PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMMITTEE County Administration Building, Mount Vernon Office Mayor Eddy, Councillors Maertens, Cooper, Peirce, VanSickle and McMillan (4:30 p.m.) Compeau, Hager, Davidson, Sharp and Schell Waste Management / Landfill Liaison Advisory Committee Members Dale and Morrison Water Advisory Committee Members Comisky and Croome; Waste Management / Landfill Liaison Advisory Committee Member Podolsky
Councillor Maertens in the Chair.

That the Public Works – Environmental Services Committee minutes of January 13, That the Public Works – Environmental Services Committee In Camera minutes of November 25, 2002 be approved as printed.

Mr. Hager reported on the proposed extension of leases for farm property adjacent to the
Biggar’s Lane Landfill. He indicated that Don Eadie, Eadie Farm Ltd., has inquired about
leasing the property for twelve years, in order to rotate a ginseng crop on the land in addition to
soybeans, wheat and corn. Mr. Hager expressed concern that the use of herbicides and
pesticides associated with ginseng could have a negative impact on the quality of water in the
landfill monitoring wells, for which the County would be accountable, and that a twelve-year
lease might present difficulties if circumstances dictated by the Ministry of the Environment
require use of the buffer land during that period.
In discussion the Committee agreed that both leases should be extended for a term of three
years, at the current lease rate and for the current use.
PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MINUTES That the County of Brant enter into an agreement to lease property being assessment roll number 4-030-40300 (108 Biggar’s Lane) for a term of three years, with an option to renew, to Eadie Farm Ltd., for farming purposes, at an annual fee of $14,020; this being the current rate to continue under the existing use. And that the County of Brant enter into an agreement to lease property being assessment roll number 9-010-16000 (Biggars Lane and Hagan Road) for a period of three years, with an option to renew, to Pleasantholm Farms Ltd., for farming purposes, at an annual fee of $1,515, this being the current rate, to continue under the existing use.
Staff was directed to follow-up with Mr. Eadie to confirm that he agrees to these terms prior to
the recommendation being presented to Council. (**Note: After the meeting, staff confirmed
with Mr. Eadie that he is still interested in entering into a three year lease***).

Mr. Sharp reported that an amendment to Provincial Officer’s Order #2806-5GYP5G has been
received, establishing a deadline of August 15, 2003 for the submission of reports and
Mr. Sharp suggested that in view of the established deadline, KMK Consultants Ltd.’s previous
work with this system and the good working relationship between KMK and the County, they
were asked to submit a proposal and estimates to complete the sections of the Provincial Order
requiring consultant input. Mr. Sharp indicated that that KMK has submitted a cost estimate of
$10,000 for the work, noting that the County would complete the sampling requirements and
that Maxxam Analytics would perform sampling analysis.
Mr. Sharp suggested that in view of their previous work at the system, Monitario should be
retained to complete the flow monitoring requirements under the Provincial Order, using
portable flow monitoring equipment, at an estimated cost of $5,500. He noted that although the
installation of permanent flow monitoring equipment would likely be required, it would be
inappropriate to complete this installation prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Approval.
Mr. Sharp reported that a groundwater monitoring program is currently being completed by
Golder Associates, noting, however that the parameters being sampled will have to be
expanded to meet the requirements of the Provincial Order.
Mr. Sharp reported that operational items, such as increased sampling, retaining a certified
operator and maintenance / submission of performance reports would be completed by OCWA,
noting that there would be an associated increase in operational costs.
In discussion it was noted that $50,000 was included in the 2003 Capital Budget for work on the
sewage treatment system. The total estimated cost of work to comply with the Provincial Order
is $24,500. The Committee agreed that in view of the upcoming deadline to comply with the
Provincial Order, the proposed work should be sole-sourced, as per staff’s recommendations.
PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MINUTES In discussion it was noted that only domestic waste has been approved to be discharged from the industrial facilities into the sewer system. The Committee suggested that KMK Consultants Ltd. be asked to confirm the origin of discharges, since this might have some impact on the Ministry’s treatment requirements. That the quote submitted by KMK Consultants Ltd., to perform work noted in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Provincial Order #2806-5GYP5G (Airport Clarigester), be accepted, at an estimated cost of $10,000; That the quote submitted by Monitario, to perform flow monitoring as required under Section 3 of Provincial Order #2806-5GYP5G (Airport Clarigester), be accepted, at an estimated cost of $5,500; That County staff perform sampling required under Section 2 of Provincial Order #2806- 5GYP5G (Airport Clarigester), with samples being sent to Maxxam for analysis; And that OCWA be instructed to perform the work required under Sections 6, 7 and 8 of Provincial Order #2806-5GYP5G (Airport Clarigester).
In discussion the Committee requested that a meeting be held with KMK Consultants Ltd. prior
to project commencement and staff was directed to confirm that reference to sampling from “the
industrial facilities from both within the County of Brant and the City of Brantford” refers to City-
owned properties located in the County, not industrial facilities located in the City of Brantford.

