Medications for Seizure Disorders Brand Name Potential* Adverse Reactions or Side Effects Commonly Used For (some are rare) Lorazepam
Poor coordination Fatigue Behavior changes Unsteadiness
Carbatrol Carbamazepine
Blurred or double vision Nausea Abnormal blood count (rare) Skin rashes
Celontin Methsuximide
Appetite loss Clumsiness Rash Drowsiness Abnormal blood count (rare) Dizziness
Depakene/ Valproic Acid
Menstrual irregularities Hair loss
Primary or Secondarily Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Diamox Acetazolamide
Appetite loss Kidney stones Drowsiness Confusion Numbness of extremities Frequent urination
Diastat Diazepam
Poor coordination Fatigue Behavior change Unsteadiness
Dilantin Phenytoin Felbatol Felbamate
Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Gabitril Tiagabine
Drowsiness, dizziness, lack of energy
Muscle weakness Nausea Abdominal pain Tremulousness Difficulty concentrating Nervousness
Klonopin Clonazepam
Poor coordination Fatigue Behavior changes Unsteadiness
Keppra Levetiracetam Lamictal Lamotrigine
Partial & Secondarily Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Brand Name Potential* Adverse Reactions or Side Effects Commonly Used For (some are rare) Mysoline Primidone Neurontin Gabapentin
Partial & Secondarily Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Phenobarbital Tegretol Carbamazepine Tegretol XR Extended Carbamazepine
Abnormal blood counts (rare) Skin rashes
Topamax Topiramate Tranxene Clorazepate Trileptal Oxcarbazepine
Fatigue Dizziness children as young as 4 years in Double vision Nausea
Valium Diazepam
Poor coordination Fatigue Behavior changes Unsteadiness
Zarontin Exthosuximide
Stomach Cramps Appetite Loss Fatigue
Zonegran Zonisamide * IMPORTANT NOTES:
Side-effects are individual to each person. Some of these side-effects are very rare.
Patients should be aware of and talk to their physician first if the pharmacist wants to switches them from a brand name to a generic and from one generic to another generic.
This table is not a comprehensive or complete list of the possible side-effects or the uses of medications to control seizures.
The table is only to be used as a very general overview or guide.
Those who care for or are responsible for individuals with seizures in their home, school, clinic, day-care facility, hospital, college or residential facility should obtain more specific information about the medication(s) used by those in your care.
Readers are encouraged to obtain other published, scientific information about these medications and their uses.
Some of these medications are also prescribed for other purposes and in other age groups not included on this list. That is a decision of the treating physician.
This table is provided as a service and should not be used to make decisions about treatment.
Zuid-Afrika Reistips (Wat u vooraf moet weten), Het maken van een verre reis kost enige voorbereiding. Pas wanneer u vooraf goed bent geïnformeerd over zaken die u te wachten (kunnen) staan, kunt u ten vol e genieten van uw reis. Met regelmaat komt het voor dat reizigers op de bestemming arriveren met een andere voorstel ing of totaal andere verwachtingen. Wij wil en en doen er alles aan om u
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