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Mali • Complex Emergency
Situation Report No. 11
11 July 2012

This report is produced by the OCHA Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar in
collaboration with humanitarian partners and is issued by OCHA Headquarters in New York. It
covers the period from 27 June to 10 July 2012. The next report will be issued on or around 25

• Violent confrontations between the MNLA and MUJAO Islamists in the town of Gao on 26 and 27
June left at least 35 persons dead and 41 persons injured.
• The total number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) within Mali is estimated at 155,042. The
number of Malian refugees registered in Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger is now at 202,684
• 47 cholera cases were reported in Wabaria district, located on the Niger River bank near Gao but the
situation appears now under control.
• As of 10 July donors had committed US$ 88.5 million, or 41.6 per cent of total requirements.
II. Situation Overview

Recent political developments
The situation in northern Mali
remains volatile. Precarious calm
reigned over Gao after Islamists took
control of the town in violent
confrontations with MNLA on 26 and
27 June. 35 persons, including
civilians, were killed and over 40
injured during the combats.
In an attempt to prevent a counter
attack by Touareg rebels, the
Islamist fighters allegedly planted
anti-personnel mines around the
town of Gao, according to media.
On 2 July, Ansar Dine destroyed
several ancient Muslim shrines in
the northern city of Timbuktu, after
UNESCO declared it a World
heritage site in danger. The act was
condemned by governments around
the world.
In a 3 July resolution, the United
Nations Security Council demanded
the immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities by rebel groups in the country’s north.
The Security Council also expressed serious concern about the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian

Humanitarian Overview
The estimated number of IDPs is 155,042 across the country (Protection Cluster, 29 June). The figure
includes 48,042 registered individuals in the south with 1,234 new displaced recorded in Sikasso and
5,049 departures from Mopti

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency Estimated number of internally displaced persons in Mali
to identify the places of origin of the new arrivals and the location of Source: Mali, Protection Cluster, 22-29 June 2012; (Sikasso, Mopti, Kayes and Segou: Crisis Committees and Civil Protection, registered individuals; Bamako: Civil Protection and CRS, registered individuals; Northern Mali: WFP, estimates as Humanitarian actors continue to only have limited access to areas in northern Mali, including the regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal. III. Humanitarian Needs and Response in Mali
• WFP, through its NGO partners, has delivered food and nutritional commodities for an estimated
50,300 conflict-affected beneficiaries in Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal. WFP is in the process of finalizing agreements with Handicap International, ACF, NCA, CARE, ACTED, Islamic Relief, Africare and Oxfam. • Handicap International has organized the first delivery of food commodities using boats, “pinasses”, on 27 June, from Mopti port to Timbuktu. With the advent of the rainy season the water ways increase delivery options to vulnerable communities located by the Niger River. • As of 5 July, WFP provided assistance to 6,600 IDPs in Mopti and Segou regions, with further interventions being planned. WFP targeted food distributions continue in the Kayes, Koulikoro, Mopti, Segou and Sikasso regions. Cash transfers for 10,430 beneficiaries started on 22 June in Kayes region. WFP has reached 25,085 beneficiaries of the targeted 45,000 persons (56 per cent) in both Kayes and Koulikoro. WFP will launch cash-for-asset activities in August in Sikasso. • Starting in July, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and TROCAIRE plan to distribute monthly cash-grants for 4,000 IDPs in Bamako. 235 households have received NFI kits and 260 students were supported with school stationery items. AGRICULTURE
• The Nutrition Cluster has identified 3 levels of priority districts. The First Priority = 8 districts; Second
priority = 23 districts; and Third priority = 29 districts making a total of 50 priority districts (out of 60 in all). 1 Statement made by the Government of Algeria on 19 March 2012. The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency • For 2012, it is estimated that there will be an annual caseload of 175,000 children at risk of Severe