The following correspondence was received for the Committee’s information:
Canadian Environmental Regulation and Compliance News – Summary of 2002
Regulations / Legislation.

Ministry of the Environment – Brantford Airport Clarigester Sewage Treatment
System – Provincial Officer’s Order #2806-5GYP5G.

KMK Consultants Limited – Update – Detailed Design of the Paris and St. George
WPCP Upgrades.

E-mail Sent to Water Superintendent – Impact of Closure of Burtch Correctional
Facility on Mount Pleasant Distribution System Maintenance.

Mr. Davidson reported that until an alternate use is implemented at the current Burtch Correctional Facility site, the County can expect a loss of revenue and increased flushing and maintenance costs. In discussion it was noted that recent Old Burtch Farm Watermain water service connection agreements included a provision that if the County decommissions the water line, residents are responsible for their own water supply, however staff would have to investigate whether such provisions were included in earlier agreements. PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MINUTES Correspondence Sent to Ministry of the Environment – St. George Water Supply
Facility – Upgrades to Chlorine Disinfection System.

Mr. Davidson reported that due to an emergency repair to the chlorination system at the St.
George Water Supply in June, an amendment to the Certificate of Approval for this system
could not be obtained prior to upgrades being made. He noted that this letter addresses the
need to amend the Certificate of Approval to reflect the current equipment.
Association of Municipalities of Ontario – New Water Regulation Released for

Ministry of the Environment – Proposed Drinking Water Regulation Under the Safe
Drinking Water Act.

Ministry of the Environment – Documents to be Made Available or Accessible
During the Inspection of the St. George Waterworks System – January 15, 2002.

Ministry of the Environment – Airport Waterworks System – Provincial Officer’s
Order #3841-5GAQ9E – Recommendations for Annual Operations and
Maintenance of Vertical Turbine Pump.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario – Draft Blue Box Plan Presented to WDO.
Imperial Oil – Sarnia Products Pipeline (formerly PRISM Pipeline) – Safety and

In discussion questions were raised as to the tax assessment of the pipeline, this matter was
referred to the Treasurer to respond to the Mayor.
Brant County Health Unit – Boil Water Advisory Lifted for Scotland United Church.
Ministry of the Environment – Certificate of Approval for Watermain Construction
on Irongate Drive, Cobblestone Drive, Savannah Ridge Drive, Cardinal Lane,
Mason Drive and Rest Acres Road.

Ministry of the Environment – Certificate of Approval for Sanitary and Storm
Sewer Construction on Irongate Drive, Cobblestone Drive, Savannah Ridge Drive,
Cardinal Lane, Mason Drive and Rest Acres Road.

City of Brantford – Notice of Completion – Schedule B Class Environmental
Assessment – King George Road Sanitary Sewer and Pumping Station.

Grand River Conservation Authority – GRSM Scenario Results for the Town of

In response to questions, Mr. Sharp indicated that the Conservation Authority has prepared a
model of the river, to determine the impact that current and potential discharges have on water
quality. He noted that the Province would likely call on the Conservation Authority for comments
and recommendations (based on the results of the river model), when imposing discharge limits.
Ontario Rural Wastewater Centre – Upcoming Courses.
PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MINUTES Stewardship Ontario – Proposed Blue Box Program Plan.

Ms. Compeau noted that the full document is available in the Public Works Department.
Completed Items Report.
Roads Project Status Report.
J.H. Cohoon Engineering Limited – Update – Colborne Street East / Brant School
Road Watermain Replacement.

KMK Consultants Limited – Biosolids Management Strategy for Paris WPCP and
St. George WPCP – Executive Summary.

This correspondence will be forwarded for Committee and Council’s information.

Spreading of Biosolids in Wellhead Protection Areas

The Committee reviewed draft letters to be sent to the Minister of the Environment and the
Premier of Ontario, seeking Provincial support of the County’s position that stricter controls over
biosolids spreading are required, particularly adjacent to municipal water supplies. It was noted
that in view of the Province’s objection to the County’s Official Plan, which considers biosolids
spreading a land use (and as such prohibits this use in wellhead protection areas), Council
decided that instead of defending the County’s position at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing,
the Province would be petitioned to impose stricter controls / restrictions on biosolids spreading.
In discussion, concern was expressed that the wellhead protection areas identified in the
County’s Official Plan cover such a large area that it might be inappropriate to impose the same
restrictions throughout. It was suggested that in view of the vulnerability of groundwater
supplies and the amount of money invested by municipalities and the province to protect them,
appropriate buffer areas should be established around municipal water supplies, wherein a
complete ban on biosolids and manure spreading would be imposed. Further, it was suggested
that stricter controls over the spreading of biosolids should be implemented in wellhead
protection areas (limiting when, how and what volume of materials can be spread and giving the
municipality an opportunity to comment on applications before a Certificate of Approval is
issued) and that the spreading of liquid biosolids should be banned for all areas.
Staff was directed to revise the letters to reflect the above-noted discussion to be reviewed by
Environmental Services Committee members.
Delegation Topics – ROMA / OGRA Conference

