date entered. You can select to print the detail that
makes up the BNI amount by answering 'Y' to the prompt 'Print detail BNI/RIT?'.
Invoiced not billed - This field contains the records that you have invoiced, but have not yet
been billed by the National Distributor. This field is for information purposes only and is not
part of the payment calculation.
Returns in transit - This field contains the affidavit returns that have been sent to the National
Distributor, but you have not received credit for yet. You can select to print the detail that makes
up this amount by answering 'Y' to the prompt 'print detail BNI/RIT?'.
Payments not credited - This field contains the payments that have been made, but that have not
yet been credited on the ND's statement.
Differences not credited - This field contains the discrepancies in cost and/or quantity between
the National Distributor's statement and your records. These are the records that you are due
credit on (the system will automatically reconcile the other items that were found to be in your
favor). When the statement is reconciled and accepted, these discrepancies will be carried over
to the next month's statement as an adjustment (132). In the future, when the National
Distributor gives you credit for these discrepancies in the form of an adjustment (032), the
records will be reconciled.
Adjustments not credited - This field contains all adjustment records in the Statement File
(codes 132, 134, 232, 234, 235). This includes the unreconciled discrepancies that appeared as
differences not credited on last month's statement as well as any manual adjustments you may
have added to the Statement File through code 902.
Deduction amount - this field contains the deductions that were manually entered using code
907 (ex: freight charge, sticker charge, etc.). Code 907 does allow you to enter a negative
deduction, so this field may also contain charge backs.
0 = all, enter # or partial name to look up.
MMDDYY - Enter date from the ND's statement.
MMDDYY -date of last invoice to appear on report.
MMDDYY -date of last return to appear on report.
Appears if step 5 is ‘D’. Enter Y or N.
Y/N - N = start over. Y takes you to next step.
947 - Statement Balance Report
This code is to be run after code 912 has been completed. It can be used to get an actual month
end figure for the billed not invoiced (BNI), billed not received (BNR) and returns in transit
(RIT). You will be prompted to enter an invoice cut off date and a return cut off date, however
the suggested payment column will always reflect the amount that was accepted when code 912
was run. If the payment calculated during 912 was a credit the suggested payment on this report
will appear as $0. The cut off dates are used only to affect the amounts in the BNI, BNR and RIT
columns. This allows you to get a true month end accumulation. For example, you may have
used a return cut off date in code 912 that included returns dated into the first week of the next
month to come up with the payment. However, you would like to get an actual month end figure
for the BNI, BNR and RIT records, so you will use the actual month end date for the return cut
off date when running this code.
0 = all, enter # or partial name to look up.
MMDDYY -date of last invoice to appear on report.
MMDDYY -date of last return to appear on report.
913 - Reconciled Exception List
This code reads the Statement Reconciliation File and checks to see if the ND statement has been
completely reconciled. If it has, the statement is deleted. If it has not, a message will display:
"records are not accepted and they are not in balance, use code 911 or 912" at this point you
should use code 921 to print a listing of the transactions in the Statement Reconciliation File for
the publishers that are unreconciled. Once you have identified the transactions use code 911 or
912 to reconcile them or use code 902 to delete them if necessary.
All of the National Distributor's transactions must be reconciled before the system will allow youto delete the statement. Reconciled means either all transactions are in balance or have beenflagged as accepted using codes 911 or 912.
When completed this code prints a detailed listing of the reconciled transactions, drops thetransactions from the Statement File and moves the ending statement balance to the beginningbalance in preparation for next month's statement.
925 - Unbilled Transaction List
This report will print transactions from the Hold File. The Hold File contains the transactions
that the system has automatically created as a result of receiving, invoicing, manual bulk record
additions and Statement of Bulk returns processing. When a statement comes in from a National
Distributor or Publisher, this is the data that will be matched with their data and merged into the
Statement Reconciliation File to represent your side of the transaction.
The transaction code that represents the data created as a result of receiving and invoicing is 171.
If you are using the DPS Book System, the book PO number is added to the 171 record whenCode B51 is done to receive the book. The transaction code that represents the data created as a result of processing the Statement ofBulk returns is code 181.
