Microsoft word - breast reduction postoperative instructions.edited

BREAST REDUCTION POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Management of Pain and Discomfort: We have found through many years of experience that the level of pain and discomfort following breast reduction surgery is far less than you might expect. It is not unusual for our patients to return and tell us that their level of discomfort was far less than they had feared. However, you have been given pain relievers to make your first postoperative days more comfortable. Start by taking one every 3-4 hours as you need them; increase the dosage to two pills each time if you need them. Management of Postoperative Nausea: Please try to eat something before taking the pain reliever or the antibiotic to avoid nausea. Keep away from fatty foods at least for the first day. You have Phenergan suppositories to take for the nausea. Do not be afraid to use the medications. They work well. Excessive vomiting might lead to an increase in postoperative bleeding. Management of Dressings: It is normal and expected for there to be bloody drainage from the wounds into the dressings and the postoperative garment. This is not dangerous or worrisome. There is always oozing of blood from surgical wounds and actually your recovery will be far easier if the majority of that drains from the wounds into the dressings. If drainage is minimal, you may wish to leave the dressing intact and only change them once daily. If drainage is more moderate, then you may change the dressings as often as you feel is comfortable. Once you change the dressing the first time, you’ll find that there are large tapes or Steri-Strips over all the incision lines. These tapes are put on with a type of skin glue. This causes the dressings to stick to the skin in some places. You will need to be slow and careful in removing this first set of dressings, but it is not difficult and you cannot do yourself any harm. Activity Level: The first postoperative evening you will still be feeling the effects of the general anesthetic and you will mostly wish to sleep. The next day you will feel much better. Basically what you do in the first postoperative days is a matter of common sense. You will find that using your arms in any vigorous way will be uncomfortable. Anything else such as walking is usually well tolerated, but every individual is different. Most individuals find that they can get back to a relatively normal activity level in 3-5 days. Your First Postoperative Visit: You will be given an appointment before you leave the surgical center to see us in our office in approximately 3-4 days following your surgical procedure. You will wish to bring a bra with you since your postoperative garment will be blood stained. It will be easiest for you if this bra closes in the front. Size is not all that important, but it should be neither too tight nor too loose. First Postoperative Night: Dr. Terranova will call you the evening of your surgery. If you are not staying at home, please make sure we know where you will be and what the phone number is. Call us if you have significantly more pain on one side (there is always some difference), or if you notice much more swelling or discoloration on one side. We will discuss further wound care instructions, activity levels, and expectations with you at your first postoperative visit. Avoid Constipation: If you have not had a bowel movement in the first 48-72 hours after surgery, you should take a mild over-the-counter laxative. If you do not have relief, then call the office and we will give you a prescription for a stronger laxative. If you have any questions or concerns, call the office during business hours at 843-797-0440 or the answering service after hours at 843-724-5441. Patient:_____________________________________Date:________________ Witness: ____________________________________Date:________________ RELEASE FOR POSTOPERATIVE HOMECARE INSTRUCTIONS I, , have been given and understand the postoperative home care instructions regarding patient,________________________ . CAREGIVER SIGNATURE: WITNESS:


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