• WFP continued its preventive and treatment activities to address acute malnutrition in Kayes. • The Nutrition Cluster work plan for the second semester of 2012 was adopted by cluster partners, and refers to the Emergency Nutrition Action Plan approved on 20 June. UNICEF received $ 600,000 from the CERF to implement nutrition activities for some 80,000 children. • The “Scaling Up” nutrition interventions programme showed the following admissions for the period June 18 to July 1: 708 children were admitted in URENAM for treatment of moderate acute
malnutrition; 818 children were admitted in URENAS for treatment of severe acute malnutrition; and
61 children were admitted in URENI for treatment of severe acute malnutrition with complications.
• As of 6 July, Nutrition Cluster partners have nutrition interventions for treatment and prevention in 386 health areas, 371 other health areas have nutrition interventions planned, while the remaining 261 health areas do not yet have nutrition interventions planned. • 42 senior health staff was trained on the management of acute malnutrition, infant and young children feeding for Bamako. Cluster participants agreed to establish clusters at the sub-national level, with NGOs identified as cluster coordinators for eight locations outside Bamako. The Belgian and Malian Red Cross will kick off as regional cluster coordinator in the Segou region. • The Week of Intensification of Nutritional Activities (SIAN) commenced on 29 June and is linked to the National Immunization Days with support from UNICEF, WHO and Helen Keller International. The SIAN initiative aims to reach 736,110 children aged 6-59 months with Vitamin A supplementation, de-worm 662,500 children aged 12-59 months old, and provide 20,447 women in post-partum with Vitamin A supplementation and de-worming.
Gaps and constraints:
• The mechanism "Scaling Up" is only used by six partners to date. The other nutrition partners are
waiting for funding to implement their activities. The cluster is retrieving data from all partners regarding the last four weeks of scaling up activities. For more information please visit WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE
• Following the confirmation of three cases of cholera by the national reference laboratory, a cholera
epidemic has been confirmed in Gao region, with the community of Wabaria, close to Gao town, the source of the outbreak. To date 47 cases have been reported with two deaths. • The situation in the north of Mali (Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu regions) is of great concern. In most urban centres, water networks are barely running because of a lack of generator and pump maintenance, low operational knowledge due to lack of training and a shortage of consumables such as chlorine and fuel. Response:
• In the Gao region, WASH partners are preparing an emergency response for cholera prevention,
including awareness raising and the distribution of household hygiene kits, while chlorine is being distributed to health facilities to reduce the risk of disease transmission. • IRC, in collaboration with UNICEF, has repaired the water pump and is providing fuel to ensure water supply in Ménéka city, Gao Region, for 34,000 people for one month’s operation. • Solidarités, with the support of UNICEF and ECHO, provided a 3-month donation of chlorine tablets for the water network in Nianfuké Town (Timbuktu region) and has started to distribute 5,200 hygiene kits containing soap and mosquito nets in Dire. • UNICEF has commenced work in Gao and Kidal on 13 boreholes and 10 water supply networks. The UNICEF WASH school programme has supported services for an estimated 61,456 school children in the regions of Koulikoro, Mopti and Sikasso in 2012. In Mopti and Sikasso there are 11,560 and 2,674 IDPs respectively with many IDP children using the existing schools. UNICEF support includes latrines, water points, and hygiene kits targeting 149,500 school children and teachers in 2012. • World Vision distributed hygiene and sanitation kits to 2,000 drought and conflict affected persons from Bla, San and Tominian (Segou region). World Vision’s public health team is conducting a The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency hygiene awareness campaign in these villages to reduce the risk of water borne diseases. World Vision has now also completed a cholera and flood contingency plan.
Gaps and constraints:
• There is an urgent need for funds to scale up the WASH response, especially given the serious
implications of the cholera outbreak in the complex operating environment in northern Mali. Most WASH partners are still looking for funds to mount an emergency response. For more information please visit Response:
• A total of 47 cases of cholera were recorded in the Wabaria district. Two related deaths were reported. The Health cluster reported that as of 10 July, the situation somewhat had stabilized. • The health cluster facilitated the deployment of some 32 doctors from the “Ordre des Medecins du Mali” to the health facilities in Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal, carrying WHO medical kits. LOGISTICS / UNHAS