The following select and sort options are available. The report will always sort and total byNational Distributor. Your sort/total selections are in addition to this sort.
915 - Reconcile Non-EMS ND Statement
This code allows you to reconcile the National Distributors that do not send a statement through
the Electronic Mail System.
The first thing you must do is run code 930 to back up your Hold File. This allows you theoption to go back and restore the file if you make mistakes during the reconciliation process.
Enter a National Distributor (Publisher) number and then select the order in which the data is tobe displayed. The data should be sorted in the same order as the ND’s statement. All records forthe entered ND are retrieved from the Hold File and are listed on the screen in the order selected.
The reconciliation process is done by comparing the title/issue records from the Hold File to thehard copy statement that the publisher sent. Review your transactions on the screen versus theND’s transactions on the paper. To reconcile, enter ours (O) or theirs (T) next to the transactionson the screen. For all transactions that match, enter ‘O’ and press enter through the quantity andcost field. When you get to a transaction where you feel that the ND’s invoice is correct and yourHold File is incorrect, select to reconcile using the ND’s transaction (T). You must change thecost and quantity on the screen to reflect what is on the ND’s statement. The cost will becorrected in your Bulk File, the Statement Reconciliation File and Book Master File for books.
After you press enter, the data is moved into the Statement Reconciliation File and flagged asreconciled.
After the entire statement has been completed, use code 921 to print the publisher's reconciledtransactions. The 'Reconciled Amount' total is the amount to pay the publisher.
Use code 913 to accept the reconciled transactions.
2. Retail3. Cost4. Transaction date5. Reference6. Title name 914 - Reconcile Non-EMS ND by Code
This code allows you to reconcile a non-EMS ND's statement by transaction code instead of by
individual title/issue. After the National Distributor number is entered you will be prompted to
enter a date for each transaction code type. The system will go to the Hold File and get all
title/issues with a transaction date less than or equal to the date entered and will display the dollar
value of those transactions. Enter a date of 00/00/00 to skip the transfer of transactions for a
specific code. After the dates are entered, the total dollar value of all transactions selected for the
National Distributor will display. You will be prompted to accept the total. Answer 'Y' to
complete the reconciliation. Answer 'N' to cancel.
923 - Non-EMS ND Transaction List
This code allows you to print the transactions that were placed in the Statement Reconciliation
File as a result of running code 914. The report can be used to produce a statement of what you
received, invoiced or returned for a non-EMS National Distributor.
**To select by Cost you must enter a from to range that captures the cost that you wish to view,for example if you want to report on $3.49, you must enter From 3.4 to 3.5 916 - Reconcile Books by Reference Number
This code allows non-Book System users to reconcile the book invoice and credit transactions
that are transmitted by the National Distributor. When you are not using the DPS Book System,
the books are distributed in bulk by price or by category instead of by ISBN number. You do not
have the receiving, invoicing and Statement of Bulk Returns information stored by ISBN
number. The National Distributor sends the book invoices and credits by ISBN number. In order
to reconcile these records, enter the National Distributor number and the book reference number.
The system will go to the Statement Reconciliation File and add up the value of this reference
number. The value will be displayed on screen. You will then be prompted to enter the amount
that you want to pay. If the entered amount is not equal to the value displayed on the screen an
adjustment will be created in the amount of the difference. This adjustment will be given a
transaction code 134. All of the book transactions with this reference number will be flagged as
reconciled on the Statement Reconciliation File.
Enter ND # or partial name to look up.
Enter the ref # to reconcile from the statement.
901 - Add/Update/Delete Hold Reconciliation
This code allows you to add, update, or delete records from the Hold File. Any changes made to
cost will automatically update the cost field in the Bulk and Hold File. Use this code to add
miscellaneous charges to the Hold File prior to running code 910, or to make corrections to
issues that are already on the Hold File as a result of being received, invoiced or returned. To
update a record you must know it's transaction code and suffix number. Use code to research
this information. When the correct data is entered for an existing record the data for that record
displays on the screen.
