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Low, N., D. Pfluger, et al. (1997). "Disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex
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prognosis." AIDS 11: 1165-1171.
Milinski, M., D. Pfluger, et al. (1990). "Do sticklebacks cooperate repeatedly in
reciprocal pairs?" Behav Ecol Sociobiol 27: 17-21.
Minder, C. E. and D. Pfluger (1993). Leukemia mortality and extremely low
frequency electromagnetic field exposure: the model of locomotive engine
drivers. Epdemiology of childhood leukemia. Symposium der Akademie der
Wissenschaften und der Literatur., Mainz, Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart.
Minder, C. E. and D. H. Pfluger (2001). "Leukemia, brain tumors, and exposure to
extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields in Swiss railway employees."
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Minder, C. M. and D. H. Pfluger (1993). "Extremely low frequency electromagnetic
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dosimetry 48(4): 351-354.
Pfluger, D. (1988). "Auswirkungen des Freizeitbetriebes auf das
Fortpflanzungsgeschehen von Blässhuhn (Fulica atra) und Haubentaucher
(Podiceps cristatus)." Unveröffentl. Lizentiatsarbeit, Universität Bern.
Pfluger, D. (1992). "Technischer Bericht zu den rauchenbedingten Todesfällen in der
Schweiz im Jahre 1990." Unveröffentl. Typoskript.
Pfluger, D. and P. Ingold (1988). "Zur Empfindlichkeit von Blässhühnern und
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Suisse Zool 95(4): 1171-1178.
Pfluger, D. H. (1997). Melatonin - an indicator for environmental and
pharmacological effects - studies on exposure to low frequency magnetic fields,
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Pfluger, D. H. and M. Ch.E. (1995). Health effects of extremely low frequency
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Pfluger, D. H. and C. E. Minder (1993). "Letter to the Editor: Cancer mortality and
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Pfluger, D. H. and C. E. Minder (1994). "A mortality study of lung cancer among
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Pfluger, D. H. and C. E. Minder (1996). "Effects of exposure to 16.7 Hz magnetic
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Sendi, P. P., H. C. Bucher, et al. (1999). "Cost effectiveness of highly active
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Sendi, P. P., H. C. Bucher, et al. (1998). Disease progression in HIV-infected
patients without AIDS in the era of antiretroviral triple combination therapy in
Switzerland. submitted to AIDS conference, Geneva.
Sendi, P. P., B. A. Craig, et al. (1999). "Cost-effectiveness of azithromycin for
preventing Mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV-positive patients in
the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.The Swiss HIV Cohort Study." J
Antimicrob Chemother 44(6): 811-7.
Sendi, P. P., B. A. Craig, et al. (1999). "Systematic validation of disease models for
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Van Goethem, C. and D. H. Pfluger (2005). "Assessment of early migration and
clinical evaluation of a cemented femoral stem." Acta Orthop Belg 71/5(5):
Weisser, M., C. Rudin, et al. (1998). "Does pregnancy influence the course of HIV
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Mitchell RKL Lie, C Janneke van der Woude Department of Gastroenterology, Erasmus University Hospital, Rotterdam, the NetherlandsDisclosure: No potential conflict of interest. Citation: EMJ Gastroenterol. 2013;1:82-91. Management guidelines offer clinicians clear, evidence-based and often succinct treatment advice. For ulcerative colitis these guidelines describe the use of 5-ASA, corticoster
6HPLQDULQIRUPDWLRQ 600424 SE aus politischer Theorie/Ideengeschichte: „Familiendrama - Drama Familie“; iC 2.21.41 6WXGLHUHQGH Martina Madner, 9404222, A300/301 JedeR hat eine Vorstellung davon, was eine Familie ausmacht. Sollen aber Kriterien festgelegt werden, welches Zusammenleben von Menschen, dem einer Familie entspricht gehen die Vorstellungen weit auseinander. Im Duden wird unter de