Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa antibiotika Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
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WADA publishes 2012 Prohibited List
Montreal, September 27, 2011 – Following approval by the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Executive Committee on September 17, the 2012 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods is now available.
Noteworthy changes to the List, which will come into force on January 1, 2012, include:
Formoterol added as an exception to beta-2 agonists
One of the most significant changes is the removal of formoterol from Section 3 ‘Beta-2 Agonists’ of the List when taken by inhalation at therapeutic dosages.
Taking into account recent research results and requests by members of the sports community, inhaled formoterol at therapeutic doses is no longer prohibited.
The List prohibits the administration of all beta-2 agonists except salbutamol (maximum 1600 micrograms over 24 hours), salmeterol when taken by inhalation, and now formoterol (maximum 36 micrograms taken over 24 hours).
The issue of beta-2 agonists will continue to be a focus of WADA’s research activity in order to ensure that the administration of large doses or by systemic routes of these substances is prevented and prohibited, but that the appropriate care and treatment of asthmatic athletes is facilitated.
Alcohol and beta-blockers
At the request of the Federation Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ), alcohol is no longer included on the List as a prohibited in-competition substance for ninepin and tenpin bowling.
After a review by WADA and following discussions with stakeholders, bobsleigh and skeleton, curling, modern pentathlon, motorcycling, sailing and wrestling have also been removed from the list of sports included in the List in which beta-blockers are prohibited.
Nicotine placed on monitoring program
In order to detect potential patterns of abuse, nicotine has been placed on WADA’s 2012 Monitoring Program.
It is NOT WADA’s intention to target smokers, rather to monitor the effects nicotine can have on performance when taken in oral tobacco products such as snus.
Nicotine is one of several stimulants added to the Monitoring Program, along with the narcotics hydrocone and tramadol. Out-of-competition use of glucocorticosteroids has also been included.
Under Article 4.5 of the World Anti-Doping Code, WADA is mandated to establish a monitoring program regarding substances that are not on the List, but which the Agency wishes to monitor in order to detect potential patterns of misuse.
Mobile-friendly formats
In an effort to provide stakeholders with tools to support anti-doping activities, and following the successful iPhone application introduced in 2011, the 2012 Prohibited List will again be available on iPhones, and for the first time on other mobile devices.
In addition to the English, French and Spanish versions of the List, it is also now possible to add additional languages. Stakeholders who wish to translate the List can do so by November 1, 2011 and send WADA the new version to be inserted into the mobile-friendly platforms at minimal cost.
For more information contact: [email protected].
To consult the 2012 Prohibited List, the 2012 Monitoring Program, a summary of modifications on the 2012 List, and a Q&A on major changes, click here.
facebook.com/wada.ama | http://twitter.com/wada_ama | youtube.com/wadamovies | flickr.com/photos/worldantidopingagencyRead Play True Magazine online - wada-ama.org/playtrue / Consultez le magazine Franc Jeu en ligne - wada-ama.org/francjeuThe World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the international independent organization created in 1999 to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms. The Agency is composed and funded equally by the sports movement and governments of the world. Its key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code - the document harmonizing regulations regarding anti-doping in all sports and all countries.L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) est une organisation internationale indépendante créée en 1999 pour promouvoir, coordonner et superviser la lutte contre le dopage dans le sport sous toutes ses formes. L'Agence est composée et financée à parité par le mouvement sportif et les gouvernements. Ses activités principales comprennent la recherche scientifique, l'éducation, le développement de programmes antidopage et la surveillance du respect du Code mondial antidopage - le document harmonisant les règles liées au dopage dans tous les sports et dans tous les pays. 2011 World Anti-Doping Agency
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) - Stock Exchange Tower, 800 Place Victoria (Suite 1700), P.O. Box 120, Montreal (Quebec) H4Z 1B7, Canada
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