Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa inderal receptfritt Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
The topic of pharmaceutical patent term extensions has again recently been the subject of consideration before the Patent Office and the Federal Court. In two separate proceedings, the issue of whether the Commissioner is entitled to amend the Register to reflect a new (shorter) extension period was considered by the Federal Court. The issue arose when it came to light that the actual first regulatory approval date was earlier than the first regulatory approval date supplied by the patentee in the original application for extension. This also raises the question of whether the identification of an earlier first regulatory approval date can lead to a finding that the application for extension was filed out of time and that the extension was therefore invalidly granted in the first place. The latter is yet to be determined. 18 September2006
decision of a delegate of the commissioner
Each of the patents had been extended on the
basis of registration in the Australian Register
pfizer corp, pfizer ltd, pfizer inc. and pfizer
of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). However, it
research and development company, n.v/s.a
subsequently came to the Commissioner’s
(“pfizer”) (re pfizer corporation (2005) 67 ipr
attention that earlier “export only” listings
were included in the ARTG. The Commissioner accordingly notified Pfizer that she intended to
amend the Register to reflect extensions of term
decision of the federal court of australia
calculated on these earlier dates. This would
pfizer corp v commissioner of patents (no 2)
have the effect of reducing the currently recorded
extensions by some ten or thirteen months, and in the case of AU 691005, reducing the five
Australian Patent Nos 540769 and 573123,
relating to Norvasc (amlodipine) and 651637 and 691005, relating to Replax (eletriptan
Section 70(3) of the Act sets out that in order for
hydrobromide), (“the patents”) had all been
granted an extension of the patent term under
(a) goods containing or consisting of the
the pharmaceutical extension provisions of
pharmaceutical substance (as disclosed and
the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (“the Act”). The
claimed in the patent) must be included in
extensions varied from about 5 months to
almost 5 years and were recorded in the patent
(b) the period beginning on the date of the
patent (usually the filing date) and ending on the first regulatory approval date for the
On 23 March 2005, amendments were made to
the Patents Regulations, with effect on both new and existing entries on the patent Register, that
The first regulatory approval date, as given by
if the Commissioner becomes aware that the
s 70(5), is the date of commencement of the first
first regulatory approval date in relation to the
inclusion in the ARTG of goods that contain, or
pharmaceutical substance is earlier than that
supplied with the application for extension, then the Commissioner must amend the Register to
The extension of term is calculated according to
insert the correct extension of the term of the
s 77 and is the period beginning on the date
of the patent and ending on the earliest first
regulatory approval date (as defined by s 70); reduced
of the Patentee’s rights and amount to a reduction
by five years (but not below zero). The maximum term
in the term of the extension. The Hearing Officer
pointed out that the Register was merely prima facie evidence concerning patent rights but that it does not
Pfizer contended that the relevant first regulatory
establish those rights. Before granting an extension,
approval date for calculating the extension of term
the Commissioner only has to determine that ss 70 and
is limited to the first such date for the purpose of
71 are satisfied. The term of the extension is calculated
marketing in, or importing into, Australia for general
by s 77 and is not decided or set by the Commissioner.
marketing of the pharmaceutical substance, and does
Accordingly, while the Commissioner may be functus
not include the regulatory approval date for export
officio on the decision to grant the extension, she is
not so merely in amending particulars on the Register that are intended to correctly reflect the term of the
The Hearing Officer noted that the Therapeutic
Goods Act 1989 (“the TGA”) provided for the ARTG to contain two parts, one relating to goods to be
The decision was appealed to the Federal Court.