• The Logistics cluster continues to define its fuel contingency plan. A list of available warehouses and clearing agents was shared and is posted on the logistics cluster website . • UNHAS continues to operate weekly flights for the humanitarian community within Mali (Kayes and Mopti) and to Niger (Niamey) departing from Bamako. • Mopti is becoming a gateway to the northern part of the country and might serve as potential hub for humanitarian operations in the future, making it likely to establish a logistics centre in the town. • A logistics cluster mission to Mopti took place on 29 June. Key findings showed that private road transporters remain available, airport is still operational, seasonal fluvial transport is also available from Mopti using various sizes of pirogues (due to water level, cargo transport on the river is generally feasible from July until middle of November). A location was identified as possible logistics hub, including the possibility to erect temporary storage structures. • Following the rehabilitation of the airstrip of Bamako Senou airport, UNHAS is expecting to restart to operate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS
• Installation of a common UN/NGOs VHF channel has been finalized in Mopti. • Tower installation at the UN compound in Mopti is on-going. Data equipment is being shipped from EDUCATION
• An evaluation of the impact of the conflict on access to education has been conducted by the
Education cluster in north Mali. The findings reveal that most schools in the north have been looted or burnt down and that 80% of education staff are now displaced to south Mali. In Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal schools are closed or education suspended. • According to the Ministry of Education, 6,895 students from primary schools remain displaced. An assessment completed in June of school children affected by the crisis found 2,197 displaced students in the 140 primary schools in the southern regions. The humanitarian community is planning operations to provide additional support to schools hosting displaced students. Catch-up classes need to be organized beyond the official school closure date of 31 July, for the displaced school children who are not sitting final examinations.
• Education Cluster members, with support from UNICEF and Save the Children, have been collecting
information on displaced children who are out-of-school and host schools in southern regions. Data collection ran from June 18 to 23, and the report is being finalised. The Ministry of Education has captured data from Académies d’Enseignement, Centres d’Animation Pédagogique (CAP), schools, displaced households and Town Halls, with support from the Education Cluster. From this rapid assessment, a list of 140 schools and 37 CAP which received displaced children was shared with the The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency Education Cluster members to improve intervention planning. UNICEF and Save the Children provided technical assistance and financial support to the Ministry of Education to conduct the assessment. • To date, 119 schools have received education kits from UNICEF and Save the Children. In the last two weeks, UNICEF school materials benefitted an additional 275 affected children in Segou town and Niono, bringing the total number supported children to 4,984. Six host schools in Segou town have also received furniture from UNICEF. Save the Children distributed 1,500 school kits to displaced children and 32 teacher’s kits in Bamako district. • To strengthen thematic guidance, and linkages between central and the local levels, the Education Cluster has put in place the following working groups: Community Participation, Training and Psychosocial support, and School Feeding. • Save the Children produced radio messages are now being aired to promote the free registration of displaced children in schools close to their homes, and to promote their participation in contests and competitions. • School remedial courses in Segou have been extended to affected children who are not sitting for final examinations and are supported with materials, canteens and finances by 19 cluster member NGOs.
Gaps and constraints
• Extension of catch-up classes to affected school children who are not sitting for final examinations.
• Inclusive approach to organize final examinations for children remaining in the Northern regions. PROTECTION
• Following the control of MUJAO fighters of Gao city, arrests of MNAL sympathizers, including minors,
• The information on the misappropriation of humanitarian aid by the elements of Ansar Dine in Kidal was confirmed; part of the aid was reportedly redistributed by Ansar Dine community leaders to the population. The percentage of the diverted aid by fighters is unknown. • Allegations on the use of humanitarian aid with the purpose of recruitment into the armed group have not been confirmed. Further mechanisms to control the dispatching of humanitarian aid are being implemented.
Child protection:

• Child protection issues in the north remain a major concern with reports of unaccompanied children,
recruitment of children by armed groups, sexual violence and victims of unexploded ordinance. However, due to difficulties of access to the northern regions no updated information on numbers of people affected have been received in the last two weeks. • In the four regions of Segou, Sikasso, Koulikoro and Mopti, 80 personnel from government, civil society and local NGOs were trained to identify and document separated and unaccompanied children in the displaced population. A mechanism for regular identification and follow up of these children has been put in place in the past two weeks in all four regions. This training has been organized by UNICEF and facilitated by the IRC and Save the Children. • 11 recreational kits have been distributed in Segou, Sikasso and Koilikoro regions. These kits will support the provision of psychosocial support to around 880 children affected by the conflict through regular recreational, social and cultural activities.
Mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW):

• 48 victims of ERW have been identified so far since April 12 in the zones affected by the conflict. 46%
of the 48 victims are children of which two were killed and 17 injured and four killed and 23 injured adults. Figures may increase with the recent reports indicating antipersonnel mines being laid by MUJAO and the pollution with explosive remnants of war (ERW). IV. Response to refugee needs in neighbouring countries

Burkina Faso
As of 4 July the number of Malian refugees registered in Burkina Faso stood at 65,009. There are five
official sites: Fererio (Capacity 25,000 persons), Gandafobou (10,000), Goudebo (5,000) in Oudalam
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency region, and Mentao (capacity 15,000) and Damba (10,000) in Soum region. These official figures haven’t
been updated since 9 June for Oudalam and mid-May for other areas.
Agriculture: FAO continues its support to vulnerable refugees’ and host communities’ households; by 30
June, some 665 tons of certified seeds and 335 tons of fertilizers were provided. FAO also provided
about 2,500 tons of animal feed and 14 tons of fodder seeds, as well as veterinary products for more
than 5,000 vulnerable households, including Malian refugees.
Food: food distribution took place in the different sites of Mentao camp for 3,610 refugees in the North,
5,891 in the South and 2,677 in the Centre. In July, CRS will distribute food to refugees in Ferrerio.
Shelter and NFI: 500 tents were distributed to the same number of families in North Mentao mid-June.
General NFI distribution is planned for early July. UNHCR has prepositioned NFIs in Ferrerio.
Wash: The water and sanitation situation in Burkina Faso remains critical and require more funding. With
the arrival of the rainy season this is a major concern. As of 30 June, refugees in Ferrerio site continue to
receive water equivalent of 7lts/person/day. Refugees in Mentao site receive approximately
12lts/person/day, and those in Damba receive 14lts/pers./day. Important gaps also exist in latrines and
showers. Only 14% of the latrines correspond to the emergency standard of 50 persons per latrine in
Ferrerio. The standards have been reached in Mentao and Damba. Hygiene promotion activities are on-
Education: Agreements on education are being finalized between UNHCR, UNICEF, Save the Children
and Terre des Hommes. Child-friendly places and schools in Ferrerio, Mentao and Gandafabou will be
established. The child protection cluster has obtained permission to use the Malian educational
Protection: A protection training plan has been elaborated for junior UNHCR protection staff, as well as
governmental and non-governmental partners for all refugee sites. UNHCR will deliver the training in
conjunction with UNICEF. It will start the week of 9 July.
: As of 4 July, a total of 89,390 Malian refugees had been registered in Mauritania during the
last two weeks, with an increase of 15,000 persons. Interviews will be conducted to better understand the
trends behind the new influx. UNHCR has started the elaboration of a plan to establish a second camp in
conjunction with UNICEF and the local authorities. The majority of the Malian refugees in Mauritania are
from the region of Timbuktu 87%, others are from the regions of Mopti 8% and Segou 5%. 62% of
refuges are 17 years old or younger, 35% are between the ages of 18 to 59, and 3% are older. 54% per
cent are female and 90% are of Touareg origins. The remainder 10% is of Berber origin.

On 12 June a general food distribution of one-month rations was conducted in Mbera camp for
70,000 refugees. The food basket included rice, pulses, oil, salt, CSB and dates.
Nutrition: As of 10 July, seven nutritional rehabilitation centres are operational in the refugee camp: one
Intensive Nutritional Rehabilitation centre (CRENI), two Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres for Severe
Malnutrition (CRENAS) and four Nutritional Rehabilitation centres for Moderate Malnutrition (CRENAM).
UNHCR recently established a nutrition working group including UNICEF, MSF, ACF, WFP ADICOR and
the Ministry of Health.