902 - Add/Update/Delete Statement Reconciliation
This code allows you to add, update, or delete records from the Statement Reconciliation File.
Any changes to cost will be automatically updated in the Bulk and Statement File. Use this code
to correct reconciliation errors, or to add miscellaneous charges after code 910 has run. To
update a record you must know it's transaction code, wholesaler reference number and suffix. To
research this information use code 921.
903 - Delete Record from Hold/Stmt by ND
This code allows you to delete multiple transactions from the Statement Reconciliation File or
from the Hold File. When deleting from the Statement Reconciliation File you will be prompted
to enter a National Distributor number and a reference number. All transactions with that ND
number /reference number will be immediately dropped from the Statement Reconciliation File
regardless of whether they have been reconciled or not. When deleting from the Hold File you
will not be prompted for reference number because the Hold File does not contain one. Instead
you will be prompted to enter a National Distributor number and then title/issue and suffix
number. The individual record will be immediately dropped from the Hold File.
It is suggested that you use codes 930 and 931 to back up your Statement Reconciliation or HoldFile prior to using this code so that you can restore data to the file in the event that you make amistake.
*The following appear only when H has been selected in step 3.
Begin transaction date - Enter the lowest (oldest) date of the transactions you want to have
deleted. The system will delete transactions whose date is equal to or more than this date but less
than the next date (ending date) you enter. Ex: if you wanted to delete transactions that ranged
from 01/01/00 to 01/31/01 you would enter 01/01/00 as the beginning transaction date.
End transaction date - Enter the ending date (most current) of the transaction you want dropped
from the file. Ex: if you wanted to delete transactions that ranged from 01/01/00 to 01/31/00 you
would enter 01/31/00 as the ending transaction date.
Statement or Hold File (S/H) - Enter an 'S' to indicate that you want to delete transactions from
the Statement Reconciliation File. Enter an 'H' to indicate that you want to delete transactions
from the Hold File.
S - Statement Reconciliation FileH - Hold File Reference number - Enter the reference number from the ND's statement that you want to have
dropped from the Statement Reconciliation File.
Title number - Enter the title number of the record to be deleted.
Issue number - Enter the issue number of the record to be deleted.
Suffix number - Enter the suffix number of the record to be deleted. If you do not know the
suffix number for the title/issue to be deleted, use code 925 to print a Hold File listing, select to
print the title number that you plan to delete. The suffix number will be listed on the report.
905 - Update National Distributor Balances
This code allows you to update the National Distributor's beginning and ending statement
balances, the ledger balances and the last statement date. For National Distributors that use the
IPDA EMS System to transmit statements, these balances should only be entered when first
setting up an account. Afterward, these fields are updated automatically as statements are
Beginning statement balance - Enter the ending balance from last month's statement. This is
the amount that you paid the National Distributor last month.
Ending statement balance - Enter zero. This field will be updated when the statement is
received through 149.
Beginning ledger balance - Enter the ending balance from last month's ledger.
Ending ledger balance - Enter zero. This field will be updated after reconciliation has been
Deduction amount - This field is designated for future use. Do not update.
906 - Add/Update EMS Payments
This code is used to enter the payment amount that you are making to the National Distributor.
When next month's statement is received through Electronic Mail (code 149) and the payment isreflected on the statement, the payment will be updated on your files as accepted by the NationalDistributor.
If a payment was made and entered into the system (code 906), but is not reflected on thestatement, it will appear on the Payment Calculation Report (code 912) under 'payments notcredited'. This payment amount will be deducted from the balance during the paymentcalculation. If a payment is on the statement, but was never added to the system, it will be addedto the Payment File and updated as accepted by the National Distributor.
National Distributor - Enter the number of the ND to whom you are making a payment.
Transaction code - Defaults to 22 - payment.
Reference - Leave this field blank, it will be updated with he ND's reference number when the
statement is received.
Description - Enter the description (name) that you would like to print on the reports for this
Wholesaler reference number - Enter the check number of the payment.
Transaction date - Enter the date of the payment.