known as registered goods and the other relating to goods to be known as listed goods. In this context
Before the Court, two issues were considered: the
the Hearing Officer concluded that the meaning
validity of reg 10.7(7); and the date from which an
of the “first inclusion in the Australian Register of
extension of term of a pharmaceutical patent is
Therapeutic Goods” must take into account the plain
meaning of “inclusion” or “include” (“to contain, embrace or comprise”) and the nature of the ARTG
With regard to the first point, Pfizer submitted that reg
and the inclusions provided for under the TGA. It was
10.7(7) is invalid but limited its submissions to that
therefore clear that at all relevant times goods included
contention. It was accepted by all parties that for the
on the ARTG have encompassed both registered and
purposes of the appeal, Bennett J would follow the
listed goods. As a result, export listings in the ARTG
Lundbeck decision (discussed below) that reg 10.7(7) is
are to be taken into account when determining the
valid prior to any determination to the contrary by the
first regulatory approval date. It was also noted that
although most extensions have in the past been based on registered goods included in the ARTG, a small but
In determining the second point, Her Honour first
significant number have been based on ARTG listings.
considered the structure of the ARTG, noting that
On this basis it was assumed that the requirements of
inclusion of a patented pharmaceutical substance as
the TGA are clear and the concept of inclusion in the
a Listed Good or a Registered Good both allowed the
patentee, albeit to a different extent, to exploit the substance. Pfizer acknowledged this but submitted
When the relevant export listings were taken into
that the provision of data for Registered Goods is
account, the dates of commencement of the first
more onerous and extensive, resulting in a delay in
inclusion in the ARTG that were supplied with the
marketing in Australia and in full exploitation of
applications for the extension of term were found to
the patent. However, it was held that the extent to
be later than the actual first regulatory approval date
which the provision of data for Registered Goods is
as determined under s 70(5). In such circumstances,
more onerous than Listed Goods was not considered
the Register must be amended in accordance with reg
to be determinative of the issue. This turned on the
construction of ss 70 and 77 of the Act.
In response, Pfizer also submitted that reg 10.7(7)
On its face, the meaning of the expression “first
is invalid because it is ultra vires and that under the
inclusion in the ARTG” as used in s 70(5)(a) was found to
circumstances amendment would be a restriction
be clear and unambiguous: “the entry, first in time, in a
In conclusion it was held that an export only listing in the ARTG is an inclusion in the ARTG for the purpose of
With regard to the meaning of “earliest first regulatory
s 70 of the Act and that where that inclusion precedes
approval date” as used in s 77, Pfizer contended that the
registration that permits marketing in Australia and
meaning given by s 70(5)(a) to “no pre-TGA marketing
no pre-TGA marketing approval was given, it is the first
approval” should be consistent with the meaning
inclusion in the ARTG and the first regulatory approval
given to “pre-TGA marketing approval”, which is
defined by s 70(5)(b) as the date of the “first approval”. Pfizer submitted that this referred to approval for
marketing in Australian prior to the commencement of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth) (“the TG
decision of the federal court of australia
Act”). Therefore, where no pre-TGA marketing approval
h lundbeck a/s v commissioner of patents [2005]
was given, the first regulatory approval date should
be determined by the first inclusion in the ARTG which allows marketing in Australia, i.e. inclusion as
Australian Patent No 623144 relates to the (S)-
enantiomer of citalopram (escitalopram). The patentee, H Lundbeck A/S (“Lundbeck”), applied for and
Her Honour, noted that s 70(6), which defines “pre-
was granted an extension of term on the basis of the
TGA marketing approval” as an approval to market
registration of escitalopram oxalate in the ARTG on 16
the substance or a product containing the substance
September 2003. Alphapharm Pty Ltd (“Alphapharm”)
in Australia; or import into Australia, for general
subsequently drew to the Commissioner’s attention
marketing, the substance or a product containing the
that goods containing the (S)-enantiomer had, in fact,
substance, is restricted to the scenario where there is
been included in the ARTG since 9 December 1997
an approval by the Minister or Secretary prior to the TG
by way of registration of citalopram bromide, which
Act. However, it was also noted that the TG Act further
comprises both the (S)- and (R)- enantiomers.
makes provision for the Secretary to grant approvals for importation into or supply in Australia of specified
In accordance with reg 10.7(7), the Commissioner
therapeutic goods in certain circumstances before the
notified Lundbeck that on the basis of the earlier
substance is included as Registered Goods in the ARTG,
registration date, the patent Register did not reflect
which is outside the scope of s 70(5). Her Honour then
the correct extension of term and that she intended
went on to state that if “the intention were to define
to amend the Register to reflect the correct term. This
“first regulatory approval date” as the date of approval
revised term was some 18 months shorter than that
to market in Australia or the date of entry in the ARTG
as Registered Goods, it would have been easy to do so”.
