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Dear dr…

“Mehdi Kazemi-Bonchenari Curriculum Vita
Assist. Professor in Animal Nutrition,
Department of Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Arak University,
Arak, Iran.
Educational Background;
- BSc; University of Zanjan (1999- 2003)
- MSc; University of Tehran (2003- 2005)
- PhD; University of Tehran (2005-2010)
- Visiting research period: University of Sydney, Australia (Feb-Aug 2010)
Conference Attendance;
- Oral presentation in British Society of Animal Science (BSAS), 2006; University
of York
, England.
“Evaluation of National Research Council 2001 and Cornell Pennsylvania Miner
software for predicting dry matter intake of Holstein cows during the
- Poster presentation in World Buitrics Congress, 2008; Budapest, Hungary.
“The Comparison of Lactating Dairy Cows Performance Fed Rations
Formulated by National Research Council 2001 and Cornell Pennsylvania Miner”
- Oral presentation in World Buitrics Congress, 2012; Lisbon, Portugal.
"The effects of increased sulfur level supplied through inorganic source with or
without organic source in close-up diets of Holstein dairy cows on blood
metabolites and liver function"
Conference Papers;
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, A. Nikkhah, H. Amanlou, H. Mehrabani. 2006.
Evaluation of National Research Council 2001 and Cornell Pennsylvania Miner
software for predicting dry matter intake of Holstein cows during the midlactation.
BSAS, England.
- M. Taghinejad roudbaneh, A. Nikkhah, M. Kazemi-Bonchenari. 2008.
Evaluation of some commonly used Nutrition Software for Predicting dry Matter
Intake of Holstein Cows during the Mid-Lactation. BSAS, England.
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, A. Nikkhah, H. Amanlou, M. Taghinejad. 2008.
Performance Comparison of lactating Holstein cows fed rations formulated by
National Research Council 2001 and Cornell Pennsylvania Miner programs.
WBC, Hungary.
- M. Kazemi Bonchenari, K. Rezayazdi, M. Dehghan, A. Nikkhah, H.
Khalilvandi, V. Keshavarz, F. Ghaziani. 2009. Optimum ratio of ammonia
nitrogen to peptide nitrogen in ruminal fluid for fiber digestibility and nitrogen
utilization efficiency in dairy cows. ADSA.
- A. Nikkhah, M. Kazemi Bonchenari, K. Rezayazdi, M. Dehghan, H. Kohram.
2009. Effect of different ratios of ammonia nitrogen to peptide nitrogen on
microbial nitrogen synthesis in dairy cows. ADSA, Canada.
- A.Nikkhah, V. Keshavarz, H. Amanloo, M. Dehghan, and M. Kazemi-
. 2009. Effect of decreasing forage fiber in close-up cows diets on
rumination time, DMI and subsequent lactation performance. ADSA, Canada.
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, A. Nikkhah, H. Amanlou, M. Taghinejad. 2009.
Performance Comparison of Lactating Holstein Cows Fed Rations Formulated by
National Research Council 2001 and Cornell Pennsylvania Miner Programs.
BSAS, England.
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, K. Rezayazdi, , A. Nikkhah, H. Kohram, M. Dehghan,
M. Eslami. 2010. The Effect of Caseinate Supplementation on Performance and
Microbial Nitrogen Flow in Well-fed Early Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows. BSAS,
- V. Keshavarz , H. Amanlou, A. Nikkhah, M. Dehghan-Banadaky, E. Mahjoobi
and M. Kazemi-Bonchenari. 2010. Effects of different levels of effective neutral
detergent fiber on chewing activity parameters and intake in close-up Holstein
dairy cows. WBC. Chilli.
- M. Kazemi-bonchenari , Eghbali M.; Kafilzadeh F.; Hozhabri F.; Afshar S.
Barkhori S. 2012. The comparison of different treatments of canola meal on in
situ dry matter and crude protein degradation in sheep rumen . WBC, Portugal.
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, V. Keshavaraz, H. Amanlou, 2012. The effects of
increased sulfur level supplied through inorganic source with or without organic
source in close-up diets of Holstein dairy cows on blood metabolites and liver function. WBC, Portugal. Journal Papers;
- Keshavarz, V. Amanlou, H., A. Nikkhah, M. Dehghan-Banadaky, E. Mahjoobi
and M. Kazemi-Bonchenari. 2010. Effects of different levels of effective
fiber in close-up cows diets on intake and chewing activity and
subsequent lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows. V.Keshavarz,
Journal of animal and veterinary advances; 9 (12): 1785-1790.
- Kazemi-Bonchenari, M., K. Rezayazdi, A. Nikkhah, H. Kohram, and M.
Dehghan-Banadaky. 2010. The effects of different levels of sodium
caseinate on rumen fermentation pattern, digestibility and microbial
protein synthesis of Holstein dairy cows. African journal of biotechnology,
