This information is confidential and will not be released to anyone.
LEGAL NAME ________________________________________________Nickname ___________________________________SS#_________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE _______ ZIP_________________ PHONE (H) ______________________ (W) ______________________ (C) ______________________ Email ________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _____________________ Age _______ _____ MARRIED _____ SINGLE
PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCOUNT __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _________________________________ DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER __________________________________ EMPLOYER _________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________ WHO REFERRED YOU TO THIS OFFICE? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
When was your last visit to a dentist?__________________________
Do you have or have you had…
Have you used Nitrous Oxide or Laughing gas? Y N
Heart trouble, Rheumatic fever or Heart murmur Y N
Preferred filling color for back teeth: _____ White _____ Silver
Rate you smile: (dislike) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 (love)
Kidney or Liver involvement or Hepatitis Y N
Would you like your teeth to be whiter? Y N
Venereal disease (Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Etc. ) Y N
Chief dental complaint ____________________________________
Immuno Suppressive Disorders (HIV, AIDS) Y N
Do your gums bleed or feel tender or irritated? Y N
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD, or ADHD) Y N
Why did you leave your last dentist? ___________________________
(Arebia, Zometa, Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax, Skelif,
Has your doctor said that you need to be
or Didronel)? (If yes, please circle) Y N
premedicated before dental treatments? Y N
Allergic or sensitive to: Aspirin, Penicillin, Codeine,
Local anesthetic, Erythromycin, Silver, Aluminum,
Mercury, Tin, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Chrome, Beryllium,
Molybdenum, Latex or any drugs (If yes, please circle) Y N
If yes, when are you expecting? _______________________________
List of medications you are now taking: _______________________
(If yes, antibiotics may diminish the effect)
Other conditions? _________________________________________
Acknowledgment of Drake, Voto, & Assoc. Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPPA)
The signature below only acknowledges receipt of the Drake, Voto, & Assoc. Notice of Privacy Practices
____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________ Print name of Patient/Representative Signature of Patient/Patient Representative Date _______ Check here if you decline to sign ________ Staff Initials
The undersigned hereby authorizes Doctor to take X-rays, study models, photographs or any other diagnostic aid deemed appropriate by Doctor to make a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s dental needs. I also authorize Doctor to perform any and all forms of treatment, medication and therapy that may be indicated. I also understand the use of anesthetic agents embodies a certain risk. I understand that responsibility for payment for Dental services provided in this office for myself or my dependents is mine, due and payable at the time services are rendered. I realize every attempt is made to correctly estimate co-payments; however, any unpaid balance after insurance pays is my responsibility. I also assign all insurance benefits to the Doctor.
I certify that I have read and understand the above. I acknowledge that my questions, if any, about the inquires above have been answered to my satisfaction. I will not hold my Dentist responsible to any errors or omissions that I have made in the completion of this form. I will inform the Doctor of any change in my Health History during subsequent appointments. Patient Signature (Parent if minor) _______________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
My pregnancy went without a hitch. I had no morning sickness or nausea or any other symptoms to trouble me. As a result I was completely calm and relaxed throughout. I went overdue, and at 41+6 was taken into hospital to be induced. I was hooked up to a monitor that indicated I was having contractions, although I couldn’t feel them. I was sent home shortly after being monitored as Labour Ward w