Lindgren J set out the legislation concerning
Her Honour also considered extrinsic materials which
pharmaceutical extensions and observed that provided
Pfizer contended evinced a clear legislative policy for
ss 70 and 71 were satisfied, the Commissioner must
granting the patentee at least 15 years of “unfettered
grant an extension of term to the patent if there
exploitation rights” commencing on the date of
was no opposition to the grant. His Honour also
approval enabling marketing in Australia and which
noted that whilst the Commissioner must grant an
should be relied upon to interpret the provisions of
extension, she is not required to specify the term of
the Act. However, it was held that the words “first
that extension and that the actual extension of term
inclusion in the ARTG” were neither ambiguous nor
is not necessarily the period applied for, the period
obscure and did not lead to a manifestly absurd or
of the extension being defined in s 77. Finally it was
unreasonable result, and thus the provisions of the Acts
observed that since sub-s 195(1) provides that the
Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) did not apply.
Register is prima facie evidence of any particulars registered in it, there is a general legislative intention
that the Register be correct and reliable.
“The true extension is that brought about by the operation of s 77. The register does not give an
Lundbeck referred to a number of authorities for the
indefeasible title and is only prima facie evidence of
proposition that a power to make regulations is not to
any particulars registered in it: s 195(1). A patentee
be construed as authority to make regulations which
has no right to insist that the Register continue to
widen, vary or depart from positive provisions of the
record an extension greater than it truly is.”
Act or extend the scope and general operation of the Act, and that reg 10.7(7) was therefore ultra vires with
His Honour also dismissed the submission that to
amend an entry in the Register to zero was inconsistent with s 76(1), pointing out that the notion that the
However, His Honour did not think that it was
extension might be zero is expressly contemplated by
inconsistent with rights provided by the Act that a
regulation should require the Commissioner to amend an entry in the Register which does not reflect the
The timing of an application for an extension is set
true extension of the term of a patent, where the
by s 71(2) which, in this particular instance, required
Commissioner has become aware that the entry in the
the application to be made within 6 months of the
Register fails to do so. His Honour considered s 228
date of commencement of the first inclusion in the
and noted that sub-s 228(2)(e) did allow the making
ARTG of goods that contain, or consist of, escitalopram.
of regulations that make provision for, and in relation
Whether the first regulatory approval date is 9
to, amendment of an entry in the Register for any
December 1997 (as contended by Alphapharm) or 16
purpose. His Honour did not think that the expression
September 2003 (as contended by Lundbeck) will be
“for any purpose” signified a regulation made for
considered in a currently pending revocation action
literally any purpose, for example, for a purpose which
between Alphapharm and Lundbeck. If it is held that
demonstrated bad faith or for a purpose totally foreign
the date is in fact the earlier of the two, this raises
If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please send an
or antithetical to the concerns and objects of the Act,
the question of whether the extension was invalidly
but could not think of a purposive limitation to be read
granted because the application for the extension
telephone Melissa McLennan on + 61 3 9254 2777.
into sub-s 228(2)(e) which would have the effect that
was filed outside the 6 month period from the first
sheet are not intended to be, nor are they, a complete statement of the law on the particular subject matter and
Lundbeck’s underlying submission, that by reason of
are for information purposes only. This update is not a substitute for
entry in the Register the Patentee has the benefit of the
For further information or advice on patent term
extension entered, was firmly dismissed. His Honour
extensions or any other patent matters please contact:
noted that the term is set by s 77 and amendment of the Register to show a shorter period would do no
more than remove a false entry and ensure the Register
reflected the true extension fixed by s 77.
+ 613 9254 2777 or [email protected]www.davies.com.au
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