9 (13): 1990-1998.
- Eghbali, M., F. Kafilzadeh, F. Hozhabri, S. Afshar and M. Kazemi-Bonchenari,
2011. Treating canola meal changes in situ degradation, nutrient apparent
digestibility, and protein fractions in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 96: 136–
- Kazemi-Bonchenari, M, K. Rezayazdi, H. A. Ghasemi, A. H. Khaltabadi
Farahani, M. Dehghan-Banadaky, A. Mahdavi. 2011. The effect of rumen
degradable protein supplementation on purine derivatives excreted through urine
and milk in lactating dairy cow. . Journal of animal and veterinary advances; 9
(18): 2389-2393.
- Akhavan-Salamat, H., Ghasemi, H. A., Khaltabadi-Farahani, A. H. and Kazemi-
Bonchenari M
. 2011. The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on performance
and nutrients digestibility in broilers fed with diet containing different levels of
phosphorous. African Journal of Biotechnology: 10 (38): 7526-7533.
- Absalan M, A. Afzalzade, M. Mirzaee, S.D. Sharifi, M. Khorvash and M.
. 2011. Feeding of whole cottonseed on performance,
carcass characteristics and intestinal morphology of Zandi lambs,. South African
Journal of Animal Science
, 41, (3): 309 - 317.
- Kazemi-Bonchenari, M., Rezayazdi, K., Nikkhah, A., Kohram, H. and
Dehghan-Banadaky. 2012. Effects of supplementation with sodium caseinate of
early lactation diet on performance, digestibility, microbial nitrogen flow, and
nitrogen efficiency in Holstein cows. M. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research,
(Shiraz University), 13 (3): 234 – 240.
- Afshar S., M. M. Tabatabaei, M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, M. Eghbali and S.
Barkhori. 2012. Interaction between barley grain processing and source of
dietary protein on nutrients digestibility, rumen pH and ammonia concentration in
sheep. Scientific Research and Essays 7 (30): 2713-2717.
- Mehni S. B., H. K. Shabankareh, M. Kazemi-Bonchenari and M. Eghbali.
2012. The Comparison of Treating Holstein Dairy Cows with Progesterone, CIDR
and GnRH After Insemination on Serum Progesterone and Pregnancy Rates.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 47: 131–134.
- Afshar, S. S.H. Safari, H.R. Ferdowsi and M. Kazemi-Bonchenari. 2013. The
effect of two forage/concentrates ratios accompanied with two different nitrogen
sources on rumen parameres and nutrients digestibility in sheep. International
Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. Vol., 3 (3), 688-693.
-Ghasemi, H.A., M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, A.H. Khaltbadi-Farahani, M. Khodaei-
Motlagh. 2013. The effect of feeding rations with different ratios of concentrate to
alfalfa hay on blood hematological and biochemical parameters of farmed
ostriches (Struthio camelus). In press, Tropical animal health and production,
DOI 10.1007/s11250-013-0409-0
- M. Kazemi-Bonchenari, H. A. Ghasemi, M. Khodaei-Motlagh, A. H.
Khaltabadi-Farahani and M. Ilani. 2013. Influence of feeding synbiotic containing
Enterococcus faecium and inulin on blood metabolites, nutrient digestibility and
growth performance in sheep fed alfalfa-based diet. Scientific Research and
8 (21): 853-857.
- Beiranvand, H. G. R. Ghorbani, M. Khorvash and M. Kazemi-Bonchenari.
2013. Forage and sugar in dairy calves' starter diet and their interaction on
performance, weaning age and rumen fermentation. In press, Journal of animal
physiology and animal nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12089.
Interested Fields;
- Protein nutrition in animal
- Transition period in dairy cows
- Fiber digestibility improvement
- Calf and heifer rearing
Courses taught;
- Dairy cow production
- Calf and Heifer rearing
- Basic animal nutrition and feeding
- Biochemistry
- Ration formulation
- Animal feeds
Academic position;
- Research and education vice of agriculture at the Arak University (Sep. 2011-
- Effect of Licorice in transition period of dairy cows and also on calf responses
- Investigation the inclusion of Poultry by-product meal (PBM) in ruminant diets
- Different Grass/Legumes ratios accompanying with urea in ruminant diets
- Inclusion of Vicia Ervilia as protein source in ruminant diet

Source: http://asd.araku.ac.ir/download/cv.pdf


Post-traumatic stress disorder and life events among recently resettled refugees Post-traumatic stress disorder and life events among recentlyDepartment of Public Health Sciences, Division of PsychosocialThis work is dedicated to absent friends:Hartmut Apitzsch for his clinical sensitivity and dedication, generous sharing of wisdom, andSten W. Jakobsson for his compassion, inspir


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