The measles vaccination campaign continues in Fassala for refugees who just arrived, prior to
their transfer to Mbera camp. All health actors are now involved in the development of a weekly health
data collection system.
WASH: Solidarités International evaluation results on the water consumption in Mbera camp showed that
refugees receive a minimum of 9.6 litres of clean water per day. As of June 24, 1,201 communal latrines
have been installed by UNHCR, Solidarités international and OXFAM in Mbera camp. The construction
of a third borehole was completed during the last week of June. Pumping tests are currently being done.
The rehabilitation of three water basins for livestock has also started.
Education: The registration of children of school age continues. As of 1 July 3,637 of refugee children
have been enrolled in the four primary schools established in the camp. An educational solution needs to
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency be found for 80% of children of primary school age who remain without access to school. Funding is
sought to provide education to these children.

As of 4 July, 48,285 registered Malian refugees were living in Niger, with an increase of over 6,000
persons since the last reporting period. This is in addition to the 2,528 Nigeriens had returned from Mali
The relocation process of refugees from the five spontaneous sites of MBeidou, Tinfagate, Tidirgalene,
Gadouel and Intadabdab, close to border areas in the Ayorou region, which started at the end of May,
was successfully completed.
Food: From 21-30 June, the Niger Red Cross carried out a fourth round of WFP-supplied food
distribution in Tillia. Around 199,000 MT of cereals, including rice, beans and cooking oil was distributed
to 2,269 families comprising 12,570 persons. Each family received a ration of 12 kg of rice, 3kg of beans
and 0.75l of cooking oil.
Nutrition: Plan Niger continues to provide support through nutritional programmes, attending pregnant
and lactating women, as well as severely and moderate malnourished children.

: Four cases of Cholera have been confirmed in Tabareybary camp since last week. MSF Swiss is
supporting the Ministry of Health in the case management of the cholera and on a sensitization
campaign. There are two cholera treatment centres with more than 100 beds capacity in total. In
Mangaize camp, MSF Swiss recently completed a vaccination campaign targeting women and young
girls. The vaccines administrated included measles and tetanus as well as vitamin A, Albendazole and
WASH: Since 15 June a new borehole is functioning in Abala camp. UNHCR and partners have
succeeded in bridging the gap in daily water allowance for refugees in Mangaize camp. However,
refugees in Abala, Ayorou and Tilia are still living with approximately 13 litres per day or less. The
situation of latrines and showers is also improving, although important gaps remain in all camps. At the
new Tabareybarey camp, efforts are being made to consolidate the water supply system. 60,000 litres
are being provided by water trucking by Plan Niger. Ten blocks of latrines are operational. Additional
work is on-going despite constraints related to the start of the rainy season.
Shelter and NFI: 500 NFI kits to 400 refugees and 100 beneficiaries from the host community have been
distributed by World Vision. Plastic sheeting was also distributed to 800 families in camps by partner
Islamic Relief.
For more information please visit
V. Coordination

OCHA conducted a sensitization session for 60 doctors from the Ordre des Medecins du Mali on
humanitarian principles and partnerships, ahead of their deployment to support health activities in Gao,
Kidal and Timbuktu.
A global website was created by OCHA (
VI. Funding
On 9 July the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) reported that donors had contributed $ 88 million for the Mali humanitarian response. This corresponds to 41.6 per cent of the $213 million required.
UNHCR reported that as of 4 July, donor pledges amounted to only $ 34.2 million, equivalent to 22.7% of
the total $153.7 million required for the refugee response.

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. OCHA Situation Report – Mali Complex Emergency VII. Contact

Fernando Arroyo, Head of Office, OCHA Mali,
E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +223 79 44 13 15
Dakar: Rémi Dourlot, Public Information Officer, OCHA-ROWCA
Email: [email protected];Tel:+221 33 869 8515; Cell: + 221 77 569 9653
Dakar: Amal Saeed, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA-ROWCA
Email: [email protected], Cell: +221774506297
New York: Amanda Pitt, OCHA NY Spokesperson
Email: [email protected]; Tel: +1 212 963 4129; Mobile: +1 917 442 1810
New York: Sune H. Gudnitz , Humanitarian Affairs Officer
Email: [email protected]; Tel: + 1 212 963 2352; Cell: + 1 646 713 4484
For more information, please visit
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The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.


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