Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa flagyl metronidazol Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.


hAir reseArch ANd scieNce esT., VAduz, liechTeNsTeiN rogaine is the major brand name for minoxidil, which appears to slow or stop hair loss for many users. in many cases it also promotes temporary hair regrowth, especially for men under age 40 losing hair from the crown area. Although relatively ineffective in treating receding frontal hairlines and men over 40, minoxidil is the lowest cost hair loss product with proven results on the us market. The side effects are minimal compared to Propecia, painless compared to hair transplants and many users are pleased with the limited results.
rogaine was developed in the 1980s and has been available without prescription since 1998.
rogaine was first sold as a 2% solution and later, 5% extra-strength solution and foam products were made available. The 2% solution is recommended for women and the 5% for men. The success rate varies widely and is very dependent on the objective of the user. The company suggests an average success rate of 30–40% for the 2% solution and 50–60% for the 5% solution and 85% for the 5% foam (in a study of 352 men when compared to a placebo) after four months of twice-daily application.1 but here the claims and statistics get somewhat confusing. The question is how do you describe the success rate? if the goal is to actually regrow hair, then studies show only 8% achieve dense hair growth. Moderate growth has been shown to occur in about 30% of users2; again, this is only on the crown of the head rather than in the front with a receding hairline. but if a user wants to simply stop hair loss on the crown, in a typical bald spot expanding on the top back of the head, then success is often achieved at the higher rates claimed by the manufacturer.
1 http://shop.rogaine.com/home.do 2 http://hairlossdotcom.blogspot.ca/2012/04/minoxidil-frequently-asked-questions.html hAir reseArch ANd scieNce esT., VAduz, liechTeNsTeiN The upjohn corporation first developed minoxidil as a successful treatment for high blood pressure in the 1980s. but after sustained use many users discovered an unanticipated side effect – the drug caused some hair growth. These reports were followed by trials and studies and the fdA approved the drug for hair growth in 1988. At first, the drug was sold only in a liquid 2% solution by prescription but in 1996 it was approved for over-the-counter use. in 1997 the new 5% solution was approved for men and in 2006 a 5% foam solution was approved for over-the-counter use.
first of al , with whatever level of hair growth or retention is achieved, the user must continue the once or twice daily application for life because the hair growth created by the minoxidil product is not permanent. in most cases the hair growth will return to a pre-minoxidil state within 30 to 60 days after daily applications are ended. The possible side effects are generally mild, involving some degree of eye irritation, unwanted hair growth on the body, especially by women, and skin irritation including burning, flaking, dryness and itching. in some cases more severe reactions can include weight gain, swelling of the hands or ankles, the stomach and the face. Additional problems can develop including rapid heart rate, lightheadedness and chest pain. Although some temporary sexual side effects have been noted by some users, the results are inconclusive at this time and are nothing compared to the problems for users of minoxidil’s major competitor, the once a day Propecia pill.3 women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or could become pregnant should not use minoxidil. women should only use the 2% solution because the extra-strength 5% solution can create excessive body hair growth and decreased blood pressure for women. The product must be kept inaccessible to cats as it is highly toxic to them; users must carefully wash their hands before handling any cat, as even inadvertent skin contact can cause death.4 finally, minoxidil-induced hair loss is also a negative for many users, especially at the beginning of treatment. This common side effect is described as “shedding” and is reported to usually be temporary. Nonetheless, the manufacturer does not provide a guarantee the lost hair will be replaced with new hair growth.
hair loss begins with micro-inflammation and malnourishment caused by follicle Nutrient deficiency syndrome (fNds). Although no one knows exactly why fNds begins, at first the weakened existing hair follicle shrinks in size and width and later the inflammation and lack of nourishment causes a fibrous “cocoon” to develop. This prevents the follicle from receiving proper nutrition and eventually it entirely stops producing hair. rogaine appears to temporarily revitalize the shrunken hair follicles because as a vasodilator, the product increases the flow of blood in the scalp. 3 http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/ 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil hAir reseArch ANd scieNce esT., VAduz, liechTeNsTeiN This increased blood flow appears to increase the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles and delay the dormancy period for up to 96 weeks, the longest duration of studies to date. The resulting hair growth, often wispy and curly, does increase hair coverage and thickness on the crown, which can delay hair loss and even grow new hair in some cases. The main problem with Minoxidil is the quality and retention of new hair growth. The new hair seldom reaches the density of normal, natural hair because the increased blood flow only temporarily increases the flow of nutrients. in addition, when application of the product is discontinued malnourishment quickly sets in again, which is the reason newly grown hair usually falls out within 30 to 60 days.
rogaine, or minoxidil, seems worthy of consideration for hair loss sufferers wanting to delay hair loss and/or potentially restore some hair growth on the crown of the head. it is inexpensive and available over-the-counter without a prescription so it is simple for individuals to give it a try to see whether it works for them. however, as previously stated, minoxidil offers at best a temporary reprieve from hair loss rather than a solution. Although the increased blood flow resulting from this vasodilator’s action may lead to some hair regrowth and/or may delay some hair loss on the crown, this is at best a short-term bandage rather than a treatment of the underlying condition, fol icle Nutrient deficiency syndrome (fNds). The long-term solution is to deliver needed anti-inflammatory and nutrient components to hair fol icles, to reduce and eradicate the micro-inflammation and malnourishment that is choking off the fol icles and reducing them to a dormant state. A new therapy has been developed in south America by the same group of scientists and physicians that identified fol icle Nutrient deficiency syndrome. Treatment offered in south America since 2004 has shown the treatment indeed “awakens” the dormant hair fol icles, leading to resumption of normal, healthy hair growth cycle in 85% to 100% of users, depending upon individual condition. in addition to the treatment locations in south America, this therapy is now awaiting approval in many jurisdictions around the world after which the manufacturer intends to make treatment available worldwide.

Source: http://www.biologixhair.com/default/assets/File/BiologixHairInc-Minoxidil.pdf

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Newsletter February 2009 Putting Webinars to Work in Law Enforcement and Public Safety By James P. Cavanagh, Knowledge Transfer Agent The Law Enforcement And Public Safety Channel – LEAPS.TV [email protected] What is a “webinar”? Many say webinar is short for “web seminar” but that may not help much in understanding what a webinar actually is. Ignoring all the hype and claims

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