907-Update ND Deductions
This code allows you to add up to 99 miscellaneous deductions to the payment calculation. All
deductions added will appear on the National Distributor's Payment Calculation Report under the
column 'deductions not credited'. The sequence number makes each deduction transaction
unique. For description enter a 32 digit alpha description that describes the transaction.
945 - Ledger Balance Report
This code calculates an ending ledger balance based on the cutoff date entered and produces a
report that shows by total: beginning balance, receiving, returns, adjustments, payments and the
calculated ending balance. Upon completion, this code will update the National Distributor's
ending ledger balance, in code 905, with this calculated ledger balance.
948 - Opening Balance Detail Report
This report provides you with the National Distributor's opening statement balance and the
detailed transactions that make up the current statement, sorted and totaled by transaction code. If
you select multiple National Distributors, the report will automatically sort in National
Distributor order.
924 - National Distributor Liability Report
This report allows you to view the agency's total liability for product received from a National
Distributor on a title/issue basis. Each title/issue will show the dollar value of received
merchandise, the dollar value of returned merchandise, the total liability (value of received less
returned merchandise), the estimated liability based on the titles percent of sale (this is what the
system expects the final liability to be based on sales history) and the excess liability (total
liability less estimated liability).
950 - Reprint ND Statements
This code allows you to reprint a copy of the National Distributor's Statement that printed when
code 149 was run to receive IPDA Electronic Mail. A copy of every transmitted statement is
saved to disk when code 149 is run. Select the National Distributor and the statement date for the
statement you want reprinted. If you select all or select a range the sort will be by statement date
within National Distributor.
952 - Purge Archived ND Statement
This code allows you to eliminate copies of old National Distributor statements. You must run
this code periodically to maintain clean files. All statements with a date less than the date you
enter will be purged from the system.
930 - Backup/Restore Hold File
This code will backup or restore the Hold File. When you are restoring this file, the prompt
'Drop Date' will display. If you enter a date, any transactions whose date is less than what was
entered will be dropped from the file. The title file is checked when the restore is done and, if a
title is not on the title file, it is dropped and not restored.
**IMPORTANT** Do not run this code while receiving (codes 151/B51) is being done.
931 - Backup/Restore Stmt File
This code will backup or restore the Statement Reconciliation File. When you are restoring this
file, the prompt 'drop date' will display. If you enter a date, any transactions whose date is less
than what was entered will be dropped from the file. The title file is checked when the restore is
done and, if a title is not on the title file, it is dropped and not restored.
081 - Returns from EMS - ND
181 - Returns from code 814 - Affidavit Run
Explanation codes clarifying the action taken on these returns are:
RL - Refused - lateRP - Refused - prematureRN - Refused - negative saleNP - Refused - not our publicationDC - Discrepancy - double checked 281 - Book Returns from EMS
Explanation codes clarifying the action taken on these returns are:
RC - Accepted/returned cover
RF - Accepted/returned full
DS - Accepted/non-shipment
RA - Accepted/returned allotment
RL - Refused/late
RN - Refused/negative sale
NP - Refused/not our publication
DC - Discrepancy/double checked
271 - Book Invoice from EMS
Explanation codes clarifying the status of the requested order or reorder:
SB - Book substituted
OS - Out of stock
BO - Back order
NY - Not yet published
OP - Out of print
034 - Non-Sale Adjustment from EMS134 - Non-Sale Adjustment from Code 901/902235 - Book Non-Sale Adjustment from EMS Adjustment codes clarifying the reason for the adjustments are:FR - Freight on returnFD - Freight on deliveryHD - HandlingRK - RacksAL - AllowancePN - Price changeON - Other 032 - Title/Issue Adjustment from EMS132 - Title/Issue Adjustment from Code 902232 - Book Sales Adjustment from EMS Adjustment codes clarifying the reason for the adjustments are:SO - Shortage/overageRS - Shortage/overage reversalTR - Transfer (from)TT - Transfer (to)RO - ReorderNS - Non-shipmentSR - Suspended return creditPC - Price changeTO - Other

Source: http://www.godps.com/Assets/NDRecon.pdf


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