In discussion it was agreed that pending a response from the Province to the County’s
correspondence regarding biosolids spreading in municipally identified wellhead protection
areas, the County would wish to make representation at the conference on this topic.
Mr. Hager advised the Committee of a breakfast session being held by KMK Consultants Ltd. on
a number of water issues and the draft Nutrient Management Act.
PUBLIC WORKS – ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MINUTES Consultation Period for Draft Nutrient Management Act

Mr. Hager reported that the deadline for comments on the draft Nutrient Management Act is
January 31, 2003. He noted that staff, in conjunction with Lotowater Ltd., would be preparing a
letter of response, outlining the County’s position on and concerns about nutrient management
and biosolids spreading. In discussion it was suggested that staff highlight the vulnerability of
groundwater resources and the financial investments made by municipalities and the Province
in groundwater supply protection. Draft copies of the comments will be forwarded to Committee
members for their review prior to submission.
2003 Meeting Dates

Ms. Compeau advised the Committee that Council referred the proposed 2003 Meeting Date
Schedule for Committee’s consideration, noting that the realignment of meeting dates to
accommodate holidays, conferences and vacation schedules is in keeping with past practices.
The Committee concurred with the proposed schedule.
Installation of Water Meters in St. George

In response to questions, Mr. Sharp indicated that only a few ratepayers continue to be
uncooperative with County and Neptune Technology staff and that the previously approved
policy regarding this matter will be followed.
Water Meter Repairs

In response to questions, Mr. Davidson indicated that Olameter has met with Water Department
staff to address outstanding concerns.
Presentation on Solid Waste Management Technology

Staff was directed to arrange for a presentation of the solid waste management technology
viewed at the Canadian Waste and Recycling Expo. Waste Management / Landfill Liaison
Advisory Committee member Bill Dale was asked to provide contact information.
Removal of Water Meter by Property Owner

In discussion it was noted that staff is investigating options to deal with this matter and would be
seeking a legal opinion to ensure that any action taken is defendable in court.
Watermain Break – Oak Avenue, Paris

In response to concerns about the age and condition of the watermain on Oak Avenue, it was
noted that staff are investigating this matter. A potential scenario relates to the installation of
sanitary sewer laterals under the watermain.
Storm Sewer Repairs – Grand River Street South

In response to questions, Mr. Sharp indicated that repairs on Grand River Street South were
required as a result of an improperly constructed storm sewer and would be completed by the
contractor involved.
Project Status Report

Copies of the Public Works – Environmental Services Project Status Report were received for
the Committee’s information. In discussion concerns were expressed about the volume of work
and whether the existing staff complement is adequate to complete all of the work, given the
numerous regulatory requirements.
Brant County Health Unit - Introductions

Ms. Compeau advised the Committee that Jeff Kowal, Manager of Environmental Health and
Inspection Services, Brant County Health Unit would be pleased to meet with the Committee. In
discussion it was agreed that Mr. Kowal would be invited to attend the next meeting and it was
suggested that several issues to be discussed would be the procedures for issuing/lifting boil
water advisories, restaurant inspections and licensing campgrounds.
Burford Servicing Project Financing

Ms. Compeau advised the Committee that the Burford Servicing project has been identified in
the 2003 budget as an unfinanced capital project. It is staff’s recommendation that funding for
this project be borrowed from reserves, to be billed back to benefiting ratepayers. She noted
that approximately $50,000 has been spent on this project to date.
That the funding of the previously authorized Class Environmental Assessment process / engineering being the initial phase of the Burford Servicing Project be provided as a loan from Capital Reserves to be repaid from the benefiting property owners when the Burford Servicing Project is completed.
Water System Upgrades

In discussion the Committee expressed concern that Hydromantis had not submitted a monthly
status report for January. Staff is following up on this matter.
Copies of the Public Works – Environmental Services cheque register dated January 23, 2003
were received for the Committee’s information.
In discussion regarding plans for the 2003 Fall Leaf Pick-up, it was suggested that discussions
be held earlier in the year so that whatever plans are made can be advertised through the tax

That the Public Works – Environmental Services Committee convene In Camera to
The Committee convened In Camera at 6:00 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. This portion of
the meeting is recorded in the Confidential – In Camera minutes of January 27, 2003. The
Committee reconvened in Open Session at 6:05 p.m. on a motion of Councillors Peirce and
Water Department Staff Complement

Resulting from discussions held In Camera, the Committee authorized staff to proceed to post
for the position of Water Clerk as soon as possible.
The next meeting of the Public Works – Environmental Services Committee is scheduled for
Monday, February 10, 2003, 3:00 p.m. at the County Administration Building, Mount Vernon
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.



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